The sound of a gasp drew everyone's attention to the screen.

Then I saw that the slender Pei Anzhu was beaten away by the big black bear in a circle, even flew upside down for several meters, and then hit a tree not far away.

The tree withstood the huge impact and broke with a crack.

A trace of blood also overflowed from the corner of Pei Anzhu's mouth.

"Master Pei!!!" Director Guo couldn't help but worry when he saw this.

She is injured.

No one knew she was faking it.

Pei Anzhu has a golden elixir level cultivation and can lay an invisible layer of defense on his body. No matter how powerful the black bear is, it cannot penetrate this layer of defense.

She borrowed the power of the black bear to fly backwards, she took advantage of the situation when she hit the tree, she secretly used her internal strength to break the tree, and the vomiting of blood was an illusion.

She really put a lot of effort into creating an image for the people in front of the screen that she was "fighting the bear demon with all her strength and with her own body".

This also reminded Pei Anzhu.

From now on, she will just go out to catch ghosts. If she wants to slay demons again, she must not let this group of people see her, otherwise she will have to spend all her efforts to cover it up.

Although she could use a blindfold to blind the camera, the traces at the scene could not be faked.

Unless she does nothing, if there is a fight, the country's trace experts will be able to analyze the course of the battle based on the residue at the scene.

If they were not present, Pei Anzhu would have a lot more room to move.

With this thought in his mind, Pei Anzhu kept moving his hands——

She continued as before, climbing trees, jumping, landing on the giant bear, and stabbing it with a dagger, causing a shower of blood.

Then as expected, he was knocked away by the giant bear.

"Why haven't the weapons been delivered yet? Does she plan to kill the giant bear demon with just this short knife?" Director Guo couldn't help but turned around and asked.

The men on the side had a sad face and replied:

"The weapon has been airdropped, but the fight between Master Pei and the giant bear made too much noise, and the weapon flew away. Now the airdropped gun has fallen two kilometers away."

Everyone has seen that the roar of a giant bear is very powerful.

Even a tree can be overturned, let alone a light weapon falling from the sky, which cannot land in front of Pei Anzhu.

"Get ready for rescue," the military leader said. "How many times can Master Pei's flesh and blood body withstand such violent impacts? I'm afraid her life will be lost if we delay any longer."

Pei Anzhu heard what the leaders said.

In fact, the phone call between her and Director Guo was not cut off, so she listened to all the conversations of the leaders.

In order to prevent them from launching thermal weapon bombings, she quickly took out her mobile phone and said to Director Guo:

"Don't make a move yet! Give me another ten minutes!"

"But ten minutes is too long. Can you hold on?" Director Guo was worried.

"I can!" Pei Anzhu said, "Bureau Guo, believe me, things are not as bad as you see!"

This bear demon has developed intelligence and understands human language. Now she can't tell the leaders her plan in front of it, so she can only explain it in vague words.

What she was betting on was Director Guo's trust in her.

Sure enough, Bureau Guo did not disappoint her, and directly persuaded the military leaders to stop, and did not let them immediately dispatch thermal weapons for support.

Everyone watched quietly, letting Pei Anzhu repeat the action of "Assassinate the giant bear - fly out" on the top of the mountain.

As time went by, Pei Anzhu flew out more and more often.

She vomited blood every time and looked seriously injured every time. But the strange thing was that she could get up every time and continue sprinting towards the giant bear.

Similarly, there are more and more wounds on the giant bear.

The thick fur could not stop the sharp dagger. Every time Pei Anzhu stabbed it, he used all his strength to make the dagger sink completely into the black bear's flesh.

With a puff sound, three-thirds of the meat was inserted. The people at the foot of the mountain were counting down the time. It was only ten minutes, but at this moment, it seemed extremely long. Watching Master Pei rise and fall, they felt as if a century had passed.

"Master Pei is getting up slower and slower." The military leader said solemnly, "There are still three minutes, but the black bear has already gained experience, and Master Pei will not succeed so easily."

"I've stabbed the air three times in a row..." Director Guo also felt a little heavy.

Just when they thought Pei Anzhu's defeat was certain, something unexpected happened, and Pei Anzhu changed his usual attack method——

She was still climbing trees, jumping, and landing on the bear's back just like before.

But this time, she didn't raise the dagger.

The black bear prevented her from stabbing her with a knife, but did not prevent her from using a charm. Several explosive charms were directly inserted into the black bear's wound, and then she was beaten away by the black bear.

The next second, a violent explosion sounded, directly blasting several holes in the black bear.

"Ah——" Pain hit, and the black bear roared.

The broken trees were blown over one by one, and the black bear jumped in pain, eager to expel the foreign matter from the wound.

But its body is huge and its limbs are not long, so it cannot reach the wound on its back.

The ground trembled and sand and stones flew everywhere.

"I'll kill you -" The black bear couldn't relieve the pain, and in anger, he rushed towards Pei Anzhu regardless.

Wherever it passed, the ground was cracked, and several cracks appeared centered on the soles of the black bear's feet.

The battle between demons and humans is really shocking.

The leaders at the foot of the mountain were trembling, and ten minutes passed before they knew it.

Pei Anzhu's countdown voice came:


"Use blood as a guide, form a formation to bind, heaven and earth help me, slay demons!"

The moment he finished speaking, traces of blood-red light suddenly appeared from the black bear. If you look carefully, you can find that these bloody lights are emanating from the wounds on its body.

Red light overflowed and connected in mid-air to form a huge blood array cage.

The cage uses the bear demon itself as the center of the formation. If there is no external help, then if it dies, the formation will break. If it does not die, the cage will always be there, and it cannot break free.

This move is called: Blood Cage Formation.

"Ah——" The bear demon's painful roar came again.

Also sounded was Director Guo's slightly surprised voice:

"I understand. Just now, Master Pei seemed to be beaten away by the giant bear again and again, but he jumped on it again and again regardless of the danger. In fact, he did not intend to kill it, but used a dagger to carve formations on its body."

"Every cut of her dagger has a purpose. When the giant bear was unaware, she made herself the eye of this formation."

"No wonder Master Pei told us not to do anything. It turns out she had planned it for a long time!"

That's right, those wounds on the giant bear's body eventually formed a complete formation, and the final explosion was the key to activating the formation.

Pei Anzhu won this battle.

As the light of the blood cage array became stronger and stronger, more and more blood flowed from the black bear's body. It became weaker and weaker, and its huge body began to shrink.

The height of four meters gradually became three meters, then two meters, and finally stopped at about 1.2 meters.

This is what the black bear looked like before it transformed into a demon.

"Now, you can go back with me and talk about the fact that you were kept and fed in captivity." Pei Anzhu looked at it coldly and said.

Then, she waved in the direction of the aerial camera.

The next second, the rumble of a helicopter came and stayed in the mid-air in the forest. Many soldiers, fully armed and loaded with live ammunition, got off the helicopter on a ladder.

Thirty people surrounded the black bear.

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