Chapter 82
Gongsun Wan went into Chu Jun's room and continued to bleed him.

This time Gongsun Wan bled the top of Chu Jun's head and cheeks, and Bao Heng saw that she stabbed the top of the master's head and face with such a long needle, and was frightened out of his wits.

"Ms. Gongsun, is this really possible? There won't be any accidents, sir."
"Don't worry, the people from Qianjin Valley act, there is nothing wrong with it, you go and get a basin of hot water, and wipe it for your master later."
When Chu Jun's head was covered with silver needles and the black blood was drained, Bao Heng also brought hot water.

After he saw the old man draining the blood, his eyelids moved and his fingers reacted, and his heart was bursting with joy.

"My lord... he moved, his eyelids, his fingers."
"Hmm. As expected." Gongsun Wan fed another pill into Chu Jun's mouth.

Bao Heng was very excited, "Unexpectedly, Mrs. Gongsun, you have such abilities. It is a great blessing for the second young master to marry you."
"Ah?" Gongsun Wan was puzzled, "Marry what? Who? Who will marry me?"
"Huh? Marry you, Second Young Master marry you. Why, aren't you the Second Young Master's lover?" Baoheng asked with his big eyes blinking.

"Pfft! Hahaha, what are you talking about?" Gongsun Wan thought Bao Heng was so funny, why would he think of going there.

"No? Are you and the second young master not going to get married? Alas, I thought the second young master brought a young lady back, and finally got the hang of it. I didn't expect that the joy was just for nothing." Bao Heng languished again.

Gongsun Wan took off the silver needle and began to think seriously.He muttered in his mouth: "Actually, your proposal is not bad. Although your second young master is usually cold and not very good-looking, he has a gentle mother. Also, your Chu family has a great career, and he will cast Swords, forging hidden weapons, if I can marry in, wouldn’t there be endless hidden weapons and endless silver, allowing me to research more pills and fire?
Bao Heng: "", why do these words sound weird?

"Well, if your second young master asks to marry me, you can seriously consider it." Gongsun Wan clapped her hands after packing up the silver needles, and left on her own, leaving Bao Heng in a daze.


Chu Yun followed Chu Fan to the sword training room, and found that the stone wall of the back mountain had been chiseled open by Chu Fan, leaving him a secluded world.Ditches were also dug to lead the water from Ci River into the cooling pool.

After his digging of ditches, the entire back mountain has almost changed beyond recognition, and it has become a furnace.

Chu Fan then led Chu Yun and explained triumphantly, "Second brother, look, elder brother recruited dozens of swordsmiths from all over the country to get out the order of that distinguished guest. Do you know how many orders there are?" ? Ten thousand swords, ten thousand!"

Chu Fan was so proud that he didn't even notice that Chu Yun's face was ashen.

Chu Yan looked carefully and saw that his sword-making disciple was teaching those people to smelt tin and iron.

The Chu family's sword-making technique is a secret that will never be passed on to outsiders.The swordsmiths of the Chu family are all the most outstanding apprentices in the world. Without real skills and blood oaths, they are not qualified to stay in the Chu family. Now, the Chu family's sword training room has become a folk acrobatic troupe. Can you accept disciples and teach people at will?

On the other side, Chu Yan saw that his father's first disciple was taking out a sword that had just cooled down, and was beating it into shape with a hammer, while a group of people were watching.

The veins on Chu Yun's forehead were about to burst.

"These swordsmiths are among the top talents in the country, and I spent a lot of money to hire them." Chu Fan was still intoxicated by his boasting.

Talk about the top swordsmiths in the country, but Chu Yun doesn't know any of these people, and some people's skills seem to be just blacksmithing.

I went to the place where the finished products were placed, and a pile of swords was piled up in the corner like this.

Chu Yan casually picked up one and inspected it. The seam between the hilt and the sword body was crooked, and the sword body was uneven. It was not even as good as a sickle for cutting vegetables.

"Huh!" Chu Yun couldn't help but snorted, and threw the broken sword away.

The fine iron of the Chu family was wasted by these "top talents".

Seeing that the second brother seemed very dissatisfied, Chu Fan smiled and said: "They are not familiar with our Chu family's sword-making skills, give them some more time, and the elder brother will guarantee that they can forge better swords."

"Brother." Chu Yan finally spoke.

"Ah?!" Chu Fan was taken aback by him.

Chu Yan suppressed his anger, and said calmly: "They are not good at this skill, how can you hand over a sword like yours?"
"Then, according to your opinion, second brother, what should we do?" Chu Fan was still a little bit cowardly with this younger brother.

"Let them stop first. It's just a waste of refined iron to continue. From tomorrow, let me teach them. I will be in charge of these ten thousand swords."
Chu Fan was elated when he heard that, "Great, second brother, big brother, I really wish for it. I know that my sword-making skills are not as good as yours since I was a child. I also know that my father wants you to inherit the family business of the Chu family." Yes, but you have been away from home for several years and refused to come back, as the eldest son of the Chu family, I must do something for the Chu family."
Chu Yun's eyes were sad: "I have been away from home for the past few years, you are the only elder brother in the family to help father, and the other younger brothers are still young, it is really hard for you, elder brother."
"Where is it, these are what my big brother should do!" Chu Fan patted Chu Yun's shoulder vigorously, feeling very excited.Fame and fortune, soon he will be in the bag.

"Then it's settled, let them stop and go to rest first." Chu Yun couldn't stand it anymore.

"Okay, listen to you." He summoned a follower and asked him to give orders.

Soon, those talents were all gone, and the remaining swordsmiths of the Chu family were very excited when they saw Chu Yun.

"Second Young Master, you are back!"

"Second young master, the old man finally waited for you to come back." Seeing Chu Yun, the oldest one almost shed tears.

"Uncle Mo, senior brother." Chu Yun greeted one by one.

Uncle Mo is the oldest swordsmith in the Chu family. He has been learning how to forge swords in the Chu family since his grandfather's generation. He has been in the Chu family for more than 50 years.

"Second Young Master." Uncle Mo saw Chu Fan beside Chu Yun, he hesitated to speak.

Chu Yun hurriedly interrupted, "I see, Uncle Mo, since I'm back, I'll take the lead here. Don't worry, everyone, our Chu family can still forge the best swords in the world."
Uncle Mo understood Chu Yun's eyes and relaxed, "Okay, we can rest assured that the second young master is here."
Chu Yan asked them to go to rest first.Chu Fan didn't care about their dissatisfaction with him in their words, but said happily: "I have sent a letter to that distinguished guest, saying that a miner has a good new ore that can be dissolved in iron to make a better sword, please He came to discuss whether to add a peerless famous sword, and he will be able to come tomorrow."
Chu Yun knew that he was talking about Taro Yamamoto, so he couldn't ask for more.

(End of this chapter)

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