Long Sword and Jun Wu

Chapter 69 The Danger of the Snow Mountain

Chapter 69 The Danger of the Snow Mountain
Pei Min wanted to talk to Gongsun Ling several times, but was pulled back by Li Tingmu.

Seeing that everyone had eaten and washed their hands, and wanted to get on the horse and continue on their way, Pei Min had no choice but to give up.

The crowd galloped for more than two hours, and when they came to a small stream, Murta ordered to stop and set up camp.

The sky gradually darkened, and the hares and ducks were roasted on the fire again.Everyone rode their horses and ran all day, and they were very tired. After eating, they all went back to their tents to rest.

Bonfires were built around the tents to prevent sneak attacks by wild beasts and wolves.Gongsun Ling was sitting by a fire near his tent, holding the bonfire with a branch, and was in a daze.

Occasionally look up at the stars, and occasionally look back at the flames in a daze.

There were only her and Li Tingmu in the whole team. Of course, she couldn't share the same tent with the noble princess. In order to take care of Gongsun Ling, Pei Min purposely set up his tent next to her.

He walked to Gongsun Ling and sat down, and together they used twigs to carry the bonfire.

"Ling'er." Pei Min called softly.

"Huh?" Gongsun Ling replied absent-mindedly.

"I don't have any personal relationship with the princess." Pei Min didn't know how to explain, so he had to say something.

The grasslands in the north seem to be boundless, and there are countless stars shining in the sky, shining brightly, and the entire Milky Way seems to be within reach, which is not easy to see in the south.

Under the starry sky, Gongsun Ling's mood gradually improved, and she turned to look at him, "Why did you tell me this?"
Pei Min shook his head, "I don't know, I just don't want you to misunderstand."
Gongsun Ling turned her head back, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, but her tone was mocking: "I'm afraid that the flowing water is ruthless, but the falling flowers are intentional."
Pei Min hurriedly said: "No, Liushui definitely has no intention of falling in love with falling flowers."
The corners of Gongsun Ling's mouth turned even higher.

But the business is important, for now, let him play tricks on the handsome man to get the Xuanling Ice Soul as soon as possible.

In order not to let him see his expression, Gongsun Ling quickly got up and walked towards his tent, "Got it! I didn't misunderstand you either. Let's rest early."
Pei Min was left alone to admire the stars in the cool breeze.

In the early morning of the next day, after everyone got up early and ate the morning food, they opened their tents and continued on their way.

It was almost evening, and Qianyun Mountain loomed ahead.The towering peaks of the mountains were covered with white snow, and looked from afar, it was chilly.

"We will set up a tent at the bottom of the mountain tonight, and we will go up the mountain tomorrow morning." Murta said.

Everyone naturally obeys.Early the next morning, leaving the tent and other heavy objects behind, and sending two guards to guard, Murta led the others up the mountain.

There were still lush forests at the foot of the mountain, and along the way, Murta asked everyone to pick up branches and dry firewood, and stockpile them for torches.After the horses drove them for more than an hour, they saw scattered snowflakes.

The temperature plummeted, and everyone put on animal skins to keep out the cold.

After walking for a while, there is already a thick layer of snow on the road and trees.

They are almost at the top of the mountain.

"The entrance to the tomb is nearby." Murta said to Pei Min.

Everyone's speed slowed down, Pei Min looked around, it was white, and he didn't know the direction for a while.

Murta took out a parchment, which should be a topographic map of Qianyun Mountain.

"Go there." Murta pointed to the front right and took the lead to lead the way.

The snow on the mountain was so deep that it was not suitable for the horses to run fast, so they could only move forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Only the sound of dozens of hoofs stepping on the snow can be heard in the mountain forest of Jingshi. It is too quiet, and the atmosphere is a bit weird.


Suddenly, there was a scream from the rear of the line.

Everyone immediately reined in the horses, stopped and looked back, only to see that the guard at the end of the team had fallen off the horse, half lying on the snow, panting, with blood on his body.

The bright red blood was still dripping from his body, smearing on a piece of white snow, the eye-catching red was extremely dazzling.

Murta quickly dismounted and galloped to the side of the guard.

"What happened? Who attacked you?" Murta asked anxiously.

The guard panted and replied, "I don't know, I didn't see it clearly, it seems to be a gray-white, fluffy mass."
I don't know what kind of beast it was, but it moved so quickly that even the well-trained cavalry didn't see clearly what was being attacked.

Pei Min quickly drew out his sword and looked around.

He was a little annoyed, usually his alertness was extremely sharp, but today he didn't notice it.

Gongsun Ling also drew out her soft sword and waited for it. She also knew that Pei Min was the first to sense the danger, but this time he didn't give any warning. This shows that the opponent must not be easy.

Still thinking, another guard fell off the horse.

"Ah~", several bloodstains were scratched on his back, and the blood gushed out.

The horse began to neigh, and everyone frantically controlled the reins and comforted the horse.

This time everyone saw clearly that the beast did not hide this time, but stood on a big rock, looking at them majestically.

It is gray and white all over, with black spots, its eyes are amber, with fierce eyes, but its mouth seems to be smiling, and it makes a "meow", which actually has a contrasting sense of cuteness.

But everyone couldn't laugh at it. Murta looked at this "big cat", and cold sweat oozes out of his back rarely.

It seems that they are encroaching on the territory of this big cat.

"It's the snow leopard, everyone gather together, don't be alone." Murta issued a warning. Everyone tensed their backs and drew their weapons one after another. They got off their horses and stood at the front, protecting the wounded and Princess Li Tingmu behind them.

Gongsun Ling got off her horse in a hurry, put on a posture, pointed the tip of her sword at the snow leopard, but was stopped by Pei Min, and pulled her behind him.

Seeing his serious expression, Gongsun Ling thought this snow leopard would be difficult to deal with, so she didn't try to be brave.

After a brief confrontation between the two sides, the snow leopard opened its mouth again and meowed, revealing two long sharp teeth, and then rushed forward with lightning speed, throwing down a guard.

"Ah~!" The scream sounded again, and there were four more claw marks on his chest.

The snow leopard showed its sharp front paws and continued to rush left and right. Two more people couldn't dodge and were scratched by it.

Both Pei Min and Murta rushed forward to attack the snow leopard, but the snow leopard's movements were extremely agile. When Murta's big knife slashed past, the snow leopard jumped away nimbly, and with a light leap, it jumped onto a big tree. on the trunk of the tree.

Murta and the others saw that the opportunity was not lost, they went to the horse's side and drew their bows and arrows, shooting at the snow leopard.

The snow leopard swiftly flashed again, and all the feathered arrows were shot in the air.

Murta looked at the figure of the snow leopard in disbelief, not expecting that his own arrow would one day miss.

The snow leopard dodged the feathered arrow, and was about to attack the crowd again, but saw a black sword stabbing at it, so it quickly jumped aside.

This time the snow leopard didn't dodge any more, and Pei Min's Xuanqing sword cut a gash in its abdomen, and the blood was red against the snow.

Despite the pain, the snow leopard quickly jumped to another big tree, staring at Pei Min fiercely.

 The snow leopard is a unique species in the mountains of Central Asia and South Asia. If the plot requires it, please invite it to play a guest role. Please collect it and ask for tickets.
(End of this chapter)

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