After cremation was introduced, urns were buried in cemeteries.

It's not difficult to dig it up. After all, the urn doesn't weigh much. It's not like a coffin, which requires several people to work together to lift it.

Just use a wooden stick or a small shovel to loosen the soil around the tombstone. After lifting the tombstone out, carefully dig out the soil and take out the urn.

This can be done quickly if two people work together.

The villagers who had followed with the red coffin were assigned the task of digging graves.

But there were two people among them who also had relatives buried in this cemetery. Now that they heard that they would dig graves again, they seemed a little hesitant.

It was Officer Du who made a decisive decision and promised:
"I will apply to the relevant departments for certain financial compensation."

After hearing this, the villagers started working immediately without saying a word——

People are so contradictory.

They may value the deceased and keep saying that the deceased is the most important, but if the matter is related to his own vital interests, then his own interests must come first.

The dead cannot wake up again, but compensation is a benefit they can actually get.

The viewers in the live broadcast room watched this scene and left messages on the barrage:

——Previous second: drowsy; next second: full of energy!

——If I am guilty, please let the law punish me instead of letting me watch the anchor digging his grave in the middle of the night [bye][bye][bye]!

——To be honest, half an hour ago, I was thinking about staying up late to follow the live broadcast. I drank a cup of coffee, and now my eyes are as wide as bells.

——Wisely, I have already asked for leave for tomorrow, because I know that I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight.

——Hahahaha, there are some fun people upstairs!

——I’m not going to sleep anymore. I want to see what’s under this cemetery today!


The group of people was very motivated and spent more than two hours digging all the more than [-] cemeteries. The tombstones and urns were moved to an open space ten meters away according to Pei Anzhu's request.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Xianming asked:

"Master, since the big tomb is under the cemetery, do we have to continue digging?"

"The master said before that it is three to four meters deeper than the cemetery. This will take a lot of effort." Zhou Pengteng asked worriedly.

Maybe it will be daybreak when the dig is done.

Pei Anzhu smiled and shook his head: "Don't go to such trouble. I will deal with part of it first, and you can do the rest later. It doesn't take too much effort."

After saying this, Pei Anzhu took out a few yellow charms from his bag and explained:

"This is an explosion talisman. It has no other effect except that it can cause explosions. It is very convenient to use it to open a path."

This thing is what was left over from the previous time in Zhaojiacun.

Pei Anzhu used the explosive talisman to deliberately create "weird events", gathering all the villagers in Zhaojia Village together and catching them all in one fell swoop.

Now, the remaining talismans are used to dig graves.

"Do we need to get a soundproofing note?" Shen Yueran asked, "The sound of the explosive note is too loud. If it wakes up people nearby, I have to explain it again."

Pei Anzhu nodded, handed the insulation note to Shen Yueran, and motioned for her to put it down.

Shen Yueran is currently learning the basics of Taoism. She has mastered the use of basic anti-eavesdropping talismans such as isolation notes.

Of course, she also knew that this was Pei Anzhu's test for her.

Shen Yueran quickly put up the insulation notes. When Pei Anzhu saw this, he nodded with satisfaction, then stepped into the cemetery and went to blow up the pit himself.

The explosive talisman can be controlled by ordinary people, but if it is not grasped properly, it is easy to hurt herself, so it is better for her to do it herself.

The explosive talisman in her hand had a reduced effect and could only create a one-meter crater.But this is enough for digging graves.

If the scope is too large and the effect is too good, it may directly destroy the large tomb underneath, which is also a loss to the country's archaeological cause.

Pei Anzhu calculated the direction, found the right place, and threw the explosive talisman.

There was only a rumble and a pit appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Pei Anzhu continued to throw talismans, one after another. After throwing four talismans in total, the place was blown open, revealing a corner of the large tomb underneath——

#On the Magical Use of Explosion Talisman#
Officer Du used a strong outdoor flashlight to shine into the hole, and saw that there should be a small burial chamber underneath, with various pottery vessels placed in it, which were obviously burial objects.

Everyone was also very curious, and they all stuck their heads out and took a look inside.

"Qingzhu Immortal Lord, what should we do now?" Sun Xianming asked.

"Go down from the entrance of this cave, find the owner of the tomb, and solve the problem of him holding a banquet in the middle of the night and playing music to disturb the people." Pei Anzhu said.

Everyone: ...God is disturbing the people by playing music in the middle of the night.

This is a cemetery!Do you want to listen to what you are saying?
"Then I'll ask someone to go back and get the ladder?" Sun Xianming said, turning around and leaving.

Pei Anzhu stopped him and said:

"No need, I'll pick two people to go down with me. No ladder required."

The people she chose were Officer Du and Shen Yueran.

After all, Officer Du is from the police system, and his skills are naturally very good. Jumping from this height is no problem at all.

As for Shen Yueran, she can use the power of the little fox to protect herself from harm.

Not to mention Pei Anzhu, an immortal cultivator at the Golden Core stage, in the original world, could be called a "Golden Core Real Person" in size. It was only a few meters deep hole, which could not stop her at all.

Others were left on the ground.

With the presence of two village cadres, Zhou Pengteng and Ma Yuwei, the overall situation can be temporarily stabilized.

After making arrangements, Pei Anzhu took Officer Du and Shen Yueran and jumped down from the entrance of the cave——

Sun Xianming put his head together and looked down with a flashlight. When he saw three people landing in different postures without any damage, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart:
As expected of the person brought by Immortal Qingzhu, he is Niubi!

There was silence on the ground. Everyone stood together automatically and spontaneously. The distance was very close and they could touch each other, which made them feel safer.

They waited anxiously.

But at this time, there was another scene in the tomb——

After the three of them landed, the scene in front of them changed. The small burial chamber of about five square meters that they had seen before disappeared and was replaced by a small outdoor yard.

Shen Yueran hugged the little fox tightly and was very nervous:

"What's going on? After we jumped down, shouldn't we have landed in the small tomb? Why are we in the open yard?"

"It's only three or four meters high, so we won't be mistaken!"

What's more, so many people have seen the pottery burial objects, but now they are all gone.

"Could it be an illusion again?" Officer Du asked.

Although he has never personally experienced the illusion, he has followed Pei Anzhu for so long, and he is no longer a novice who doesn't understand anything.

Pei Anzhu nodded: "It's an illusion, a very realistic illusion that allows all those who fall into the illusion to follow the tomb owner's wishes."

"No matter how realistic it is, it shouldn't be difficult for you, right?" Shen Yueran was full of confidence in Pei Anzhu, "With your ability, you can definitely defeat it with just a raise of your hands!"

"It's not difficult, but I don't plan to break it now." Pei Anzhu said, "Let's find the owner of the tomb first. Only by finding the root cause can this matter be completely solved."

She wanted to see what the owner of the tomb wanted to do by going to such great lengths to create such a huge illusion in his tomb.

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