Chapter 11 Is It Unlucky Recently?
After hearing Pei Anzhu's words, Sister Song seemed to be impatient.

She remembered that the girl's grandfather was a Taoist priest.

After working hard in the society for so many years, she has met many such people, and she likes to talk about them, and they talk about metaphysical methods, but they are actually liars.

After all, a lot of people in the entertainment circle believe in this, but I haven't seen anyone who became popular by relying on this set of gods, gods, ghosts, and they all acted according to the rules in the circle.

Either play tricks and accumulate a lot of money, or go out and find a backer.

So she persuaded Pei Anzhu:
"I think you are young, and you don't behave like someone who has no education. It's better to find a job and do some serious things. Don't lie to your Taoist grandpa."

"Don't blame me for speaking badly. My sister is just messing around in the society. Your tricks still can't catch my eyes."

Pei Anzhu could hear that although Sister Song's words were full of deep distrust, they didn't carry any malice, they just sounded sharp.

If it weren't for Sister Song's face, she was a decent person, even if it was for money, she would not have taken the initiative to help Zhu Yanzhou and provoke this karma.

Pei Anzhu has always liked to speak with facts.

She glanced at the top of Sister Song's head, and asked:
"Sister Song, if I don't mention whether I'm a liar, don't you feel that you have been unlucky recently?"

"Not only you, but also the people around you, including actor Zhu Yanzhou, his assistant, and other people in the team."

"In the past half month, have bad things often happened to you?"

Sister Song was slightly taken aback when she heard this, and subconsciously followed Pei Anzhu's words to recall what happened in the past half month——

In the past three months, Zhu Yanzhou has been filming in the crew of "Death and Chase".

The first two months were urban scenes, and I finished filming in the film and television base in Mocheng and other rented office buildings. This month, I moved to Pingcheng to shoot scenes in the mountains.

Zhu Yanzhou attaches great importance to this drama, and this is another masterpiece for him to win the award again.

Therefore, in order to keep him in the best condition at all times, Sister Song brought the team to Pingcheng with him, trekking through mountains and rivers, and sticking to the crew to take care of him.

It was fine at first.

But I don't know when, the people in the team really started to get unlucky.

First, it was the makeup artist in the team. She accidentally fell and hit a sharp stone with her right hand, making a big cut on her wrist.

Due to her hand injury, she was temporarily unable to make up for Zhu Yanzhou, and could only be done by her apprentice.

But the apprentice's level is not enough, so that in the last period of time, Zhu Yanzhou's makeup looks slightly stretched, which seriously affects the director's camera language.

Later, it was Zhu Yanzhou's assistant. Because he accidentally ate two contradictory things, he suffered from food poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea, and lay on the bed for three days before recovering.

As for Sister Song herself, she is not much better——

The phone was broken in the water.

While walking well on the road, I was bitten by a snake.

I was allergic to unknown flowers and plants in the mountains, my face was red and swollen, and it took a week to heal.

After much difficulty, Zhu Yanzhou finished filming the scenes in the mountains and felt that he could finally leave this ghostly place, but he had a car accident on the way down the mountain.

Zhu Yanzhou fell into a coma on the spot and has not woken up until now, but the doctor could not find any problems.

The Internet was full of news about Zhu Yanzhou's serious injury and dying, and the resources that had been negotiated were cut off one by one. No matter how she tried to save her, it seemed to be of no avail.

It can be said that both Zhu Yanzhou's career and her own career are facing huge difficulties.

Thinking about it this way, it seems really unlucky?

Pei Anzhu has been paying attention to Sister Song's face, and seeing her slightly loosened, she knows in her heart that she is right.

Sister Song was very guarded, and it was still not so easy to trust Pei Anzhu. She struggled for a moment, gathered herself together, and forcefully explained:

"It's true that a lot has happened recently, but it's all normal."

"Whether you are filming in the mountains, the environment is inherently difficult, there are many snakes, insects, rats and ants, and the roads are not easy to walk, and bumps and bumps are inevitable."

"I don't think that if you say 'I've been unlucky recently', I'll take my seat and fall into your trap. After all, to be honest, your words are suitable for most people."

"No one's life is smooth sailing, how can there be few unlucky things?"

"I'm sorry, I'm leaving first when we arrive on the first floor."

After saying this, the elevator door opened, and Sister Song stepped on her high heels and walked out.

Her face returned to her usual calmness, as if those bad things never existed.

Pei Anzhu looked at her back, shrugged his shoulders, and didn't chase after her.

As a young genius, she is proud and arrogant. She has never been the only one who begged her to do something, but she has never humbly licked her.

In order to earn medical expenses for the old Taoist priest, she lowered her figure and took the initiative once.

Sister Song didn't appreciate it, and she didn't force it. After all, this kind of thing also depends on fate. When fate comes, the money that should be earned by her will naturally come back.

Sister Song returned to the hotel.

After the car accident, Zhu Yanzhou was sent to the hospital in a coma and has not come out so far.

She asked the rest of the team to go back to Mocheng first, leaving only Zhu Yanzhou's assistant, Xiao Man, to live with her in the hotel, waiting for Zhu Yanzhou to wake up.

Xiaoman is a 25-year-old young girl who is good at cooking and cooks well.

It was also because of this that she was able to stay by Zhu Yanzhou's side.

Sister Song opened the door of the hotel room with the key card and shouted:
"Little Man."

The next second, I saw Xiaoman walking over on one foot, hopping over.

Sister Song frowned and asked:
"What's going on here?"

"I see, Sister Song, you have been in the hospital for so long. I was afraid that you hadn't eaten, so I wanted to cook you something to eat, but I didn't expect the pan in the kitchen to blow up." Xiaoman's tone was a little aggrieved, "The hot water in the pan spilled out, It splashed on my feet, and I didn't have time to hide..."

Sister Song: ...

It's so far away from the original score!
The pan is fried!
It's really funny, this is the only six-star hotel in Pingcheng, and everything in it is very safe.

Moreover, they live in a penthouse suite, the small kitchen is rarely used, and the pots are still new.

Most importantly, this is an iron pot!

result! ! !It exploded! ! !
Sister Song felt that her mentality was about to explode, and no one in the whole team was worry-free!
Originally thought that leaving Xiaoman behind, when Zhu Yanzhou woke up, she could cook some nutritious meals to replenish Zhu Yanzhou's body, but she didn't expect that she would also make herself a wounded person.

The car accident didn't make her lose an arm or a leg, and she burned herself lame by cooking a meal!

Xiaoman looked at Sister Song with some anxiety, and said weakly:

"Sister Song, I have something to say, don't be angry if I say it?"

"What do you want to say?" Sister Song asked.

"I think all of us have been very unlucky recently. Is it because the water is retrograde? I heard that there is a Taoist temple in the mountains on the outskirts of Pingcheng, and there are rituals to eliminate disasters and pray for blessings. I want to pay my respects." Xiaoman said, "You how do you feel?"

(End of this chapter)

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