Chapter 78
Hongzhou Longquan Township

Surrounded by green mountains, there is a vast manor standing in it, with flying eaves, bucket arches, and magnificent structures, which make people feel daunted.On the plaque at the gate of the manor, there are four big characters written horizontally: Asking the sword has the right way.

On the towering columns on both sides are written couplets:

Ask who the sword of the world is for

What is the way to tell Bafangxin

Gongsun Wan looked at the magnificent courtyard below, and didn't know how to describe it, so she had to say: "Wow, brother Chu, your house is so big!"

Although the Qianjin Valley is not small, it is not as grand as the Chu family, and her own home is just a small medical clinic, compared to the Chu family, it is like a small woodshed.

Chu Yun pretended not to hear.

After Gongsun Wan followed Chu Yun to Longquan Mountain, Chu Yun was not in a hurry to enter the house, but was on a higher hill, watching the gate of the Chu family for two days.

There were eight burly men guarding the gate of Chu's house. Every day, several carts of goods were sent in and out, and people went back and forth. They were very busy, as if they were doing some big business.

There were a lot of people at the door, but fortunately, the place where Gongsun Wan and the others were hiding was densely covered with trees, and it was the beginning of summer when the flowers and plants were in full bloom, so no one noticed the two of them peeping furtively.

This is the third day, Chu Yan is still watching intently, not moving for a long time. The harvest is rich.

At this time, a rather wealthy carriage drove up, and a person got out of the carriage, dressed like a Japanese, the front door opened, and a young man with relatively luxurious clothes came out to greet him, with a smile on his face, bowing and bowing all the way to please.

Chu Yun's shoulders trembled, and when he looked carefully, he saw the familiar face again.

"Huh? Isn't that?" Gongsun Wan also stared wide-eyed, a little shocked, it turned out to be that Japanese man named Taro Yamamoto.The bastard who killed her master.

Chu Yun nodded calmly, but Gongsun Wan was not so self-restraining, she rolled up her sleeves and wanted to rush down, but Chu Yun grabbed her and carried her back.

"Don't be impulsive, see the situation clearly first." Chu Yan persuaded, then Yamamoto Taro probably learned to be smart, and brought more black-clothed guards to protect himself. There are about 20 people, and there are only two of them. What is Chu's family? The situation is still unknown, and there is really no high chance of winning, so we still can't act rashly.

Gongsun Wan also saw that there were a lot of people on the other side, suppressed his anger, and followed Chu Yun to continue watching.His mouth was still unforgiving: "Hmph, don't let this beast fall into the hands of my aunt, or I will make him taste the heart-breaking powder specially made by my aunt, so that his life will be worse than death, and he will avenge his master."
About an hour later, Taro Yamamoto left the door surrounded by the Chu family, and after saying goodbye to the young man in Huayi, he got into the carriage with a smile on his face, was escorted off by everyone, and left arrogantly.

Chu Yan clenched his fists tightly and pursed his lips tightly, while Gongsun Wan's face was puffed up with red eyes.

Suddenly, there was a "gurgling" sound.

Chu Yan turned his head and asked, "Are you hungry?"
Gongsun Wan blushed, nodded, and slandered in her heart: nonsense, although the Chu family is famous all over the world, it seems that they are the only family in Longquan Mountain, and the rest of the place is deserted. They have been eating wild fruits for the past two or three days And dry rations, she had run out of dry rations today, and she was already dizzy from hunger.

Chu Yun was very considerate, and said, "Then let's go in." Standing up and leading the horse, he took Gongsun Wan to the gate of Chu's house.

Gongsun Wan rejoiced, and after squatting for three days, she was finally able to go in to eat and drink.

Chu Fang, who had just sent off the big client, was just about to turn around when he heard shouts behind him.

Chu Fan's smile froze on his face, he turned his head slowly, and sure enough, he saw the person who made him a little scared.

"Second brother?" Chu Fan still didn't believe it. Isn't this guy most afraid of going home and still staying in Xihui Village?
"Brother, I'm back." Chu Yun greeted Chu Fan with a gentle face, smiling, as if he hadn't seen anything just now.

Gongsun Wan seemed to see a monster. He had known him for so many days, but he had never seen Chu Yun with such an expression.

Chu Fan looked at Chu Yun carefully, but found nothing unusual. It seemed that he really didn't know what he was doing.

Chu Fan smiled again, walked forward and hugged Chu Yun, patted him on the shoulder, and said happily: "Second brother, you are willing to go home, my father and I miss you very much."
Chu Yun was also prepared: "Father's birthday is coming soon, if I don't come back, I will be kicked out of the house by him."
"Haha, you kid, you really owe me a beating. My father talks about you every day, but you are always unwilling to go home. No, it makes my father suffer from lovesickness. I feel a little unwell recently, and I'm resting in the house."
"Is father sick? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Chu Yun frowned.

Chu Fan froze for a moment, and immediately returned to normal, "It's nothing serious, I called the doctor to see it, my father is getting old, and he misses you very much, so his Qi and blood are not going well, and he has already prescribed a prescription and drank the medicine. It will be all right in a few days.”
Chu Fang caught a glimpse of the woman beside Chu Yun, his eyes lit up, he was astonished but didn't want to lose his sense of proportion, turned his head, and immediately changed the subject: "Second Brother, who is this little lady?"

Gongsun Wan wanted to answer, but Chu Yan immediately said first: "Her name is Gongsun Wan. I met her in Yangzhou. She likes to venture into the rivers and lakes. Her family is in the ore business. Regardless of her young age, she knows everything about tin, copper, iron, etc., just right. It can help the smelting of our Chu family."
Gongsun Wan raised her eyebrows, not objecting to this new identity.

It turned out to be the daughter of a merchant. Chu Fan saw that she was dressed in a quack style, and she really didn't look like a lady from a famous family. She said with a smile: "Ms. Gongsun has such abilities at such a young age. I am really disrespectful. Come to our Chu family. The whole Chu family is really rich." Piper is shining!"
Gongsun Wan saw that this man was glib and glib, and was intuitively displeased, but she didn't want to spoil Chu Yun's plan, so she said indifferently: "Brother Chu has won the award, and the little girl has only been fascinated by it since she was a child." Don't test her suddenly, she I really don't know anything about it.

Seeing her holding it like this, Chu Fan thought that her family was really a big ore merchant who could help him with his business this time, thinking about it, and continued to smile kindly, "Come in, please, please."
Chu Fang politely led the two into the door, and Gongsun Wan followed. When Chu Yan saw the couplets on the pillars on both sides of the door, he sneered mockingly.

"Miss Gongsun, can you arrange to live in Wutong Courtyard?" Chu Fan asked Chu Yun with a smile.

But Chu Yun said, "No, it's fine for her to live in my Qingquan residence."
 The lively Gongsun Wan is back and started living together with Chu Yun, please collect and vote

(End of this chapter)

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