Pei Anzhu drew the talisman quickly enough, one after another, and his spiritual energy seemed not to be exhausted, which impressed Shen Yueran who was watching from the side.

She also tried to draw symbols, but she often felt exhausted and paralyzed as soon as she started writing.

There is still a long way to go before a complete success can be achieved.

When Pei Anzhu drew enough defensive talismans, Officer Du's communication with Bureau Guo also ended. He walked over and said to the two of them:

"Director Guo is already on the way here, along with people from the military and the secretary next to the top leader, whom you saw in Meng Chao's ward last time."

"They heard that a demon appeared and they must come and see it with their own eyes. Later we will have a satellite aerial camera fly to the mountain, and the leaders will be at the bottom of the mountain to observe the situation on the mountain."

"What the leaders mean is that if the monster can be captured alive, try to capture it alive; if it cannot be captured alive, it will be executed on the spot, and it must not be allowed to harm the people."

"In addition, our supporting brothers are arriving soon. At that time, they will use the impending earthquake as an excuse to evacuate all the people in several nearby villages."

"As for the rest, I leave it to you, Master Pei."

After hearing this, Pei Anzhu nodded: "Don't worry, as long as I am still alive, I will not let it cause any harm to humans."

Officer Du did not relax because of Pei Anzhu's promise. In fact, he was very nervous.

Because he also remembered what Master Zhao once said in the Zhou family’s mountain manor——

The Curse of the Great Demon.

It was related to the reasons for the discontinuation of Xuanmen inheritance and the future stability of the country. At that time, he kept every word Master Zhao said in his heart and even recorded it.

Later, he handed this recording to the superiors, who were always wary of the "demon" species. As far as he knew, there were already secret troops searching for traces of demons all over the country.

But unexpectedly, there was no progress in other places, but it was Master Pei who made a discovery.

This makes Officer Du feel lucky:

If there is no Master Pei, then Xuanmen still has no one who can carry the banner. What should the country do when faced with the sudden appearance of a monster?

In that case, does it mean that the curse of the great demon has been half fulfilled?
  I have to admit that Officer Du has told the truth to a certain extent.

He didn't know that Pei Anzhu came from time to time. Without her, a Taoist genius from another world, this world might really be like the big demon's curse.

Ghosts are in power, and demons are in the world.

Pei Anzhu also thought about this. She was even thinking about whether the thunder struck her into this world just to let her be the savior?

Otherwise, she would have been a good person and full of merits for ten lifetimes, and she would not have fallen to the thunder calamity.

Thinking of this, Pei Anzhu calmed down and said:

"Time waits for no one. I'm going up the mountain first. When I find the monster, I will try my best to communicate with it and delay time so that you can evacuate all the villagers."

"In addition, I will also find out why there is water soaked with corpses flowing down the mountain. Whether it is an accident or man-made, there must be a result."

After the explanation, Pei Anzhu walked towards the mountain.

She was still carrying her schoolbag, which contained some concealing props. After all, the existence of the storage ring could not be exposed.

Just like that, go up step by step.

The sun shines on the back of the lone figure walking alone. Under the shadow of the trees in the mountains, it is half-dark and half-dark. He looks firm and steady, like a lonely hero facing difficulties.

"Xiaozhu, you must pay attention to safety!" Shen Yueran warned from behind.

Pei Anzhu didn't look back, he just stretched out his hand and made an OK gesture, walking calmly.

  Bureau Guo and the others came directly by helicopter.

The plane was equipped with the aerial photography equipment that Officer Du said and thermal weapons ready to support Pei Anzhu at any time. It arrived in Baocheng County in less than two hours.

Director Guo took the walkie-talkie and contacted Officer Du on the mountain:
  "How is the situation?" "Most of the villagers have been evacuated." Officer Du said, "Fortunately, we brought enough people with us this time to take care of several villages. When the villagers heard about the upcoming earthquake, they were very worried. Cooperate, and they have been sent to the foot of the mountain in batches now."

"Okay, where is Master Pei?" Bureau Guo asked again.

"I went up the mountain alone two hours ago. Her mobile phone lost signal and there is no way to contact her." Officer Du added, "Now let's see if we can see her through aerial photography."

"Okay, report any situation at any time." Director Guo warned.

After cutting off the call, Director Guo went to the next room.

Technicians are installing aerial photography equipment monitors. Once completed, satellite aerial photography can be started, and the situation on the mountain can be observed here.

About ten minutes later, a picture flashed on the monitor:
  "There is it!"

"This angle is fine! We have a picture! But there are trees blocking it, so we have to go down further!"

"Adjust the angle of machine No. 3, thirty meters to the southeast. See if that is Master Pei?"

"Hurry up!"


After the technicians were busy for a while, they finally found Pei Anzhu in the woods at the back of Shuize Village.

She is easy to recognize.

A slender girl with a black schoolbag, she is alone in the vast forest.

Director Guo and several other leaders stood quietly in front of the display screen, looking at Pei Anzhu in the forest on the top of the mountain with shocked eyes——

Because at this time, Pei Anzhu was digging up the corpse with his bare hands.

  Two hours ago, Pei Anzhu went up the mountain along the mountain path, walking along the place where the corpse aura and yin aura were the strongest.

She was not in a hurry to find the monster, but wanted to find out the reason why the corpses were soaked in the mountain stream first.

After searching, I found a corpse dumping place in the forest.

Pei Anzhu saw corpses piled up all over the ground, scattered everywhere, as if they had been thrown here randomly, but there were still some corpses half buried in the ground.

And these corpses all have one thing in common:

None of them had a heart. To be precise, their hearts were hollowed out. A hole was directly dug out of their left chest, piercing through their chest and back.

Seeing this scene, Pei Anzhu was basically certain that this was the source of the appearance of the living corpses in Shuize Village.

This corpse dumping ground is connected to the underground water channel in the mountain. The corpse is buried underground and soaked in water, and the water flows down the mountain and leads to Liu Chao's pond.

As for how the groundwater flows, we have to dig out the river to find out.

But unsurprisingly, this is the root cause.

In order to delay time and give the people at the foot of the mountain a chance to evacuate, Pei Anzhu did not go to find the demon immediately. Instead, she chose to dig out all the bones and wait for the Foreign Affairs Bureau to send people to help collect them.

This digging took nearly two hours.

When she heard the sound of an aerial camera in mid-air, she subconsciously raised her head and waved to the sky.

Director Guo then issued an order:

"This should be the source of the corpses soaked in water. We don't know how many corpses there are underground. Mark the longitude and latitude first, and then send people to collect the corpses after Master Pei subdues the demon."

"Also, let's see if we can find a way to send Master Pei a satellite phone or a walkie-talkie for easy communication."

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