Chapter 17 The Second Live Broadcast

Nine o'clock in the morning the next day.

Pei Anzhu put on the mask of the Nuo God, and appeared in the live broadcast room of the dolphin platform on time according to the time announced on his Weibo.

As soon as she started broadcasting, a large number of netizens poured in.

In just a few minutes, the number of viewers has exceeded 2, a full [-] more than the last time.

Except for the fans from last time, most of them came to watch the excitement after watching the collection of hateful people on various platforms and the police report on Weibo.

With such a grand occasion, it's hard to imagine that this is just a newcomer anchor who started broadcasting for the second time.

——Here we come, the anchor is here!

——Congratulations to Immortal Green Bamboo!
——It came out after a long time, and I finally waited until the second live broadcast of Qingzhu Xianjun, don't compete with me, I want to occupy a spot for fortune-telling!
——I thought I was the only one who came to see the anchor and hate people. Are you really here to tell fortunes?

--ah!To be honest, I want to see it all!

——Who is the predestined person who makes me healthy today, and what kind of twists and turns will it bring us?We will wait and see.

——Why doesn’t the anchor speak?Anchor?

Pei Anzhu sat there, quietly watching the bullet screens that kept flashing by, feeling the expectations and enthusiasm of the netizens. While he was happy, he also felt a little regretful:
This time, there were no cheap trolls to disturb the situation, so she felt a little lonely.

"Hi, everyone, I am Qingzhu Xianjun, welcome to my live broadcast room." Pei Anzhu waved his hand and greeted the camera.

Soon, the barrage responded to her one after another:

——Hello anchor, when will the anchor start fortune-telling?
——Anchor, do you think I look like your first predestined person today?
——The anchor is about to start fortune-telling, I can't wait!
- can't wait +1
- can't wait +10086

Seeing the urging on the screen, Pei Anzhu said:

"Today, there are only three hexagrams in total. Same as last time, the hexagrams belong to a villa with a sea view."

"Guest officers, please consider carefully. If it is not necessary, please don't take up the quota just because of curiosity."

"Money is a trivial matter, but fortune-telling involves cause and effect."

"In fact, the fate of a person has shifted the moment you start fortune-telling, which may affect the entire future."

"So, please consider carefully whether you must spend this money and count your fate."

The voice fell, and the barrage was quiet for a moment.

In fact, most of the netizens in the live broadcast room had the mentality of watching the excitement, and it was just nonsense to snatch the spots.

Without an urgent reason, who would really spend money wrongly out of pure curiosity?

Therefore, no one has seized the quota for the time being.

On the contrary, quite a few people liked Pei Anzhu's style of live streaming, and tipped some pearls and gemstones, which were not expensive, which was regarded as support for her.

But 3 minutes later, the special effects on the screen exploded, and someone tipped the sea view villa.

This netizen's name is [Lian Lian Nian Wang], judging from the naming style, she looks like a young, literary girl.

Pei Anzhu asked:
"This friend of [Never Forget Each Other], may I ask you to test characters or read photos? If you read photos, send photos or live-stream connection?"

"Live streaming to watch pictures." The other party replied, and then sent a video invitation.

Pei Anzhu clicked on the connection, and soon the screen split into two.

As she expected, [Lian Lian Nian Wang] is a young lady, about 25 years old, with a ball head, full of vitality makeup, looks just right for youth.

Everyone was very curious, how could such a carefree girl who seemed to have no setbacks come to tell her fortune?
Looking at the other person's face, Pei Anzhu actually had some guesses in his heart, but he still asked as a matter of routine:

"Hello, what do you want to count?"

[Never Forget Each Other] With a shy smile on her face, the young lady replied:
"I want to count my love."

"To be honest, Lord Qingzhu, I have a boyfriend who loves each other very much. We have been together for two years and our relationship has always been very good."

"I want to marry him, but my parents don't agree. I want you to help me figure out whether the two of us can achieve a positive result."

After hearing this, Pei Anzhu immediately said:

"Listen to your parents and give up, you and your current boyfriend will have no results."

"Why?" The young lady was stunned, "Don't you need to read the horoscope? I see a lot of couples get married, and they need to read the horoscope to know if they are suitable."

Pei Anzhu explained:

"When someone gets married, it's because they are a serious couple."

"But I look at your face, your marriage has not yet arrived, and your current boyfriend is a rotten peach blossom, and even more seriously, it is your peach blossom robbery."

"If you don't stop the loss in time and break up with your current boyfriend, you will be hurt because of him, and even your reputation will be ruined, and your future will be ruined."

[Never forget each other when in love] When the young lady heard this, she immediately put on a straight face:
"I do not believe!"

"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, don't scare me, you don't know how much he loves me!"

"He would come to pick me up from get off work every day, rain or shine; he would personally make brown sugar water for me when I had menstrual cramps and a stomach ache; I would be included in every plan he made for the future."

"We've been talking for two years and we have a deep relationship. How could something like what you said happen?"

"I think you are a liar. Did you take money from my parents and say these things on purpose to break us up?"

Pei Anzhu: ...

Seeing Miss Sister's upright speech, the veins on Pei Anzhu's forehead twitched, and finally couldn't hold it back anymore, she said:

"He loves you when he comes to pick you up from get off work? How do you know he didn't drop by to pick up someone else?"

"I love you because I have a stomachache and soak in brown sugar water? This kind of low-cost contribution makes you so touched? Your mother has cooked for you for a lifetime. Why don't you be grateful to your mother?"

"You are included in every plan for the future? Do you believe in the man who draws big cakes?"

"It's not that I said you, the zombie came to gnaw your brain, and you have to spit it out! Why? Because the brain is poisonous in love!"

Young lady: ...

Netizens: ...

——One thing to say, the anchor's mouth is indeed invincible.

——Miss, love your brain and be careful to be sent to dig wild vegetables!

——Hahaha I learned it again today!

——The anchor criticized the little sister's boyfriend as worthless, is there really something wrong with that guy?The anchor doesn't look like a liar!
——The host quickly solves the puzzle!Give you 3 minutes, we need to know all the information about that man!

[Never Forget Each Other] Miss Pei was scolded by Pei Anzhu, she was at a loss for a while, she had tears in her eyes, and asked:
"However, these are the facts that he treats me well. Doesn't it prove that he loves me?"

Pei Anzhu hates that iron cannot be made into steel. Based on the principle of saving someone's life and accumulating merit, she said:

"You can picture a man as handsome, you can picture him as rich, you can picture him as a potential stock, but you can't picture him being nice to you!"

"This kind of low-cost good, he can take it back at any time. If one day he treats you badly, wouldn't you have nothing and the sky will collapse?"

"Besides, your boyfriend is not a good person, I have to prove it to you today!"

(End of this chapter)

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