Since they didn't want their roommate's name to be exposed in the live broadcast room, they gave her the code name Little A.

[Listening to the Rain and Falling Flowers] Recalling the scene at that time, it still feels like yesterday:

"We went to a stir-fry restaurant, not a hot pot restaurant. Little A actually asked if they had raw meat. Could it be that she still wants to eat raw meat?"

"After we reminded her, she denied it and said she made a mistake. She originally meant to say lettuce."

"We didn't think much about it at the time. We really thought she made a slip of the tongue."

"But what happened after that, one after another, made us feel that she was getting weirder and weirder."

There are a few things that impressed the roommates——

The first thing is that she never goes to class or eats with her roommates, and she never goes to the cafeteria. Every time at noon and evening, she goes out of school alone to eat out.

This is nothing at first, some people just like to be alone.

But one time, Little A ordered a takeaway because the experiment assigned by the teacher was not completed and he had no time to go out for lunch. The address he filled in was his dormitory.

[Listening to the Rain and Falling Flowers] They completed the experiment ahead of schedule and went back first. When they arrived downstairs in the dormitory, they happened to see the takeaway being delivered.

However, due to the delivery boy's mistake, he accidentally dropped the food while picking up the meal.

The food that fell out was not normal food at all, but the internal organs of many, many animals, such as chicken hearts, duck livers, pork kidneys, etc. The key was that they were all raw.

It seemed that it had just been taken off a living body, and the blood was flowing all over the floor.

The roommates looked at the name on the takeout order and found that it belonged to Little A.

How could anyone eat these things?

After Little A came back, his roommates asked, but received this reply:

"The takeaway merchant must have made a mistake, or it may be because I gave them a bad review last time, so they wanted to deliberately retaliate against me."

But this sounds strange.

Which catering company could make such an outrageous mistake? You can't tell what's raw or cooked, and you serve the wrong raw viscera with blood to the guests?

Also, the bad reviews she said are nonsense.

The negative reviews proved that she was not satisfied with the food in this restaurant. If she was not satisfied, why would she order it a second time? Give merchants a chance to retaliate?

No matter how I think about it, there is something wrong with it.

But after Little A explained it like this, they believed it without thinking too much at first.

The second thing was that the roommates discovered that several stray cats and dogs that Little A often fed in the school were missing one after another.

Those cats and dogs have been in the school for many years, and they are nicknamed "Cat Senior" and "Dog Senior" by the students. Many people will feed them.

Little A is one of them. Not long after she returned to school, she became very interested in these cats and dogs, and basically went to feed them every now and then.

She bought food, cans, and all kinds of food for the cats and dogs, and fed them until they were fat.

But I don’t know why later, every time after Little A goes out to feed, he will find that the number of these small animals is less the next day.

At first no one paid attention, thinking they had run away on their own.

Until one time, the roommates came back from the library and took a shortcut through a small garden where stray cats and dogs were inhabited. They saw Little A squatting there motionless.

They called Little A's name, alerted Little A, and then discovered that there seemed to be blood stains on the corners of Little A's mouth and some cat hair on his shoulders.

The roommates asked her if she was injured, and her answer was:

"No injuries, just a nosebleed. I was just squatting there wiping the nosebleed."

At first the roommates believed it.

But when I returned to the dormitory, I realized that who has a nosebleed that can bleed all over his mouth? Little A's mouth was all red. When he came closer to talk, there was a fishy smell as soon as he opened his mouth.

This is not wiping a nosebleed, but drinking blood, right?

The third thing is that in the past two months, Little A has often screamed unconsciously at night while sleeping. Mentioning this matter, [Ting Yu Luo Hua] and the others shuddered in unison:

"This do I put it?"

"It's not like what humans can emit. It's very sharp, very harsh, very sad, and very miserable. It's like something is being torn into eight pieces and divided into five pieces."

"At first, she only screamed once every half month. We thought she was having a nightmare. After we woke her up, she had no idea what had happened."

"Later, this happened more and more frequently, gradually evolving to once a week, once every three to five days, and now almost every other day."

"We can't stand the torture anymore. We asked her to go to the hospital, but she didn't go. If this continues, we won't be able to sleep well and will almost have a neurasthenia!"

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel chills standing on end after hearing the description of "Listening to the Rain and Falling Flowers":

——Oh my god, this little A is really weird!

——Damn, she’s not some kind of monster that eats raw meat, right? It's really scary!

——The rest is fine, maybe you really misunderstood her, but who can bear to scream like this in the middle of the night? Either she moves out, or you three move out!

——It’s terrible, it scares the baby to death!

——You three are really tolerant. You’ve been screaming for two months, and you’re just asking now!

——This clearly shows that there is a problem!


Pei Anzhu looked at the discussion among netizens and suddenly asked [Listen to the Rain and Fall Flowers] a question:

"You said before that roommate Xiao A did not live in the dormitory because he was ill at first, but he moved in after he recovered."

"Then have you ever asked her what diseases she had before?"

[Ting Yu Luo Hua] was stunned. She turned around and looked at the two roommates beside her. It was obvious that the other two had never asked this question:

"We think it's impolite to ask others about their condition. This is other people's privacy."

After hearing this, Pei Anzhu lowered his head and smiled.

Then, she spoke:

"From your description, your little roommate A's situation is very complicated. I haven't seen her yet, so I can't tell what the problem is."

"Well, how about you send me your address and I'll come over and take a look and help you solve any problems on the spot?"

[Listening to the Rain and Falling Flowers] bit his lip and nodded vigorously:

"Okay, I will send you the address privately. Thank you Qingzhu Immortal. You must come quickly!"

"Don't worry." Pei Anzhu nodded with a smile, but the smile clearly didn't reach his eyes.

After the two parties agreed, [Ting Yu Luo Hua] exited the live broadcast room.

Pei Anzhu continued to draw symbols and interact with the audience, but for a long time, there was no more destined person.

At the same time, [Listening to the Rain and Falling Flowers] were in their dormitory.

One of the girls looked at the empty bed in the dormitory with a somewhat uneasy expression:

"Is this really okay for us?"

"There are only three people living in our dormitory!"

This is a "friend out of nothing" play.

[Ting Yu Luo Hua] glanced at her impatiently and said angrily:

"We've collected the money, and now you're talking about this? You're so noble, why didn't you refuse when people came to your door before?"

At this time, no one said anything more, they just took money to do things.

They were just acting out a show. If the Qingzhu Immortal Lord is really as powerful as the people say on the Internet, then it should be fine, right?

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