Chapter 72
The sunken square hole began to vibrate slightly, and the hearts of everyone who had just let go rose again, standing in a circle to guard against the outside, not knowing what kind of mechanism it was.

Countless small pieces of transparent color began to pour out from the mouth of the mechanism that released the Tianbing hidden weapon just now, and the speed was so fast that it began to spread to everyone's feet.

Li Tingmu's face turned pale, Pei Min and Murta also looked nervous, "It's ice, everyone hurry up."
It seems that if the mechanism just now fails, a large amount of ice will be used to bury the person alive.

"Everyone, go up!" Murta yelled and led the people to retreat to the wall, letting people climb up first.

However, the walls are covered with ice, and there is no point to apply force at all. The hands and feet will slide down after climbing up a little. This wall is only more than one foot high, which also stumps the hero.

The height of the ice has submerged to everyone's calf, and everyone is not only afraid, but also has bursts of chills.

Fortunately, Murta and the others brought a lot of equipment and tools. He took out the claw hook and threw it out of the hole, trying to grab the leverage point so that people could catch the fly and climb up.

But after throwing it several times, it was unsuccessful. It seems that the outside of the cave is also covered with ice, and the claw hook cannot be nailed at all.

Murta's face became even more gloomy, he never expected that they would be folded in this mere ten-foot-deep hole.

The ice cubes poured out faster and faster, almost drowning their waists. Li Tingmu finally couldn't hold it anymore, shed two lines of clear tears, and pulled Pei Min to cry: "Brother Pei, aren't you very good at martial arts? Hurry up!" Think of a way!"
Pei Min looked at the Xuanqing sword in his hand, frowned and pondered for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and then touched the ice wall to make sure that the ice wall was strong enough, so he used the Hunyuan Jue, thrust it through his right arm, and aimed at the height of the wall, The Xuanqing sword went straight into the ice wall, leaving only half a foot long outside.

Pei Min jumped up and stood up, kicked twice to make sure he could bear the weight, and then saw that there was no danger outside the cave, so he first pulled Gongsun Ling up and pushed it out.

Gongsun Ling jumped up, turned around and prepared to help pull him up.

Just when Li Tingmu was about to go crazy again, Pei Min took her hand, Murta helped her up, and Gongsun Ling came outside to support her.

Murta pushed the other guards up the order, and finally himself.

After Murta went up, he found that Pei Min had jumped down again, and half of his body was almost submerged in the ice. He exclaimed: "What are you doing? Come up quickly."
Gongsun Ling's almond eyes tightened, staring at Pei Min.

Pei Min was lucky, and pulled out the Xuanqing sword, Murta hurriedly threw the rope down, and several people worked together to pull Pei Min up from the ice.

In the instant of life and death, it didn't take long for the hollow to be filled with countless small ice cubes, and people would never survive if they were trapped in it.

Everyone just walked through the gate of hell, and in their thoughts, they were glad that they didn't freeze to death inside. They all sat aside and didn't say a word. The cave was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, and this was a tomb, which made everyone feel anxious. Cold and shivering.

Seeing that the situation was not optimistic, Pei Min said to Murta, "General, please protect the princess first."
Murta asked everyone to light the torches again, looked around, and said, "Let's find the exit first." Just now everyone rolled down, but now they don't know where they are, let alone how to get out.

Li Tingmu stared blankly ahead, not recovering from the thrill just now.Murta helped the princess up, but was waved away by her, "My princess is fine, I don't need to be helped." He said stubbornly and followed the team.

The cave is very big and deep, but no one dares to walk quickly.It took about half an hour to walk without incident, but everyone's hearts were still hanging, for fear that there would be some terrible mechanism.

Gradually, Pei Min seemed to hear the sound of running water.

"There seems to be a stream here."
Other people's hearing is not as good as his. Everyone doesn't believe this. How can there be running water in the cave?
Only Gongsun Ling knew that he had good hearing, and asked, "Where is it?" If there is running water, it means there is a way out.

Pei Min led the way, "This way."
After walking for a while, the sound of running water became clearer and clearer. It seemed that there was indeed a running water ahead.

After passing a big bend, I saw a stream lying in front of me.

The stream is not too big, about five or six feet wide, and the current is not too fast, with a thin layer of ice floating on it.But apart from the current in this mountain stream, what surprised everyone the most was the scene on the other side of the stream.

There is an ice bridge on the stream, which connects to the opposite side, and then it is more than ten feet deep. There is a coffin placed on the highest point, and the coffin looks transparent from a distance. It seems to be carved from a large block of ice in this cave. .

It seems that the one in the coffin is naturally the former Princess Huayu.

Pei Min had the best eyesight, saw through the blurry coffin, and said, "Princess Huayu's body is really well preserved and not corrupted."
Everyone was not shocked when they heard this, but had goosebumps all over their bodies. After all, she is a person who has been dead for nearly a hundred years.

Compared with Princess Huayu, everyone is more interested in the funerary objects around the ice coffin.

That is the sea of ​​gold and jade, dazzling and dazzling.

There are piles of gold and jade, as well as rare blood-colored coral stones, and a large emerald statue of Guanyin, which was priceless in the previous dynasty, and most of them are not like Khitan objects. They should be Princess Huayu at that time. dowry.

"It seems that Princess Huayu's marriage is not bad, at least the previous emperor gave her a generous dowry, which made her very respectable." Li Tingmu said with emotion, although she is a princess, she does not have so many priceless treasures.

"Hmph! What's the use? Who can understand the loneliness and emptiness in the heart when you leave your hometown and marry thousands of miles away? What's more, these external things can't be taken away after death." Gongsun Ling disagreed, and let a Weak girls marrying each other is a manifestation of weak national power and the incompetence of those ministers.

Gongsunling choked on her words twice and again, Li Tingmu was already furious, and with the previous events, the new hatred and the old hatred added up, she was so angry that she pulled out the scimitar and shouted at Gongsunling: "Gongsunling, This princess will let you be buried here today!"
Pei Min rushed to Gongsun Ling and comforted her: "Princess, calm down, she's just complaining about those weak women, she didn't mean to offend you, Princess."
Murta also dissuaded, "Princess, don't be impulsive, in the tomb of the ancestors, you can't see blood."
Pei Min: "That's right, princess, if you offend the heroic spirit of the owner of the tomb, or if you encounter some mechanism, everyone will be in danger."
Although Li Tingmu was domineering and savage, he was also frightened by the mechanism just now. Hearing this, he calmed down, put back the scimitar, turned his head and walked away with a snort.

In fact, Gongsun Ling is not afraid of her. Apart from horseback riding and archery, this wayward princess is a three-legged cat, so she is not her opponent at all.

Murta smoothed things over, "Pei Yongshi, that should be the "Xuanling Ice Soul" you want. "He raised his hand and pointed to the opposite place.

Looking up, a purple, hexagonal column-shaped water jade was placed on a golden stand.

 Tomb robbing is really difficult, worship the master of Bachang, ask for collection, ask for tickets

(End of this chapter)

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