However, refining weapons is not that simple.

Although she now has a furnace for refining, she still lacks some ore materials and a quiet, undisturbed environment for refining.

Therefore, she put away the tiger demon skull and half of the demon pill, planning to find an opportunity to refine it in the future.

In the next two days, Pei Anzhu concentrated on resting in the hotel.

Three meals a day were brought to the room by the service staff. She never stepped out of the room. Then on the third day, she received a call from Officer Du:

"Master Pei, how is your injury?"

"I'm almost recovered. I'm here to see you now." After Pei Anzhu said that, he got up and left the room, checked out at the front desk, and returned to the back of Shuize Village.

In the past two days, the Abnormality Bureau has done a lot of things——

First, all the villagers from several villages were sent back and comforted, promising that the earthquake would not happen, so that the villagers could feel at ease.

Second, people were sent to surround Shuize Village, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. Whether they were outside mourners or local villagers of Shuize Village, they had no choice but to comply.

Third, with the location where Pei Anzhu originally found the body as the center of the circle, he dug deep around and under the soil, digging out all the bodies and digging to the underground river in the mountain.

Except for the time required to communicate with the villagers, other tasks are purely physical and do not require much technical content.

After finishing, Officer Du called Pei Anzhu and asked her to take the next step.

After Pei Anzhu arrived at the mountain behind Shuize Village, he met with Officer Du, checked the surrounding situation, then looked at the underground river, nodded and said:

"Yes, this is it."

"This place is connected by a formation to the swamp where the bear demon is entrenched. The man behind the scenes threw the human body here. The black bear smelled the smell and found it, dug out the heart and ate it, leaving the remaining body far away."

"Perhaps they would have buried the bodies at first, but later they found that this place was inaccessible and there would be no trouble, and then they gradually piled up the bodies, and that's how we ended up with what we see today."

"The deeply buried corpses came into contact with the underground river water, turning the water into polluted water where the corpses had been soaked. However, this part of the water did not flow elsewhere, but flowed to Liu Chao's pond."

Three years ago, Liu Chao's family had not built a pond, but Liu Chao's parents would use the water to irrigate the vegetable fields, so the vegetables at home were irrigated with carrion water.

Vegetables grown at home are usually eaten by oneself, so Liu Chao's parents may have been the first two people to be infected by Yin worms. After eating these vegetables for many years, the body could not bear it, and the Yin energy exceeded the Yang energy, and finally became alive. Corpse, and then death.

Three years ago, Liu Chao returned to his village to settle down and work as a self-media food anchor.

He cooperated with the village to build vegetable gardens and ponds, and the water they used was carrion water, so that the aquatic products and vegetables he raised were all covered with worms.

What is different from before is that the ingredients produced through cooperation are eaten by the whole village, so starting from three years ago, other people in the village have gradually become infected with parasites.

Because Liu Chao is a food anchor and eats the most ingredients, the situation is the most serious.

But because he is young and has a good foundation, he is not dead yet.

The other elderly and children in the village, those with poor resistance and weak health, could not bear the body-exploding yin energy and died one after another.

Last month was the critical point of the parasite outbreak, so people died one after another in the village.

After listening to Pei Anzhu's explanation, Officer Du sighed:

"Now that we have figured out the reason, what about the people in Shuize Village..."

Pei Anzhu thought for a while and said:

"I will set up a formation here to absorb the Yin Qi and turbidity in the water, and purify the underground river water source, so that the people at the foot of the mountain will no longer be harmed by Yinworm parasites in the future."

"As for the people of Shuize Village, according to what you discussed at the previous meeting, they are willing to cooperate with the Abnormality Bureau and the Scientific Research Institute to take them away. If not, let them live here and enjoy their last life in peace."

"Of course, this place must be monitored and protected. No news can be spread to avoid causing chaos. More importantly, after the villagers here pass away, this place will be uninhabitable for at least ten years."

The recovery of water and soil takes time.

Because of the black bear demon, these carrion corpses can be traced back to fifty years ago. It is unknown to what extent the soil and water sources here have been affected.

For the safety of the people, it is best to give this area more time to recover before people can settle there. As for those who have settled away from the village, they come back to eat these ingredients occasionally, and those from other places who buy the ingredients also eat them once in a while.

Their bodies are not affected much by Yin worms and can be easily eliminated.

Pei Anzhu stayed in Shuize Village for another three days. After settling the things that needed her to do, she left. Before leaving, she went to see Liu Chao.

Liu Chao, also known as [Ming Yue Treading on the Breeze], is the destined person for the tenth live broadcast.

Seeing Pei Anzhu, he twitched the corners of his mouth, showed a half-smiling expression, and said:

"If the water in the village is not clean, I won't serve you tea."

"It's okay." Pei Anzhu shook his head and asked, "Have the people from the Strange Bureau told you the truth?"

"I told you." Liu Chao nodded, then held his face in his hands, looking slumped, "I really didn't expect this would be the result."

"It's not your fault, nor is it the fault of everyone in the village." Pei Anzhu advised.

It was the person behind the trap of the black bear demon who turned the back mountain into a burial ground, causing the village to suffer such an unreasonable disaster.

"Master Pei, how long do I have?" Liu Chao asked.

"A month at most."

"Okay, I will shoot more works within this month and say goodbye to my fans. In addition, I also want to donate all the money I have earned over the years to the Environmental Protection Association..."

Liu Chao's parents were both dead. He was neither married nor had any children. His close relatives were all from Shuize Village. When encountering the Yinworm parasite, they were all wiped out.

He couldn't bring any money into the coffin, so after thinking about it, he decided to donate it.

The village was destroyed because of "water source pollution." Although the cause of the pollution sounds a bit bizarre, it can ultimately be linked to the theme of environmental protection.

Pei Anzhu nodded: "Just do what you choose."

Liu Chao didn't say anything, and the sound of crying came one after another outside the house, which sounded far more sad and sad than the previous mourning sounds.

Presumably, it was the Strange Bureau who told the villagers the truth.

It was a big blow to suddenly learn the truth about the death of a loved one, and it was an even bigger blow to learn that he was not going to die soon either.

If you can live well, no one will want to die.

What's more, Shuize Village was poor before. Now it has finally gotten better and can make money, but it turns out that it won't last long. This is a bolt from the blue for everyone.

The crying continued from the beginning of the village to the end of the village.

Even though the comrades in the Strange Bureau couldn't bear it, they were powerless and could only watch the villagers hug each other and cry.

After all, even such a powerful Master Pei is helpless to save the lives of the villagers.

Pei Anzhu sighed and did not stay long. After saying goodbye to Liu Chao, he left Shuize Village and returned to Yuncheng.

Things here have been done and she is no longer needed, but she has not forgotten that there is a black bear demon in Yuncheng, waiting for her to interrogate.

Sitting on the plane, Pei Anzhu rubbed the storage ring on his finger, thinking a lot——

She always had a bad feeling.

Ghosts appear frequently, demons have appeared, and the curse of the great demon seems to be happening.

But now that Xuanmen has been discontinued, the inheritance is difficult to continue. Can she alone really save this crisis that has lasted for several generations?

Don’t forget, several generations of Shuyunguan temple masters died fighting monsters.

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