Long Sword and Jun Wu

Chapter 7 My World

Chapter 7 My World
A Qianniuwei walked in with a tray in both hands, and when he came up to Princess Taiping, he knelt down and held up the tray in his hand. On the tray was a wine pot carved with gold lacquer and a silk-wrapped agate inlaid with gold, which were incomparably noble and luxurious.But now it is filled with poisonous wine that is life-threatening.

Princess Taiping stepped back in horror, looked at Li Longji, "You want to kill me?"

Li Longji looked at Princess Taiping coldly, and said: "Don't say that my nephew doesn't care about family affection. Right now, I have two choices for my aunt. One is to go to the White Horse Temple in Luoyang to be ordained and become a monk tonight, and I will never interfere with the affairs of the court; the other is to drink After drinking this glass of wine, there will be no more Princess Taiping in the world, and I will give my aunt a grand funeral."
Princess Taiping looked at the wine cup, calmed down slowly, her eyes began to loosen, she looked towards the void and muttered to herself, "Hmph, over the past twenty years, since I have been helping my mother handle the government affairs, I have tried my best to ensure that Satisfied my mother. Although my mother often said that I was resourceful and decisive in dealing with things, she was the most like her, but she never praised me for doing well, and only thought that it should be done. For more than 20 years, I have been trembling and never dared to relax. I am afraid that my mother will be dissatisfied, deny all my efforts, and want to take away everything I have."
"Finally, my mother abdicated. I thought I could finally be my own master, but there was another Queen Wei. After I cut off Queen Wei and her party feathers, I felt that the world would eventually belong to me, but this God refused to let me do what I wanted, and sent you to fight with me."
Princess Taiping's eyes focused back, she glared at Li Longji angrily, she stretched out her hand and overturned the tray, with a few bangs, the trays and cups were all scattered on the ground.He roared with hatred: "Li Longji, I don't want to die, I want to be the master of the world."
Li Longji's expression turned soft suddenly, and he looked at Princess Taiping, but the words that came out of his mouth were extremely cruel, "Auntie, this world has never been yours."
After Li Longji finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the hall. Gao Lishi waved his whisk again, and another Qianniuwei walked in holding a tray with a piece of white silk in it.

The door of the hall was closed, and Li Longji stood on the steps with his hands behind his back, looking up at the bright moon and countless stars in the sky.

"Ah!" The mournful and desperate roar resounded throughout the night sky of the Princess Mansion, startling all the crows on the tree.

Woo... Night Breeze seemed to follow suit and sang a haunting ghost song, which echoed under the sky of Chang'an City.

The muffled noise in the hall gradually subsided, and finally everything returned to calm.

With the sound of "click", the hall door opened, Gao Lishi came out and stood behind Li Longji, and said respectfully: "Everyone, it's done."
Li Longji lowered his head again, looking down at the hundreds of soldiers and servants kneeling below. They were trembling, the horror on their faces had not faded, and the shadow of death shrouded them again.

Li Longji glanced around, raised his right hand high, and swung it down. All the Yulin soldiers raised their knives and dropped them, and the sound of "click, click" was heard endlessly.

"Wow." The servants who hadn't yet had their turn screamed in shock when they saw the head rolling down in front of them, but they were quickly silenced by the sound of slashing.Dozens of people stood up and fled in a panic, but they were all caught and killed with a knife.

Li Longji looked at everything below with cold eyes. He was high above, like a goshawk looking at the ground under his feet, enjoying the glory of the winner, and said softly: "The world will eventually belong to me."
He looked at it for a while, then stepped down the steps, passed the purgatory-like killing field, and headed for the gate of the mansion.

So no one noticed that on the roof of a remote turret crouched a young man in black, his eyes were stern, his right wrist was wrapped with cloth strips, and it seemed that blood was still oozing.

He looked at all this indifferently, and soon he stood up, bowed in the direction of the main hall, raised the silver sword in his hand, and disappeared into the night without a sound.He came and went without a trace, and no one found him.

Li Longji walked out of the mansion and looked at Captain Yubayashi. The captain understood, drew his sword from his waist, and slashed at the princess guard beside the carriage.

The sound of "cha chi...!" sounded again, and the two or three hundred guards were powerless to fight back under the siege of the three thousand Yulin army, not to mention the other servants and maids, who all became souls under the sword amidst the crying .

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! Forgive me, I have something important to announce." Suddenly, a hurried shout reached Li Longji's ears, and the figure also rushed towards him, but before he could get close, he was stopped by tens of thousands of cattle guards , Seeing that it was about to be chopped into more than ten sections, Li Longji raised his hand to stop him: "Wait!"
Qian Niuwei retracted his sword respectfully and retreated, Cui Shi hurriedly stood up and ran to Li Longji, knelt down and saluted, "See Your Majesty, my minister Cui Shi has something important to announce."
Li Longji looked at him with raised eyebrows, "Prime Minister Cui, didn't you go out of the city at night? Why did you come back again?" His words were full of sarcasm.

Cui Shi was secretly startled by his keen insight, but he still tried his best to remain calm, "I dare not."
Li Longji raised the corners of his lips and said, "What's the matter? Tell me."
Cui Shi hurriedly said, "My lord, have you ever heard a rumor in Jianghu, "The common people are boundless, and one sword can rule the world"?It refers to the number one sword in the world - Cang Ming. "
"The number one sword in the world - Cang Ming?" Li Longji didn't understand why he brought up such an insignificant thing.

Cui Shi nodded, "Yes, it is rumored that as long as you get this divine sword, you can conquer the world and rule the world. I have already grasped the clues to find this divine sword, and I have also obtained one of the gods. In some time, I will be able to find this world's number one divine sword and present it to the Holy One."
Li Longji remained silent, and the scene was silent for a while, the cold sweat on Cui Shi's back drenched his clothes.

"Hahahahahaha.!" Li Longji laughed out loud suddenly, with a sinister and rampant laugh.

Cui Shi was even more frightened by the laughter, unable to figure out what the person in front of him was thinking.

Li Longji managed to stop his laughter, and said to Cui Shi, "Prime Minister Cui, Prime Minister Cui, you are still a scholar, and you would believe such absurd and nonsensical rumors! And my aunt will be fooled by you?"

He leaned slightly close to Cui Shi, and said confidently, "Why do we need a sword to stabilize the world?"

After straightening up, he said boldly: "I am the destiny. I can turn my hand into clouds and my hands into rain, and protect my great Tang Dynasty forever."
Cui Shi's face turned pale when he heard that, he never thought that the strategy he had carefully planned for a year was just an absurd joke in the eyes of others?

"Hahaha!" Li Longji ignored him, laughed and walked towards his six-wheeled dragon chariot.

"My lord, my lord, I really know where one of the artifacts is, my lord, please forgive me." Cui Shi still didn't give up, and wanted to catch up and continue to persuade.

Gao Lishi was impatient when he heard that, he waved his fly whisk, Captain Yubayashi swung his sword and slashed down, with a sound of "chi~", blood sprayed, Cui Shi fell down slowly, his eyes were still wide open.

Everything is calm again.

On the first day of August in the second year of Xiantian, the powerful and powerful Princess Taiping was bestowed to death. Thousands of heads fell to the ground in Chang'an City, blood flowed into rivers, and the sound of mourning and mourning spread to every corner.Since then, another great Tang Dynasty has opened.

The whereabouts of Princess Taiping's Jinfeng Yuxi have been unknown since then.

 The world of the Tang Dynasty has finally returned to Li Longji's hands. Please collect it

(End of this chapter)

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