Pei Anzhu and Mr. Song negotiated a deal and signed a contract.

Mr. Song looked at the newly obtained contract, sighed quietly, and said in a rather sour tone:

"If you humans hadn't dug in and out, stolen the coffin in my tomb, and destroyed the integrity of the tomb formation, I wouldn't have been discovered by you and lost my carefree life."

When mentioning the coffin, everyone couldn't help but think of the red coffin they saw before in the live broadcast room:
——Is it the coffin that the bald brother took the photo of?
——I feel dizzy just by looking at it. It really has a great background!

——I follow Qingzhu Fairy Lord every day to gain experience. This time she stopped fighting ghosts and went directly to negotiate with ghosts. This is also awesome!

——Did you see that move just now?Like a golden bowl, it covered them all!Damn it, I didn’t even know how to describe it at the time!

——It’s so shocking, I doubt it’s a special effect.

——Is this a new fan upstairs?Qingzhu Immortal Lord also captured a ghost king before, and it looked like the special effects, but that one was so useless that I couldn't even watch it!

——It seems that there are still good ghosts, such as this Master Song.


The conversation on the barrage was heated, and Pei Anzhu seemed to feel something. He lowered his head and looked at the mini camera on his collar, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room:

"The following live broadcast is not suitable for everyone to watch, so today's live broadcast ends here."

"Thank you everyone for staying with me until now. We said before that we would draw 100 amulets to give to the audience. We haven't finished drawing them yet and we will continue after I go back. In order to thank everyone for their support, I will add 50 more."

"Okay, no more words. Let's go to bed early. Goodbye."

After saying this, she ended her ninth live broadcast.

Then, she asked Mr. Song:

"What did you mean by stealing the coffin and destroying the formation?"

Mr. Song sounded sad as he recalled what happened during this period——

It turns out that the cremation policy in Gaoqiao Village was decided at the beginning of the year. At that time, the village issued a document, and several college student village officials went door-to-door to notify everyone.

While promoting the benefits of cremation to the people, the village was actually planning and selecting a site, and had roughly determined the scope of the cemetery.

This is the land where Master Song's mausoleum is located.

But at that time, this land was all wasteland and needed to be reclaimed and all the dead branches and weeds removed before the cemetery could be sorted out.

At that time, this wasteland was contracted to a family named Feng for reclamation.

The Feng family is a large family in Gaoqiao Village, with a large population. Except for a few who went to college and left the village, most of them have no future and can only make a living in the dirt or do odd jobs.

The village wanted to open up wasteland to build a tomb and hired local residents to do the work, so the Feng family volunteered to take over the job.

The Feng family was a large family, with more than twenty young and middle-aged men alone. They were responsible for reclaiming this wasteland. When they were digging a hole one day, they discovered a red coffin buried in the soil.

"The red coffin, buried in the southwest corner of my grave, is the weakest link in the illusion formation. I asked the Taoist priest to design it inconspicuously so that no one would be greedy and poach it for me," Master Song said. .

But he did not expect that modern society would not be taboo about coffins, and the Feng family had no intention of "not disturbing the deceased's peaceful sleep."

At that time, the Feng family just thought that the coffin was well made and the red paint on it was beautiful, so it would definitely fetch a good price.

So they dug out the coffin, along with the burial objects in the coffin.

The burial object was a costume.

After they dug up the red coffin, they hid it at home without telling anyone, planning to drag it out and sell it after the incident was over.But they didn't expect that the village began to confiscate coffins, and they confiscated them for a fee. They paid 3000 yuan for a coffin. So the Feng family thought for a while that the coffin was for nothing anyway, so they regarded it as their own and asked the village to give it to them. Taken away.

But they kept the costume, and later it fell into Feng Xiaozhi's hands.

Feng Xiaozhi is one of the few college students in the Feng family who passed the exam. Because of his poor family conditions, he worked in the Taoyao Song and Dance Troupe for many years after graduation and had no chance to get ahead.

Until she met this costume and was bewitched by the remnant soul inside, starting a path of evil.

Feng Xiaozhi took the costume away, but Master Song couldn't chase it out and get the costume back, so he had no choice but to let it wander outside.

As for the coffin, he wanted it returned.

Therefore, Mr. Song chose the right time to use his connection with the red coffin to confuse Sun Xianming, the coffin keeper at the time.

Sun Xianming came to the cemetery in a daze, and then his soul left his body. He was invited into the cemetery by Master Song, where he transformed into a country gentleman, attended banquets, drank and had fun.

After the banquet, Mr. Song specially asked Sun Xianming to send back the red coffin.

Unexpectedly, after Sun Xianming woke up, he was so scared that he regarded the experience of his soul leaving his body and attending the banquet as a dream, and even forgot the most crucial part.

Not only did he not remember Master Song’s commission, he even found Lord Qingzhu.

At this point, Master Song's grave was completely exposed, and he had no chance to continue huddled underground, drinking and enjoying himself.

After listening to Mr. Song’s words, everyone could only sigh:
There are certain numbers in the dark.

Who would have thought that just because the country implements the cremation policy and finds people to reclaim wasteland and build a cemetery, it will lead to a series of subsequent stories?

Officer Du heard this and asked one more question:
"Mr. Song, I would like to ask you, why did the costume buried in the red coffin become a ghost costume? Aren't all the ghosts here under your control?"

"It's under my control, but I can't stop them from seeking death." Mr. Song spread his hands and said helplessly, "The owner of the costume was a famous local opera guest in our area..."

This is a slightly gory story, somewhat similar to the previous "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers" -

A guest in a theater fell in love with a rich girl who liked to listen to operas, and they met in private. However, the girl's parents found out and beat them up, and the two agreed to die in love.

On the day of his death, Li Yuan Ke wore his favorite costume and hanged himself.

After his death, his obsession turned into a ghost and lingered in the theater for a long time.

Later, I heard from people passing by that the wealthy lady did not die in love at all, and was even engaged to a well-matched young man.

After further inquiring, the guest in the opera house found out that it was the maid of the wealthy lady who had been bribed by her parents to cause trouble:

The maid pretended to be the lady's handwriting and asked a guest from the opera house to die for her love. However, she turned around and told the lady that the guest from the opera house took the money and ran away and did not love her at all.

Such a provocation, coupled with the fact that the guest from the opera house had indeed not appeared for a long time, the young lady believed it, became disheartened, and married someone else.

The beginning of the story is similar to "Frost Leaves Red in February Flowers", except that in that scene, the scholar and the lady succeeded in committing suicide for their love, but the opera guest and the lady outside the scene failed.

The guest in the theater knew that he could no longer wait for the lady.

Because he has to abide by the causal contract and work for Mr. Song, but after the death of the lady, she will go to the underworld and be reincarnated, and the two will never see each other again in life.

As a result, his heart felt haggard, and he would rather lose his soul than stay here as a ghost servant, and then destroy himself.

All his soul and reason disappeared, leaving only a lingering resentment hidden in the ghost clothes he loved most during his lifetime.

At that time, he was no longer under Master Song's control. After he was taken out, he only relied on his ghost instinct to seduce humans to fall and suck their vitality.

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