On the barrage, many people agreed with Pei Anzhu's words.

[Obsessed for You] seemed to have listened. With red eyes, she thanked Pei Anzhu, turned off the live broadcast and left.

After a while, everyone discovered that her avatar and nickname had changed:

The avatar changed to a cartoon piggy cheering expression, and the nickname changed to "I lost ten pounds after taking the postgraduate entrance examination."

Pei Anzhu smiled slowly when he saw this. This girl had found her target.

After the first destined person left, the matters concerning Shao Yuanfeng in the live broadcast room came to an end for the time being, and most of the fans and netizens who were watching the excitement left one after another.

The traffic in the live broadcast room dropped significantly, but a considerable number of new viewers stayed in the live broadcast room and became Pei Anzhu's fans.

These people went to check out Pei Anzhu's previous live broadcast recordings. They were amazed at her ability, but also a little unbelievable.

No matter how old fans brag about Pei Anzhu, new fans ultimately lack a sense of reality and empathy.

There was harmony on the barrage, everyone was chatting——

Some people are popularizing Pei Anzhu's experience of tearing up ghosts several times before, some are talking about how they have learned and improved because of their idol fans, and some are asking why the second destined person hasn't appeared yet.

Pei Anzhu did not participate in the chat because she was drawing talisman.

Nowadays, the consumption of talismans is high, and the talisman shop needs to replenish the supplies all the time. There are also supplies for the Abnormality Bureau and for her own daily use, which is a large amount.

Nowadays, Pei Anzhu's live broadcast room is very civilized, and those trolls have been scolded by her for a long time.

And she is also very tolerant. As long as her live broadcast room is not in a mess and she does not promote anything illegal, criminal and negative, she doesn't care what the audience talks about.

About an hour later, the second destined person appeared:
[The Kite Flyer] Reward the anchor sea view villa x1.

Hearing the sound of special effects, Pei Anzhu raised his head and saw a firework exploding on the screen. Then someone requested a live broadcast connection, and it was the [Kite Flyer].

Pei Anzhu clicked to connect, and soon the other party's face appeared on the screen:

This is a middle-aged man in his 40s, bald, a little fat, round-headed, and with some fat on his face.

Such looks are extremely polarizing. They are either fierce or naive, and middle-aged men are the latter.

He seemed very timid. When he saw the live broadcast connected, he was startled by Pei Anzhu's Nuo god mask on the screen. The fat on his face trembled, and his eyes were a little confused.

Seeing this, Pei Anzhu couldn't help but smile and asked:
"Brother, what do you want to do?"

The bald brother glanced around, as if checking to see if there was anyone else around. After making sure that he was in a safe environment, he swallowed and said:

"Qingzhu Immortal Lord, something strange happened in our place, you have to help me!"

"Oh? What's weird?" Pei Anzhu became curious.

The bald brother had an "I'll tell you a secret" expression on his face. He covered his mouth with his hand and lowered his voice and said:
"There is movement in our graveyard."

It was obviously broad daylight, but his words, coupled with his cautious expression, made the audience in the live broadcast room feel chilly for no reason:
——Damn it, I can see that this guy is really scared.

——The cemetery!There are ghosts to see again, right?
——Why are you so excited upstairs?

——Ahhhh, I don’t dare to look at it because I’m afraid I won’t be able to sleep, but I also want to know what’s going on and what should I do! ! !


The bald brother ignored the words on the barrage. He only pondered his thoughts for a while and then told the cause and effect of the matter: "Qingzhu Immortal Lord, you don't know, our gang is promoting cremation recently..."

This matter has to start with the funeral policies implemented in recent years——

The Dragon Kingdom is a vast country with a vast territory. The economic gap between different regions is large, and the gap between rich and poor is serious. Some places have been rapidly urbanized, but some places are still poor.

It is this difference that results in different customs of funeral culture.

In ancient times, people paid attention to the burial after death. However, with the development of society and the increasing pressure on land use, land is at a premium in cities, and burial has been slowly replaced by cremation.

But there are still some places that still retain their original customs.

In recent years, the country has promoted cremation, emphasized simplicity in funerals, and prohibited the setting off of firecrackers and the like.

This policy probably started in the suburbs of economically developed areas and was gradually implemented in poor and backward areas. It has now been implemented in many places.

This time, it was the turn of the area where the bald brother was.

Promoting cremation is not a simple matter. It does not mean that a few words of publicity by relevant departments are enough. It requires town and village to implement it one by one.

When we arrived at Bald Brother's village, the village cadres were very efficient.

Send people directly to confiscate coffins from door to door——

Many families with elderly people at home will prepare coffins and funeral supplies in advance, so that if the elderly person dies suddenly, the funeral can be held easily without being rushed.

Therefore, almost every house has one or two coffins.

The village cadres and others confiscated all these coffins, of course not for free. In order to make the villagers willing, they would also give thousands of yuan in compensation for each coffin.

The confiscated coffins were not placed randomly, but were placed together in an abandoned tea factory building, and then burned together after the incident was over.

Therefore, until all the coffins in the village are collected, those that have been confiscated need to be watched over.

[The kite flyer], also known as the bald brother, is the coffin keeper found in the village.

The bald brother talked nonchalantly:

"Originally, it's a pile of things that will be burned sooner or later. It's not worth taking care of, but I can't help but feel a little unscrupulous and steal it in the middle of the night."

"You know, the village gives a subsidy of 3000 yuan for a coffin."

"Currently, we are the only ones who are implementing cremation. The neighboring towns and villages have not yet implemented it. When the time comes, we can transport the stolen coffins to an acquaintance next door and confiscate them again, and we will get more money."

"At first, the village did not arrange a coffin guard. The abandoned factory was far away and there were no surveillance cameras. No one noticed that the coffin was stolen in the middle of the night. It was only later that the village cadres inspected and found that a corner of the originally full warehouse was missing, and they discovered that the coffin had been stolen. Stolen."

"Later, they asked me to guard the coffins. I slept during the day and was on duty at night. I installed several cameras, but no one with a short eye came over anymore."

"I originally thought this was a simple errand, but until one time when I was on duty at night, I felt dizzy. When I woke up, I found myself in a newly opened cemetery in the village. inside."

"Under the cemetery, there are all deceased villagers who have been cremated and relocated, and I clearly heard the sound of gongs and drums coming from underground..."

The bald brother is a good storyteller.

His rich language, skillful body movements, and cautious expressions vividly interpret what it means to be "immersive".

After he finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room seemed to have returned with him to that night when he was confused and entered the cemetery by mistake...

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