Chapter 210
In fact, no one saw anything wrong with Zhaojiacun.

Looking left and right, this is just an ordinary village. At most, it is a little more prosperous and wealthy, with a larger area and a larger population.

Looking at the entire Dragon Kingdom, there are many wealthy villages like this, but there is really nothing worthy of special attention.

But everyone has unconditional trust in Pei Anzhu.

Pei Anzhu has great abilities and sharp eyesight, and can see many things that ordinary people cannot see. Since she said that this is not a good place, it is enough to make people wary.

"Don't be so serious." Pei Anzhu said, "If you look like you are facing a formidable enemy, if the villagers outside see it, it will hinder our investigation of the truth."

After all, if there are secrets, no one wants to expose them.

It is not only Officer Du and the others who are vigilant, but also the local villagers. They must not want the secrets of the village to be exposed to unrelated outsiders.

After hearing this, Officer Du and Officer Zeng immediately showed off their best acting skills in their lives, with expressions of admiration and admiration for Zhaojiacun on their faces, like tourists who accidentally entered the place.

The vehicle drove slowly towards the village, and not long after, several villagers stood on the roadside, waving at them, as if they wanted to stop them.

At Pei Anzhu's signal, the driver slowed down and stopped when passing the villagers. At this time, Pei Anzhu rolled down the window:
"Ma'am, what's the matter?"

"Is this your first time coming to Zhaojiacun? I've never seen you before. What are you here for?" asked the aunt on the roadside.

After hearing this, Officer Du and the others felt a deeper sense of disobedience——

Even in rural areas, no one would take the initiative to stop a car they don’t recognize and ask about their origins and purpose, right?At most, you can watch the cars passing by and guess which house has the guests, right?

If there are those who like to watch the excitement, they will have to gather around and gossip after the strange vehicle arrives at the owner's house. How can they stop the vehicle in the middle of the road and ask questions?Besides, if a stranger doesn't know the way, the person in the car must take the initiative to stop and ask for directions, but no one on the roadside will wave to the car, and that's not the way to meddle in other people's business.

The behavior of these roadside villagers seemed to be on guard against strangers. They seemed to want to judge the attitude towards strangers based on their intentions.

To sum up: this is a slightly xenophobic village, hostile to outsiders.

It's just that this kind of hostility is not obvious and is blended into ordinary chats and conversations. If Pei Anzhu hadn't warned him that there was a problem, it wouldn't have aroused suspicion.

No one else spoke, but Pei Anzhu looked calm and said with a smile:
"Auntie, we were introduced to Master Zhao by a friend."

After hearing this, the expression on the aunt's face suddenly softened and she said with a smile:
"Are you looking for Master Zhao? Then you have come to the right place. The two masters of the Zhao family are very effective. As long as you do as they say, I will keep you safe for three years after you go back, and they will still be boys! "

When everyone heard this, their hearts moved:
This aunt's words contain a lot of information.

"Yes, I also heard from my friends that it was amazing and indeed effective, so I drove hundreds of kilometers to come here. I hope I can get what I want." Pei Anzhu agreed.

The aunt nodded with deep understanding:
"Don't worry, the two masters of the Zhao family are very capable, and you won't suffer any loss. But you can't tell. You are still so young, and you don't look like you are incapable of having children!"

"Who knows?" Pei Anzhu smiled bitterly, "Don't think I'm young. In fact, I'm almost thirty. I just take good care of myself. After six years of marriage, my stomach hasn't moved. I've been to hospitals all over the country. I took the medicine a lot, but it just didn’t work..."

The people in the car lowered their heads in unison as they listened to Pei Anzhu's serious nonsense.

Because I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to hold back my laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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