Among the many evil practices, wife sacrifice is the least expensive one.

As long as you find a wife with a good fortune and prosperous horoscope, you will be able to prosper in feng shui and luck. You will be prosperous when you are alive and you will be prosperous even after you die.

Seal the dead wife in the home, let her take her place, and continue to prosper the family.

Ji Yunxiao was mediocre in the first half of his life and had no great potential. He was no longer destined to be the heir to the Ji family, so he created such a heresy.

Moreover, he didn't even want to let the girl live, but directly used the most vicious medical voodoo to seal and suppress her.

"What is the Yin Binding Technique of Medical Gu?" Ji Yunyao asked.

"The art of carpenters' weariness over victory, the art of actors dreaming of ghosts, the art of boatman's water swamp, and the art of entangled yin with medical voodoo. These are the low-cost evil arts in the evil ways. Among them, the art of entangling yin with medical gu is the most evil." Pei Anzhu explained.

Soon, she went on to explain in detail what "the art of curing voodoo and trapping yin"——

First, put the five poisons of toads, snakes, centipedes, scorpions, and spiders into a porcelain jar, and pour water into the porcelain jar to soak them. This water is not ordinary water, it must be water soaked in the roots of the locust tree.

Secondly, seal the mouth of the porcelain jar with rootless soil and place it in a cool place for 37-21 days. Then open the porcelain jar, take out the five poisons inside, dry them in the shade and grind them into powder.

Again, use the ground Wudu powder and mix it with other materials to make a doll.

Afterwards, a piece of cloth is dyed red with the subject's blood, the subject's birth date is written on the cloth, and then the cloth is stuffed into the doll.

Finally, the finished doll is buried in the soil in the southwest corner of the house, where the gloomiest atmosphere is.

After following this sequence, within a month, the cursed recipient will be riddled with all kinds of diseases, contract serious diseases, and die without treatment.

The souls of people killed by medical bewitching spells will be trapped in dolls after death. As long as the spell is not broken, they will never be reincarnated and can only suffer in the soil day after day.

However, the family members of the recipient will be nourished, have good health, and have strong financial luck. Both their luck and life expectancy will increase.

Ji Yunyao had seen the world, but after hearing Pei Anzhu's explanation, she couldn't help but hugged her arms tightly and felt shuddering.

"It's too cruel..." She couldn't imagine it.

A girl with an excellent destiny was unknowingly killed and became a part of a witchcraft. Her soul was trapped in a doll, and she was in conscious pain, never being able to escape.

Pei Anzhu looked at her with a cold and sarcastic smile:

"There is something even more cruel."

"What else?" Ji Yunyao was shocked.

"There is also the body of the subject." Pei Anzhu said, "After the subject was killed by the medical poison, the soul was trapped in the doll, but the body was still there. In order to completely seal it and suppress it, we must The body is buried in the opposite direction from the soul.”

The opposite direction of the southwest corner is the northeast corner.

Ji Yunyao recalled: "That was the garden of the Ji family's old residence."

Pei Anzhu nodded. She had already been to Ji's house and knew its location. Naturally, she also knew where the innocent girl was buried.

"The body doesn't just get buried in the ground and that's it."

Pei Anzhu explained:

"It is necessary to dig the soil four meters deep, and then use forty-four soul-suppressing nails to seal the forty-four most important acupuncture points on the body. The soul-suppressing nails need to be four feet long, and they need to penetrate the body and nail them fiercely. Into the ground.”

"Finally, the body is covered with corpse-suppressing charms to completely isolate the connection between the body and the soul. This can not only prevent the body from transforming into a corpse, but also prevent the soul from escaping."

Along with Pei Anzhu's narration, Ji Yunyao remembered something: "More than three years ago, soil was disturbed in the garden of the old house."

"Originally, there was a large field of white roses planted in the garden of the old house, which was my grandma's favorite flower. After my grandma passed away, my grandpa kept this rose garden to see things and miss people."

"But I don't know what happened at that time. All the flowers in the garden withered overnight. Whether they were roses or other flower species, they all turned black and withered."

"Ji Yunxiao volunteered and said he wanted to rebuild grandma's rose garden. He went abroad to select the best rose seeds. After bringing them back, he personally turned over the soil and planted the seeds."

"At that time, we all speculated whether he knew that he was not destined to be the heir, so he wanted to please grandpa through these things."

"At the time, I felt that what he did would not affect the overall situation, but now I know that he started planning it at that time."

Rose fading can be man-made, and there are many things in the world that can kill a flower quickly.

All Ji Yunxiao wanted was an opportunity to break ground in the northeast corner of Ji's house, because he wanted to bury the body.

"The garden is breaking ground and Ji Yunxiao is burying the body. You didn't even notice such a big movement?" Pei Anzhu asked curiously.

Ji Yunyao smiled bitterly, shook her head, and said:

"At that time, I was abroad and following up on a project. My parents and the third room never dealt with each other. They also felt that Ji Yunxiao was messing around and didn't care about what he was doing."

"As for grandpa... he is old. When the garden was rebuilt, there were piles of sand and gravel everywhere. He was not safe in the past, and he couldn't bear to see the rose garden in a mess. So the garden at that time could be said to be completely in ruins. Under Ji Yunxiao’s control.”

In this case, as long as it was done properly, it would not be difficult for him to bury the body.

Ji Yunyao thought about what happened more than three years ago, and had to admit that she had taken it lightly and gave Ji Yunxiao the opportunity to use these heresy:

"After the rose garden was rebuilt, the newly planted roses bloomed exceptionally well, and grandpa also looked at Ji Yunxiao in a new light."

"We all thought that it was Ji Yunxiao's filial piety that moved Grandpa, but we never thought that it was the fate of that innocent girl that was paving the way for him."

Pei Anzhu could only sigh and said:

"The medical voodoo trapping technique is time-limited. Depending on the level of cultivation of the practitioner, this evil technique can last for up to three to five years."

"More than three years have passed, and I see that the resentment in the southwest corner of the Ji family has been expanding, and the woman's grievance can hardly be suppressed anymore."

"If we don't solve it as soon as possible, when the wronged soul of the woman breaks free from the doll, it will cause a catastrophe, and the first one to be unlucky is Fang Yuwan."

"Because the identities of Fang Yuwan and the woman conflicted. After all, the focus of the 'wife sacrifice' is the 'wife.' When the time comes, Fang Yuwan's death will complete the second round of wife sacrifice for Ji Yunxiao."

"I think Ji Yunxiao must have prepared a backup plan."

There is a time limit for the healing voodoo trapping technique, and Ji Yunxiao must know this.

So after killing the first girl, he began to prepare for a retreat and found Fang Yuwan, a girl who also had the same destiny as him.

Get close to her, pretend to fall in love with her, and make her a candidate for the second round of wife sacrifice.

Once the previous girl couldn't help but escaped and killed Fang Yuwan, who was also the "wife", it was equivalent to the handover and inheritance of this evil magic between the two "wives".

The wife festival will continue, and Ji Yunxiao's luck will be better.

"We have to find a way to stop him." Ji Yunyao clenched her palms. "We have to save Fang Yuwan's life, we have to avenge the injustice of an innocent girl who died in vain, and we have to expose Ji Yunxiao's true face."

Such evil magic is too sinister, and the Ji family cannot fall into the hands of such people.

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