The conversation between Pei Anzhu and Fang Yuwan ended.

The next second, Fang Yanping appeared in the room like a ghost and said to Pei Anzhu:

"Officer Du is looking for you."

Pei Anzhu nodded, stood up and left, leaving the room behind him to the two sisters who had not seen each other for a long time. They needed a quiet space to express their thoughts and thoughts about each other in the past few years.

In the interrogation room, with the help of the truth charm, Officer Du and the others got very important results from their questioning of Ji Yunxiao.

Seeing Pei Anzhu coming over, Officer Du quickly said:

"Master Pei, we have new clues."

"What new clues?" Pei Anzhu asked subconsciously, and then suddenly remembered, "Is it related to the previous totem?"

Officer Du nodded.

The strange totem appeared for the first time in the "Pen Fairy Ghost" Liu Shijie of Pingcheng F University, and the second time in the memory of the bear demon in the back hill of Shuize Village.

And this was the third time that I learned new clues from Ji Yunxiao.

"What's the specific situation?" Pei Anzhu asked quickly.

"Tell us what you just told us again," Officer Du said to Ji Yunxiao.

Ji Yunxiao was reluctant, but his mind was no longer firm. Under the influence of the truth charm, he told everything he knew:

"I saw something like the medical voodoo binding technique on a mobile phone website."

"It was a page similar to an online game, and it suddenly popped up on my phone. I accidentally clicked on it and saw the introduction above."

"It is divided into several major types, including Qimen Dunjia, Liuyao Prediction, Plum Blossom Yishu, Ziwei Dou Shu, Bagua Feng Shui, etc."

"At first, I thought it was an introduction to a new online game, so I didn't pay much attention. I just randomly clicked on one to look at it, and then I saw the medical voodoo trapping technique, which had a very detailed introduction."

"Not only did he introduce each step, but he also reminded him of the details very thoughtfully, such as what soil is without roots, why soaked locust tree roots are used, etc."

"At that time, I didn't have the idea of ​​using medical poison to change my life. It's just that the web page seemed to have a detection function. When it saw that I browsed the page for long enough, another pop-up window appeared, which was manual customer service."

"The customer service asked me if I had any difficulties in my life, if I had any difficulties that I couldn't solve, and if I wanted to change my life..."

"At that time, I was so overwhelmed by Ji Yunyao that I couldn't lift my head up. Seeing that the succession battle was about to be settled, and the fate of the third room seemed to be destined, I felt a strong sense of unwillingness in my heart."

"Under the guidance of the customer service, I told about my dilemma. He gave me some advice and said that he would help me complete the healing technique. He even asked me to provide my birth date, and then helped me calculate the fortune-teller. A woman’s birthday.”

With the help of the website's customer service, Ji Yunxiao made a desperate move and searched all over the country for a woman with a matching destiny. At first, he found many that did not meet his requirements until he met Fang Yanping.

According to Ji Yunxiao, that website appeared suddenly, and its logo was a totem, exactly the same as the totem described by Liu Shijie and in Xiong Yao's memory.

What's more, the customer service person who induced him also used this avatar.

From this point of view, the totem should be the symbol of a certain organization. This organization is doing some evil things behind the scenes, but it is not clear what their ultimate goal is.

"That is to say, you have never seen a real person from beginning to end?" Pei Anzhu asked Ji Yunxiao.

"I haven't seen it before." Ji Yunxiao shook his head, "He provided all the steps, but I completed the implementation myself. I also wanted to take a gamble, but I didn't expect it to succeed."

"Do you still remember the URL of that website?" Pei Anzhu asked again.

"I don't remember, but I saved it and it's in the collection of my mobile browser." Ji Yunxiao said.

Officer Du immediately asked someone to bring Ji Yunxiao's phone over, unlocked it with his fingerprint, opened the browser, and found the favorites, which contained only one link.

The clues are right in front of us, and the people from the Strange Bureau should treat them with caution.

Before clicking in, someone pointed a video device at Ji Yunxiao's cell phone screen, trying to record everything.

When he was ready, Officer Du clicked on the link. As the blue progress bar fills up, the page pops up, and the first thing you see is the logo at the top, that familiar totem.

It's exactly the same as the bear demon remembers.

Based on Ji Yunxiao's previous confession, Officer Du wanted to find those metaphysics sections and click on them to chat with customer service. But what was disappointing was that there was no metaphysics section at all.

When you click on this website, you will see a bare logo icon without anything else. It is impossible to follow the clues.

"Find someone who is proficient in computers and check the server IP of this website."

Director Guo thought for a moment and said:

"It seems that this organization is very cautious. They generally cast their nets and focus on catching fish. Ji Yunxiao is the fish they caught. Once the fish takes the bait, they remove the bait and leave people nowhere to find it."

For a moment, everyone was a little discouraged.

I originally thought that I had gotten a new clue, but who would have thought that the clue was broken. It is very difficult to continue to investigate. After all, the website address can be virtual and the server address can also be faked.

It depends on whether the computer talents of the Abnormality Bureau can break this situation.

At this point, the matter seemed to have reached a deadlock. Pei Anzhu turned around and asked Officer Du and the others:

"What are you going to do next?"

"Temporarily detain Ji Yunxiao and his parents. There should be some clues in their mouths that can be mined. After a thorough interrogation, we will transfer them to the relevant departments for trial in accordance with the law." Officer Du said.

Pei Anzhu nodded and said:

"Then I'll leave these people to you. I'll go see Fang Yanping and send her to reincarnation in the underworld."

Back in the empty room, Fang Yanping and Fang Yuwan had finished talking.

Fang Yuwan's eyes were red and swollen, and it was obvious that she had cried hard.

Fang Yanping is a ghost, and ghosts have no tears, but her eyes are also red, but the aura on her body has become much calmer.

Before, he looked like he was about to lose his mind and go crazy at any moment, but now he seemed to be calmed down by Fang Yuwan, and the ghostly atmosphere around him became much lighter.

It seems that she has accepted her death for many years.

Fate played a trick, but it finally gave her some kindness, allowing her to meet the most important sisters in her life again after being trapped as a doll in darkness for several years.

"I heard Wanwan talk about you." Fang Yanping looked at Pei Anzhu and bowed, "I haven't formally said thank you to you yet. Without you, I wouldn't be able to escape."

"I just helped you casually. If you want to thank me, thank Fang Yuwan. She worked hard for several years before she got the chance to free you." Pei Anzhu chuckled.

"Are you here to take me to the underworld?" Fang Yanping asked again.

"Yes, it's best for ghosts not to stay in the world. It's not good for you, nor is it good for those close to you." Pei Anzhu nodded.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You said."

"I want to see my mother again."

Fang Yanping begged, if it weren't for the ghost's lack of tears, she might have cried on the spot:

"She had cancer back then. In order to treat her, I went to the golf course and met Ji Yunxiao. I was killed and trapped until today."

"I haven't seen her for several years. I miss her very much. I don't know if her illness has recovered. Will she be worried if I don't show up for so many years?"

"Qingzhu Immortal Lord, I beg you, I will just see her once. After I fulfill my wish, I will go to the underworld and never cause you any trouble." (End of Chapter)

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