Even though he knew something was wrong, Pei Anzhu did not act rashly.

After all, there are too many audiences in this performance hall. If you interrupt rashly, it may cause panic or even a bigger accident.

So she sat quietly for two hours until the scene was over.

In fact, from an objective point of view, aside from Feng Xiaozhi's acting skills, the plot of this scene has twists and turns and frequent reversals, which can be regarded as very interesting.

Therefore, Pei Anzhu watched the scene with admiration.

When the music stopped and the actors took their final bow, the audience came out of the immersive psychedelic state, as if they were in a dream.

Suddenly and clearly aware, even mixed with a little bit of a sense of loss.

After a long time, the audience began to exit slowly and orderly. At this time, Pei Anzhu received a message from Sister Song:
"Master Pei, the performance is over, are you here?"

Pei Anzhu replied:
"I'm in the performance hall. I'll go backstage immediately."

After replying, Pei Anzhu turned to Xu Youyou and the others and said:
"I have other things to do, so I won't go with you. I'm very happy to be with you today, and we'll see you again in the future."

Everyone knew that Pei Anzhu was very busy and might encounter some indescribable things at some point, so they all nodded understandingly.

Everyone left, and Shen Yueran walked at the end. Before leaving, she asked Pei Anzhu:
"Did something happen? Do you need my help?"

"No, it's not a big deal." Pei Anzhu shook his head and warned, "If you follow Xu Youyou and the others, it's best to get them home safely. They encountered something tonight and may be a little unlucky on the way."

That pink mist is not a good thing.

All negative auras that have an impact on human beings, such as yin energy or resentment, must not be contaminated. Otherwise, the misfortune will only be mild, and serious death may occur.

Fan fog is one type of this negative atmosphere.

Fortunately, the audience only stayed in this environment for two hours, so it was not particularly serious.

Shen Yueran has a little fox by her side, so she is definitely not afraid of these misfortunes, but the same can't be said for others, so Pei Anzhu gave her the escort task.

As a friend, Pei Anzhu can remind her as much as she can. As for other viewers, after all, she has limited manpower and is unable to do her job well.

Once she solves the root cause, others will no longer be affected.

After the explanation, Pei Anzhu walked backstage against the crowd.

Logically speaking, no one is allowed to enter the backstage of the actors, because they are afraid that there will be various bastards or other people fishing in troubled waters.

However, Sister Song asked Xiaoman to wait at the entrance in advance. When she saw Pei Anzhu, she took her directly to the actors' lounge.

There was a young girl in costume taking off her makeup, but it wasn't Feng Xiaozhi.

"Master Pei is here." Sister Song stepped forward and greeted Pei Anzhu. Her frown meant that she was not in a good mood at the moment.

"What's going on?" Pei Anzhu glanced at the girl and asked.

Sister Song signaled Xiaoman to close the door of the lounge, and then carefully checked that there were no secret cameras or monitoring equipment inside, and then she said:

"Her name is Ding Xiaoman, she is a junior girl from the same school as A Zhou, majoring in dance performance."

"In the past six months, she has been an intern at the Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe, and was fortunate enough to be selected to participate in the stage play "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers", playing the heroine's maid Xiaoye."

Next, Sister Song explained the cause and effect of the matter - the play "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers" is a key support project of the Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe. A lot of manpower, material and financial resources were spent in the early stage, and the most recent Good screenwriters and artistic directors want to use this play to once again expand the status and influence of the Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe.

It is said that there are several song and dance troupes competing for the title of the country's chief song and dance troupe, and the final winner will be able to represent the Dragon Kingdom and perform in competitions around the world.

This is a perfect opportunity for any song and dance group.

But if you want to be selected, you have to show strong ability and excellent works, so this play was created to build momentum for the Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe in advance.

Initially, the female lead in "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers" was not Feng Xiaozhi, but a girl named Song Ling.

Song Ling is very beautiful, extremely talented in dancing, and good at acting.

If she hadn't had a passion for dance and was determined to delve into stage plays, she would have been dug into the entertainment industry by major talent scouts and became a popular little girl.

Originally, Song Ling also valued this opportunity. She wanted to let more people experience the charm of stage play through the play "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers" and let more people in the world know herself.

She also put in a lot of hard work for this, practicing dancing and rehearsing the play. Since she was the leading role and had the heaviest role, she almost went all out, often staying in the rehearsal room for more than ten hours in a row.

However, just three days before the performance of the play, Song Ling suddenly became seriously ill.

No one knew what was going on, but suddenly one morning, Song Ling woke up with a crooked mouth and nose, and irregular limbs. She occasionally rubbed her limbs against the wall like a gecko.

After being sent to the hospital for a checkup, there was no problem at all. The doctor’s final diagnosis was—

Due to too much mental pressure and daily hard work, my nerves could not be stretched and I was crushed.

Actually that's another euphemism for crazy.

Everyone in the Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe knows that Song Ling is not the kind of mentally fragile person, and she is definitely not so resistant to pressure, because she has always performed well and is well prepared.

There is no reason why it would suddenly become like this three days before the performance.

However, the cause of the disease could not be found, and no one knew whether Song Ling had encountered something else that had caused her to become like this. They could only acquiesce in the doctor's diagnosis.

Song Ling looked like she would never recover, but she couldn't open the skylights for the performance of "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers", which was about to begin.

Under this situation, Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe could only break the rules and re-select the female lead from several actors with superior appearance, figure and professional ability.

It was at this time that Feng Xiaozhi stood out.

Wearing costumes and perfect makeup, the moment she appeared on the stage, everyone in the Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe had the same feeling:
This is Shuang'er!It's Shuang'er who came out of the play!
With Feng Xiaozhi, the play could finally be performed on time, and the Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe did not break their promise and seized this opportunity.

The world of stage plays is not like the entertainment world.

In the entertainment industry, sudden changes in roles in film and television dramas will cause public discussion. After all, those actors have many fans and are very powerful, and they must protect the interests of their main actors.

But the stage drama circle is very niche. Even though Song Ling is a mainstay, she has very few fans and not many people know about her, so the change of roles before the show did not cause much commotion.

Although Feng Xiaozhi was a substitute chosen later, her performance was not bad, her professional skills were excellent, and she was able to attract waves of audiences.

People from the Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe actually didn't expect that Feng Xiaozhi could make this drama so popular. It even made it to the hot searches many times. It was no worse than those celebrities in the entertainment industry.

The results are here, so it doesn't matter whether she is the first starring role or not.

"Ding Xiaoman said that the strange thing happened when she cooperated with Feng Xiaozhi to perform this play on stage." Sister Song finally said to Pei Anzhu, "Let Xiaoman tell you the specific situation. Bar."

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