The right to know the truth

Pei Anzhu said to Zhou Ying while recording the Spirit Gathering Formation:

"I want to ask you to help me write a story."

Zhou Yingfu went to his heart and asked:
"Is it about the female ghost in house 144 yesterday?"

Pei Anzhu nodded and explained:

"She died unjustly with a stigma, and the real reason is embarrassing."

"Although she has harmed people, she should be returned innocent, and let the world know that even after a hundred years, some things are neither good nor evil, and still cannot be reversed."

"I said this not to ask you to help her clean up."

"It's just that people in the world have the right to know the truth. Why did she die and why did she become like this? Please help me to write it down clearly."

Zhou Ying was asked to help write this story because Zhou Ying had seen Qiulian with her own eyes.

Although she didn't listen to Qiulian's story of the past, she was barely half of the party involved. With the live broadcast recording as evidence, her words would be more credible.

Right and wrong, right and wrong, cannot be erased——

It is true that Qiulian died of injustice and lingering grievances, but it is also true that she became a ghost and killed innocent people indiscriminately.

What Pei Anzhu can do is to announce all the good and evil to the world.

Let the world hate ghosts for harming people, bloodthirsty and cruelty, but at the same time, they also have a little bit of pity for this poor girl.

At least let Qiulian know that even after a hundred years, her unjust death is still remembered.

That's it.

Zhou Ying nodded solemnly and agreed:

"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, don't worry, I will definitely write this story well, and I will write everything you told me exactly."

"I wonder if we can add a contact method? When I finish writing, I will send it to you for a look?"

Pei Anzhu paused and said:
"Alright, then add a WeChat."

"In the future, you will be regarded as a regular customer. Next time you or someone around you encounters such a thing, you can come to me again and get a [-]% discount."

Zhou Ying got her wish and added Pei Anzhu's WeChat, she was so happy from ear to ear.

Next, Pei Anzhu relayed Qiulian's story to Zhou Ying, and when a story was finished, the repair formation on the jade pendant was almost finished.

After seeing off Zhou Ying, Pei Anzhu immediately logged into the background of the Dolphin live broadcast.

She looked at the message from [Meet by chance], first saved the other party's contact information, then packed her luggage, checked out the room, and left the hotel.

[Meeting by chance] Not from Pingcheng, but from Yuncheng.

The distance between Pingcheng and Yuncheng is relatively far, about 500 kilometers. Although the whole journey between the two places is high-speed, it takes five or six hours to reach the destination by car.

Therefore, Pei Anzhu chose to fly.

Before going to the airport, she went to the hospital first, and went to the ICU ward to see the old Taoist priest as usual.

The old Taoist's breathing was steady, his spirit gradually stabilized, and he seemed to be recovering well.

The nurse also said that with the old Taoist's current recovery speed, he may be transferred to a general ward in a month at most.

Pei Anzhu was relieved, and after leaving the hospital, he drove straight to the airport.

She left her car in the parking lot, only carried a small backpack with some necessary things in it, and bought a ticket for the latest trip to Yuncheng.

Before boarding the plane, she called [Meet by chance] and told her that she would come.

So, two hours later, Pei Anzhu got off the plane at Yuncheng Airport, and met the driver sent by [Meet by chance] to pick her up.

The driver was a middle-aged man in his 40s. When he saw Pei Anzhu, he looked surprised:
"You are Immortal Lord Qingzhu? Our wife invited...a master?"

Before he came to pick him up at the airport, his wife told him again and again, saying that the Qingzhu Immortal is a very powerful expert, so he must be respectful and polite.

He originally thought that an expert who could make his wife full of praise should be an old man, right?

In the end, it was a young girl?
Pei Anzhu saw the doubt in the driver's eyes, she had no intention of explaining, but said:
"It's me, now please take me to see your wife."

When she solves the problem that plagued [Meeting by Chance], these doubts will naturally disappear.

The driver was considered to be of high quality, even though he was suspicious, he still obeyed his wife's orders and treated Pei Anzhu politely and respectfully, and did not treat her contemptuously just because she was young.

"Please." The driver bowed and made an inviting gesture.

After Pei Anzhu got into the car and sat down, he returned to the driver's cab, started the car, moved forward steadily, and galloped all the way towards the destination.

When doing fortune-telling before, Pei Anzhu knew that [Meet by chance] was a rich man.

Only when we actually got to the place did we realize how rich the other party was——

Junlin Tianxia Villa Area.

Located in the center of Yuncheng, it is quiet amidst the hustle and bustle. It is the best single-family villa area in the entire Yuncheng area. Almost the entire rich family in Yuncheng lives here.

Although there are many rich people living here, it doesn't look crowded and complicated at all.

Because every household has its own territory.

There are stretches of green belts separating each villa. The trees in the green belts are tall and form forests, covering the sky and the sun, which not only beautifies the environment, but also properly ensures the privacy of the residents.

In addition, different roads are planned from the gate of the villa area to different residences.

Except for the public land at the beginning, one household is truly achieved along the way. Those roads are all private land, and sentry boxes have been set up, and no one can enter without permission.

The driver drove Pei Anzhu, and it took more than half an hour from the gate of the community to [Meet by chance]'s residence.

When the car stopped, Pei Anzhu saw two words written outside the villa:
Shen house.

The lady [Meet by chance] I met in the previous video was standing at the door waiting, and when she saw Pei Anzhu, she warmly greeted her:
"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, you are here."

As she spoke, she subconsciously looked at Pei Anzhu, but when she saw Pei Anzhu's face, she was slightly taken aback, with some doubts showing on her face.

Pei Anzhu thought that the other party had such an expression because she saw that she was young, so he didn't think much about it.

After all, since she came to this world, many people will show such expressions after knowing her identity, such as Cui Yun, Sister Song, and the previous driver...

She opened her mouth and said:
"Mrs. Shen, I don't know if Mr. Shen is at home? The main root of what happened in your family is still on him, and he needs to be here to solve it."

"Yes." Mrs. Shen nodded, "I knew you were coming today, so I specifically told him to wait at home with me."

While speaking, Mrs. Shen led Pei Anzhu into the door.

The interior decoration of Shen's house is fresh and elegant, which is in line with Mrs. Shen's taste, but it is also low-key and luxurious, worthy of the Shen family's wealth and status.

In the living room, a middle-aged man with elegant temperament was sitting on the sofa, making tea.

Seeing Pei Anzhu, he got up and introduced himself:
"Green Bamboo Immortal Lord, hello, I am Shen Qinghe, welcome to Shen's house as a guest."

He was polite and courteous, but there was a slight alienation in his eyes.

It can be seen that he is polite to a young girl because of his wife's face, rather than agreeing with her status as a metaphysical teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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