Chapter 228 Deception
Feng Xiaozhi's defense seemed to convince Sister Juan.

Sister Juan hesitated for a while and nodded:

"That's not wrong. She wanted to get ahead, so she used some tricks, and she didn't seek money or life. It shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

After hearing these confusing words, Pei Anzhu laughed angrily and said sarcastically:
"It's not a big deal?"

"It's understandable that Feng Xiaozhi wants to be famous, wants to be famous, and has ambitions. But for her own ambition, she used Gui Yi to harm Song Ling and squeezed out Song Ling's starring role. How does this count?"

"Do you think the cause of Song Ling's sudden illness can't be found out? That's because Gui Yi took action. This kind of invisible and intangible method cannot be detected by medical instruments."

"Sister Juan, think about it, for the play "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers", would you rather have Song Ling, or would you rather have Feng Xiaozhi, who can only wear ghost clothes and confuse the audience to perform? Apart from these methods, you can't Talk about it, can Feng Xiaozhi really compare with Song Ling?"


These two words appeared in everyone's mind.

Song Ling is a born dancer and a born actor. The play "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers" was tailor-made for Song Ling from the very beginning.

It can be said that Song Ling is the soul of this drama.

If Feng Xiaozhi could defeat Song Ling with normal competition methods, she wouldn't need to rely on these unsavory conspiracies.

Deep down in her heart, Feng Xiaozhi always felt that she was no worse than Song Ling, but because she entered the Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe later than her and was not taken seriously, she never had a chance to stand out.

But now, Pei Anzhu revealed the truth and made her face the bleak fact——

She just can't compare to Song Ling.

But at this point, she still didn't feel that she was at fault, she just said with a pinched neck:
"What's wrong with me using means? Means are also a type of strength."

"To compete for the top spot in the national dance troupe, Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe needs fame and works. I can do these. I can make the show "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers" continue to be a hit. She, Song Ling, may not be able to! "

"How can there be so much fairness in this world? In the entertainment industry, there are a lot of people who rob each other's resources with their backstage and capital. Why are you so harsh on me?"

"I just used an unusual method. Don't we all rely on our own abilities?"

If we don't mention the consequences caused by Guiyi, then there is nothing wrong with Feng Xiaozhi's words. They all use means, but everyone relies on their own abilities.

It's a pity that Guiyi would be so kind?

There is a saying that "those who are not of my race must have different minds." This sentence makes sense to a certain extent.

Although there are many kind-hearted ghosts in this world.

For example, Qin Xiaoyu's guardian spirit Linglan has never done any evil since she became a ghost, and has even been living in Zhao Yanshu's deception, but she is essentially kind in her heart.

But after all, there are only a few like this.

The moment a person dies and becomes a ghost, his thoughts and ideas are actually different from those of a normal person due to the influence of his obsessions during his lifetime.

Especially ghosts that have existed for a long time. The fact that they have not been annihilated in the long river of time, have not dissipated due to lack of energy, and have not been captured by the underworld and reincarnated is enough to prove that they are by no means good.

This kind of ghost would devote himself wholeheartedly to human beings without asking for anything in return?
Think about it and know it's impossible.

Pei Anzhu explained this to everyone, and then asked Feng Xiaozhi:

"Everything you said is based on one premise, that is, you did not use Guiyi to murder other people's lives, but do you really dare to guarantee it?"

"Can you guarantee that no one in the audience who watched your performance really died? Is it because it was not reported, or because... you pretended not to know?"

Facing Pei Anzhu's questioning, Feng Xiaozhi's eyes became even more frightened.She pursed her lips but said nothing.

On the other hand, it was Sister Juan, Wen Pei Anzhu who was shocked: "What do you mean by this? Are you saying that among the audience who bought tickets to watch "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers", someone really died?"

Pei Anzhu nodded affirmatively and said categorically:

"Yes, someone died, and there was more than one person."

"If I read it correctly, at least six people have died in the past six months, an average of one per month. This is not a lot of data. It can ensure that Guiyi has energy intake every month without causing too much panic and panic. Suspect."

"Because they were all accidental deaths, there were no controversial hot spots, so there was no big news report, but I am sure that Ms. Feng must know."

"You know this, but you still continue to use the ghost clothes. This is taking the lives of the audience as a child's play!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Feng Xiaozhi retorted, "You said it yourself, the news didn't report it, and no one thought it was related to my performance. Why do you think I know it?"

"Because of that ghost suit."

Pei Anzhu pointed at the suitcase with a calm expression:

"Guiyi has brought about earth-shaking changes for you, turning you from an unknown little actor to becoming famous all over the country overnight. You must be very dependent on it, right?"

"You regard it as an opportunity, and you are afraid that one day it will disappear, so you have to look at it all the time, wear it when you go on stage, and never ignore it after you get off stage."

"So, any subtle changes on its body cannot be hidden from your eyes. As time goes by, and as more and more people die, the color of the ghost clothes becomes more and more vivid."

"I don't believe you haven't noticed at all. It's just your utilitarianism. You know that it may not be a good thing, but it is good for you. You just pretend that you don't know anything, deceive yourself and others, and continue to immerse yourself in the benefits it brings to you. In the false reputation!"

After all, the ghost clothes are antiques from a hundred years ago. They have experienced wind, sun, rain, and lack of proper maintenance. They have long since faded and have lost their original brightness.

But after it absorbs the life force, the color will slowly come back.

From the pale pink color before, it gradually deepened. This process was like being slowly soaked in blood, until finally, it turned into bright red, as bright and eye-catching as blood.

Feng Xiaozhi wanted to continue to refute, but she didn't know what to say——

Her trump cards have been exhausted.

What she didn't know or didn't understand, all the excuses she made would be refuted by this young girl. The other party seemed to know everything and she couldn't hide it.

Just as Pei Anzhu said, she did notice the changes in Gui Yi.

After all, she wears it every time she goes on stage. She hangs it up every day and maintains it carefully to avoid any wrinkles.

Under such subtle observation, the deepening of color is actually not difficult to detect.

Gui Yi was alive and could communicate with her. Although the communication time was not long, after discovering this change, she also asked Gui Yi what was the reason.

Guiyi told her that the color turned red because it was filled with human life.

She was shocked, frightened, frightened, entangled, and guilty, but in the end ambition and desire took over. She blocked her ears, blindfolded her eyes, pretended not to hear or see, and pretended that she never knew.

Feng Xiaozhi has always regarded Guiyi's matter as the biggest secret.

She never gives this suitcase to anyone else. Even when she performs on stage, she puts on this costume herself and never lets others touch it.

She never thought that one day, her secret would be exposed like this, and she would be caught off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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