Chapter 22 Hardcore anchor beats ghosts online
In order to keep abreast of [Adventurer Xiaoying]'s situation, Pei Anzhu kept holding his mobile phone.

Therefore, that big face made up of huge resentment, with a thunderous sense of oppression, hit the crowd in the live broadcast room:

--Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! !grass!Ghost ah ah ah ah! ! !
——I'm so stupid! !I've lived so long, it's the first time I've seen hell!
— Mom, help!Woooooooooooo scary!
——This thing doesn't look simple, the anchor will be fine, right?

——Before: I want to watch the live version!Now: I'm sorry I can't watch it!
——Anchor, run away!You have such thin arms and legs, I feel that you are no match for it!


[Adventurer Xiaoying] also saw this scene, she huddled in a corner, her body trembled even more, and her face had no trace of blood, she was extremely pale.

If she is not sure that she is still alive, she can seamlessly join the ghost group in this house!

"Immortal Qingzhu, what should I do?" She cried, "I'm sorry, I'm the one who hurt you, we risked our lives to come here to explore, but we still have to implicate you..."

Pei Anzhu held his breath, performed the Qingxin Sutra again, and said:

"What are you panicking about? What can I do for mere resentment ghosts?"

"Listen to me obediently, stay where you are and don't move. When I solve it, I will naturally go looking for you. Don't worry, you will be fine with me here!"

Her voice has the effect of breathing in and concentrating, which soothes the emotions of [Adventurer Xiaoying].

The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned by Pei Anzhu's arrogant tone.

Doubts in people's hearts:

The anchor looks so young, even if he has some skills, he probably hasn't learned many years, right?Can she really deal with this so-called grieving ghost?
Under everyone's curious eyes, Pei Anzhu's movements were unhurried——

She put down her backpack, took out a stack of painted talismans from it, put it in her pocket, and then threw her mobile phone on the backpack, so as not to get in the way with her hands.

The phone is leaning against the backpack at the right angle.

The camera was just able to capture the grieving ghost's big face and Pei Anzhu's slender but straight back.

The grieving ghost also seemed to have seen Pei Anzhu's cell phone, and said with a wild smile:

"Have the people in the Taoist sect become so degenerate now? Are they still relying on this method to attract believers?"

"Little girl, since you have entered this gate today, don't even think about going out. The people in the Xuanmen are full of aura. Stay obediently and be my food!"

As soon as the words fell, the resentful ghost turned into a ball of resentment, and rushed towards Pei Anzhu directly.

Pei Anzhu turned sideways, avoided its first blow, turned around and casually left a branch about three feet long on the dead tree in the yard.

Afterwards, with awe-inspiring gaze, she advanced instead of retreating, and greeted the grieving ghost.

"You are too arrogant! You really think that a mere tree branch can hurt me? Now the Taoist sect has already fallen, and you can't do anything to me!"

The grieving ghost said mockingly, and continued to rush towards Pei Anzhu.

It didn't dodge or avoid it, and went straight to the branch.

It didn't pay attention to this thing at all, but in the next second, a burst of severe pain hit it, making it scream out:

how come? ? ?
It's just an ordinary branch, it's neither peach wood, nor willow, nor lightning strike wood, how could it be so painful?
Who is this little girl from the Taoist sect?

It thought so, and couldn't help but ask.

Pei Anzhu sneered, his hands kept moving, and he pulled out a branch:
"Who am I? I am your ancestor!"

The branch seemed to have eyes, and it looked like a mess, but no matter how the grieving ghost tried to hide, it could always be caught straight and screamed.

So next, the audience in the live broadcast room saw a unilateral, crushing beating, which was appalling and tragic——

"When my aunt became famous in Xuanmen, you were probably still waiting for reincarnation on the reincarnation platform!"

"Ah—" the grieving ghost screamed.

"Dare to look down on me? How dare you use me as food and as a tonic? You really have a long belly button and a back on your back, it's the opposite of the sky!"

"Ahh—" the grieving ghost screamed again.

"Look at this big face of yours. It's dark and ugly, and it's ugly. I really want to spit on your face and put a mask on you!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——" the ghost screamed again.

"Are you very good? Xiaobai puts a feather duster, what kind of wolf are you pretending to be?"


"You are so loud! You are so awesome! You are so rampant! Why don't you talk? Wasn't it very arrogant just now?"


"Let me see who was beaten so badly? It turned out to be you, poor boy!"

Grudge: ...

I'm so hurt that I can't speak, can't you see?

Good batch!
Hardcore anchor, beat ghosts online!
Not only did she physically beat ghosts, but she also launched a mental attack!
That set of mouth cannons, like knives, directly stabbed the grieving ghost in the heart, hitting the grieving ghost so hard that he couldn't love it.

Pei Anzhu pulled down a few branches, directly dispelling [-]% of the huge black resentment on the grieving ghost, and the resentment gradually became transparent.

The resentful ghost instantly changed from a dark and ugly figure to a delicate beauty in red.

Seeing this, Pei Anzhu stopped his hands:
"That's right, it's not your fault to be ugly, it's your fault to be scary when you come out."

"I'm too young to be scared, so you just talk to me like this, and tell me, why are you entrenched here to harm people?"

Grudge: ...


This Dogecoin anchor doesn't have a single word of truth in his mouth!
Who just claimed to be the ancestor's aunt?Now you say you are young again?

Damn, do you think they are easy to fool?

The grieving ghost looked at Pei Anzhu's eyes full of fear. She looked at the ordinary branch in the other's hand and dared not be presumptuous anymore.

Since there is no problem with the branch, it must be Pei Anzhu who has a problem.

This is definitely the trump card cultivated secretly by Xuanmen!
With such cultivation at such a young age, just relying on an ordinary tree branch can break up [-]% of her century-old cultivation!

How did she encounter such a hard stubble?
Pei Anzhu's patience was limited. Seeing that the grudge did not speak for a long time, he raised a branch and aimed at her again:
"Do you still want to be beaten?"

The resentful ghost in red immediately plopped and knelt down:

"Master, spare your life!"

"I won't dare again in the future, please spare my life, don't let my soul fly away!"

"I really didn't mean to hurt anyone, please..."

After hearing these pleas, Pei Anzhu was unmoved.

She can be kind and soft-hearted, but she will never be a virgin, let alone feel pity for a grieving ghost who has killed many lives.

Regardless of whether the complaining ghost has a reason or not, it is a fact that he has harmed people.

Her pain does not offset her fault.

So, Pei Anzhu said:
"First release those students who came to explore the house today. As for your difficulties, tell me carefully later."

"Right and wrong, merits and sins, you have to listen to it before you judge."

The grieving ghost in red nodded, waved his sleeves, and soon six people appeared in the yard, they were students like [Adventurer Xiaoying].

There are four men and two women in total, and everyone else is unconscious, only [Adventurer Xiaoying] is awake.

(End of this chapter)

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