The real daughter, she became famous all over the world by fortune telling

Chapter 406: Merit and virtue usher in thunder disaster

Chapter 406: Merit and virtue usher in thunder disaster

There is almost no suspense in this battle.

Pei Anzhu's cultivation is many levels higher than Feng Jingrun's. She is in the stage of becoming a god, while Feng Jingrun is just a newbie who has just entered the cultivation path under the guidance of evil cultivators.

He might be able to take advantage of his position to attack Feng's Building, but those are just ordinary people.

Facing Pei Anzhu, he was no match.

Even if his inner demons have increased, his demonic aura has increased, and his cultivation has greatly increased, in Pei Anzhu's eyes, he is just a clown and nothing at all.

As for the evil cultivator, it was just a ray of spiritual thought hidden in Feng Jingrun's body.

In the past, because Feng Jingrun took the initiative to conceal it, he could stay in his body with peace of mind. But now, Feng Jingrun has just been hit by many truths. His consciousness is turbulent and his mind is unstable. The evil cultivator's mind has also been affected. .

Pei Anzhu seized the opportunity, controlled Feng Jingrun with one move, pulled out the evil cultivation spirit from his body, stuffed it into the Ling Yuan Pearl, and at the same time, struck down with a palm, directly destroying Feng Jingrun's cultivation.

His skills are all evil magic. If he keeps them, there will be endless troubles.

Feng Jingrun didn't expect that he couldn't make a single move under Pei Anzhu's hand.

The two of them had been fighting back and forth before, but Pei Anzhu was worried that he would jump over the wall and attack Feng's Building and the old lady, so he did not use his full strength and lowered his vigilance.

Feng Jingrun vomited blood, knelt on the ground, and suddenly laughed wildly:
"Hahaha - my whole life, I've been a joke!"

"It was your own choice that turned you into a joke." Pei Anzhu said, "Not to mention that you are not a member of the Feng family. Even if you are really a bloodline of the Feng family, even if you are really as capable as Feng Jinglan, You can definitely stick to your job, or simply leave the Feng family and start your own business. There are many ways to go, but you have chosen the most extreme way. "

"Yes, I brought it upon myself." Feng Jingrun lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

At this moment, Pei Anzhu's cell phone rang. She took it out and saw that it was Shen Yueran. She answered the call immediately, and then turned on the speakerphone so that Feng Jingrun could hear Shen Yueran's words:
"Sister Xiaozhu, I have already solved the situation in Feng's Building. It's not too troublesome. It's just a simple sacrifice formation. If you damage at least a part of it slightly so that it can't form a complete formation, it won't work."

"You can deal with Feng Jingrun with peace of mind. You don't have to worry about him jumping over the wall in a hurry, which will be detrimental to Feng's building."

After hearing this, Pei Anzhu raised the corners of his mouth and said:
"I know, you did a good job, little moon."

After saying that, she hung up the phone.

After hearing Zheng Shen Yueran's words, Feng Jingrun was completely devastated. He knew that he had completely lost and had no cards left in his hand.

Pei Anzhu sighed and said:

"Feng Jingrun, you just took the wrong path, but fortunately you don't have too many consequences for human life in your hands. Even if you are bewitched by evil cultivators, you just want to make yourself stronger, and you have never done anything to the Feng family or ordinary innocent people. If you take action, from this point of view, you can still be saved."

"I will hand you over to the Abnormality Bureau, and they will handle it as appropriate based on your situation. I hope you can learn a lesson, change your mind, and start a new life."

After saying this, Pei Anzhu restrained Feng Jingrun so that he could not move, and then carried him out.

Mrs. Feng and others were waiting outside. When they saw Pei Anzhu carrying Feng Jingrun out, they had mixed feelings and didn't know what to say.

At this point, the matter was finally resolved.

Just when Pei Anzhu was about to call Officer Du and ask him to send someone to take Feng Jingrun away, Aunt Xiang suddenly ran in from outside and said to everyone in panic:
"Old lady, something happened outside...something happened outside!"

"What's the matter?" the old lady asked.

"It's dark outside, very dark, and the clouds are rolling in the sky. It seems like there will be thunder and heavy rain!" Aunt Xiang said.

"It's just a change in the weather. What's there to panic about?"

"No, it's not. Only Fengjia Mountain has such weather! It doesn't happen anywhere else! And... Madam, just go outside and take a look. It seems like it's going to collapse that day!" Aunt Xiang explained.

She couldn't explain clearly, she could only describe everything she saw, but it was obvious that she was really anxious.

After hearing her words, Pei Anzhu hurried out and looked up. Sure enough, he saw the sky was dark and the clouds were rolling, as if thunder was coming.

This thunder...

"No! It's Thunder Tribulation!" Pei Anzhu looked more and more familiar. He immediately shouted inside at the top of his lungs, "Old Madam, ask all the servants of the Feng family to gather in your house. Don't go out!!"

"Why?" Feng Yiyi asked subconsciously.

"Don't ask so many questions. If you don't want to die, just stay here!" After Pei Anzhu said this, he flew out like the wind.

At the same time, in the conference room of Central City, the leaders also followed Pei Anzhu's raised gaze and saw the dark thunderclouds in the sky, and they were all surprised and confused:
"What's going on? Is there something unexpected on Fengjia Mountain?"

"Will Master Pei have any accidents?"

"Lao Guo, call Master Pei to find out what's going on and see if you need our support?"


Director Guo quickly called Pei Anzhu. Pei Anzhu ran as far away as possible from the old lady's residence while answering the phone. Faced with Director Guo's inquiry, Pei Anzhu did not hide anything and explained directly:
"Guo Bureau, it's not that something happened to the Feng family, nor is there any change. This is the thunder catastrophe of my ascension."

"You know that I am a cultivator of immortality. After cultivating to a certain level, I can break the void and ascend to immortality. Now that I have solved the evil cultivators in this world, it counts as a salvation. Therefore, with the added merit, thunder disaster will come. ”

Director Guo turned on the speakerphone, and Pei Anzhu's voice came from the phone, and everyone heard it.

The big leader heard this and asked:

"Master Pei, will this lightning disaster be dangerous to you?"

"Yes." Pei Anzhu said, "Throughout the ages, countless people have died under lightning tribulations. How many people have been halfway to the realm of ascension, but their bodies have not survived under the thunder tribulation. In the end, they can only turn into powder and dissipate in the heaven and earth. I'm not sure if I'm lucky enough to survive this disaster, but it doesn't matter if I can't. The biggest hidden danger in the world has disappeared, and it's the same without me."

"Is it okay if we don't go through the tribulation?" the leader asked again.

"No, this is God's will!" Pei Anzhu replied, "God's destiny cannot be violated."

For a moment, the conference room fell into silence. Everyone was worried about Pei Anzhu and that she would fall under this thunder disaster.

Pei Anzhu was far enough away from the old lady's house, but she continued to move forward because the thunder disaster was so powerful that she was afraid that it would affect ordinary people.

Before she arrived at the right place, she made a final explanation to the other end of the phone:

"Guo Bureau, after experiencing the thunder tribulation this time, my life or death is uncertain. If I can survive by chance, that will be great. If I die like this, I have to ask you for a few things."

"Master Pei, please speak." Bureau Guo said.

"First, the old Taoist priest Shu Yunguan who adopted me, Changhe Zhenren, has no talent for cultivation and has never entered metaphysics. He just worked as a magic stick for a few years to make a living. But he is old. I hope He can live in peace."

"The country will take care of him in his old age and take care of everything for him." Director Guo agreed.

"Second, the curse of the great demon has disappeared, and the Xuanmen inheritance can continue. Shen Yueran is the disciple I personally taught. She will take over as the master of Shuyun Temple, re-open the mountain to recruit disciples, and revitalize Xuanmen!"

"I will definitely convey your message." Director Guo said.

"Third, part of all the property in my name will be left to the old Taoist priest for his retirement, and the rest will be given to Qin Xiaoyu, who will donate it to support education programs in mountainous areas. That is what I have agreed with her."

"Master Pei has great righteousness, and the country should also contribute to this." Director Guo said.

"Fourth, be kind to the little foxes and silver wolves. They are good monsters, but they need to be disciplined and guided by your family. Before they do something wrong, you must not deal with them on the grounds that 'they are not of my kind, and their hearts must be different'."

"This is natural." Director Guo agreed.

"Fifth, terminate my engagement with Feng Jinglan. Marriage was a temporary solution before, but now that he has awakened and no longer needs me, it is not appropriate for me to have any more unnecessary relations with him."

"it is good."

"Just these five points, Director Guo, please excuse me." After Pei Anzhu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Then she came to the edge of the Feng family mountain, which was far away from the old lady's residence. After she was sure that no one else would be affected, she stopped and looked up at the sky.

The next second, a bolt of thunder struck from mid-air, and the thick lightning, accompanied by the roar of thunder, struck Pei Anzhu's body with the force of thunder.

The mini camera on her collar captured the last scene.

The screen in Central City went black after the thunder, and the phone couldn't get through. At this moment, no one knew what happened to Pei Anzhu.

The big leader thought for a moment and then ordered:

"Prepare the car and go to Fengjia."

"Leader, it's dangerous over there. A gentleman doesn't stand behind a dangerous wall. Why don't we wait for the result here." Someone advised.

"Master Pei is the savior and hero of the Dragon Kingdom. If she can survive, I will go to greet her. But if she dies unfortunately, I will also send her on her last journey." The big leader has made up his mind.

The big leader was going to the Feng family, so Director Guo was naturally accompanying him. At the same time, he also called Officer Du and Shen Yueran and told them the news.

When Shen Yueran heard this, he immediately went directly from Feng's building to Feng's house.

Just when everyone was going to Fengjia Mountain to meet, Pei Anzhu was being "baptized" by thunder tribulation——

Logically speaking, with her level of cultivation, she shouldn't have suffered from the thunder.

She was only in the stage of becoming a god now, and she was still taking drugs. How could she be in danger of ascending to heaven? How does this look wrong? But before she could figure it out, the thunder tribulation seemed to have trouble with her, and it was so thick that it chopped off the head of the bag.

This posture is exactly the same as when she experienced the thunder tribulation of ascension in the world of cultivation. I wish I could kill him!

Isn’t she a merit body? Why is Lei Jie still targeting her like this?
But no matter what, she had no choice. Now in modern society, she had almost no defensive weapons on her body, so she could not withstand the thunder. Moreover, she could not escape like last time, so that the thunder could not hit her.

After all, this is the Feng family's mountain. If she runs around and hurts others, she will feel bad.

Therefore, she could only stand and let the thunder strike, and use her own kung fu to resist.

This thunderbolt had no intention of holding back. When the first thunderbolt hit her, it directly scattered some of her cultivation that she had gained through taking drugs.

The second sky thunder came down, and she went from the early stage of becoming a god to the peak of Yuanying; the third thunder came down, and she went from the peak of Yuanying to the early stage of Yuanying...

As the thunder fell one after another, her cultivation was shattered inch by inch.

She could feel the cultivation in her body draining rapidly, even faster than when she fought the python before, and her body was getting weaker and weaker.

Now she is extremely lucky that Tianlei came when she had finished solving the evil cultivators. If it had come earlier and she had not solved the evil cultivators, wouldn't the Dragon Kingdom become a playground for the evil cultivators again?

Thinking of this, Pei Anzhu suddenly felt relieved:
A person in the Xuanmen takes it as her own duty to slay demons and protect the common people. Now that the demons have been eliminated and the potential threats to the Dragon Kingdom have disappeared, what does it matter whether she is alive or not?
In short, after traveling through time, her mission has been completed!
Thinking of this, Pei Anzhu completely relaxed her mind and allowed the thunder to strike her body. Severe pain hit her, but she still smiled and closed her eyes, as if she didn't care about anything.

Perhaps, she will die here today...

The cultivation level continued to be broken up, the golden elixir stage, the foundation building stage, the qi refining stage, the qi refining stage, the introduction of qi into the body... Fifteen thunderbolts poured in from the Baihui point on the top of her head, spread throughout her limbs and bones, and filled her with all the skills , all dispersed.

Pei Anzhu calmly waits for death. If there is another thunderstorm, her soul will be scattered and she will be wiped out in ashes.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a huge amount of merit, accompanied by spiritual energy, was forcefully poured into her body, replenishing her lost cultivation inch by inch.

Pei Anzhu opened his eyes in shock and looked at his body. Before he could understand what was going on, thunder struck again that day.

Next, a strange scene formed——

The merit accompanied by spiritual energy improved Pei Anzhu's cultivation level, and then the thunder fell and scattered his cultivation level; then the merit spiritual energy was poured in again, improving his cultivation level, and then the sky thunder fell again and scattered his cultivation level again... …

So repeatedly, so in turn.

Pei Anzhu's cultivation level jumped repeatedly between 0 and 1, and the thunder was always staring at her, so her cultivation level could not rise; but with the infusion of merit and spiritual energy, she could not die.

Repeating this cycle, a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one thunders were struck.

When the last thunderbolt came down, Pei Anzhu didn't take it to heart. He just thought that it would be a little painful at most and would not cause any harm to her, just like before.

Unexpectedly, this last blow was so powerful that when it hit her, she was immediately dizzy.

Pei Anzhu's eyes blurred, and she could only vaguely feel that after the eighty-one lightning strikes, the thunder clouds dispersed and the sky turned blue again. She thought to herself:

It's finally over, she's not dead.

Soon, her vision gradually became clear, and her dizzy head slowly recovered. She opened her eyes and looked around, but found herself in a strange and familiar place.

The reason why it is strange is that she is no longer on Fengjia Mountain.

She said it was familiar because it was clearly where she was in the Cultivation Continent before she traveled through time.

Pei Anzhu was shocked.

Is she wearing it again?
She traveled through time because of the thunder tribulation, and now she returns because of the thunder tribulation?
Before she could figure out what was going on, she saw a large group of people gathered around, all of whom were acquaintances, including senior brothers and sisters from the Xuanji Sect, masters and uncles, as well as Wanfa Pavilion and Tianjian The elders and disciples of other righteous sects.

The moment they saw Pei Anzhu, they all congratulated her:
"Congratulations to Qingzhu Immortal Lord, for surviving the thunder tribulation and successfully ascending!"

Pei Anzhu was stunned:
she? Successfully ascended?
Wasn't she struck by lightning and traveled through time? How could he successfully ascend?
Just when she was doubtful, the ladder to heaven descended from the clouds in the sky, and then the colorful rays of light enveloped the world. Everyone standing with Pei Anzhu received the blessing of bathing in this rays of light.

Some people who were at a bottleneck in their cultivation had an epiphany on the spot. After sitting cross-legged, they began to meditate and practice, while people from the same sect gathered around them to protect them.

The time to climb the ladder was limited, and Pei Anzhu's lifelong dream was to ascend. She didn't have time to think too much, so she had to bow to the master of Xuanji Sect:
"Disciple, go ahead and wait for you in the immortal world."

After the words fell, Pei Anzhu flew up the ladder to heaven. Her whole body was covered with colorful rays of light, like a goddess in the sky. Under the gaze of everyone, she became farther and farther away, older and higher, until she could no longer be seen.

Pei Anzhu went all the way up to the end of the ladder to heaven, crossed the heavenly gate, and ascended to immortality.

The moment she ascended successfully, many memories continued to pour into her mind, and she understood what all of this was about -

Pei Anzhu is a genius disciple rarely seen in Xuanji Sect for hundreds of years.

She was an abandoned baby picked up from the mountain by the head of the Xuanji Sect. From the moment she was brought back to the Xuanji Sect, the Xuanji Sect saw that she had extraordinary bones, an unlimited future, and a rare meritorious body for ten lifetimes.

When Pei Anzhu was reincarnated into the Xuanji Sect, she had already experienced eight lives.

The land of cultivation is the ninth life, but the body of merit and virtue can only be achieved in ten lives. It must be completed in ten lives before the merits can be completed.

Therefore, when Pei Anzhu's cultivation reached the peak of transcending tribulations and half-step ascension, she ushered in the thunder tribulation of ascension. However, in order to allow her to successfully ascend to immortality, the thunder tribulation sent her to the tenth life. , let her save the world.

The tenth life was naturally the world she had just experienced after traveling through the past.

There were old Taoist priests, Shen Yueran, Officer Du, and the Strange Bureau... She didn't have her soul travel to the original owner, just because she was the original owner, and the original owner was her tenth life.

Therefore, Pei Anzhu experienced a brief but magnificent moment in that world, and successfully completed the mission of saving the world, eliminating all threatening monsters and monsters in that world.

At this point, Pei Anzhu's tenth life of merit and virtue has finally been completed.

She left because of the thunder tribulation, and also came back because of the thunder tribulation. At the moment when her merits were perfected, the thunder tribulation disappeared, the thunder clouds dissipated, she successfully ascended, and ascended the ladder to heaven. Heaven rained down the colorful rays of light to bathe in its grace.

This is the cause and effect and truth of everything.

The so-called traveling through another world is just a special experience given to her by Heaven, so that she can ascend to immortality in the best condition.

After Pei Anzhu figured out all this, he smiled lightly.

Her biggest goal in this life is to establish herself in the world with meritorious deeds and soar through meritorious deeds. Now that she has achieved it, she is already a veritable immortal.

But Pei Anzhu knew that ascending to immortality was just the beginning of her next journey. After all, she was still just a loose immortal.

Going up from the scattered immortals, there are true immortals, earthly immortals, heavenly immortals, mysterious immortals, Da Luo Jinxian, immortal kings, immortal emperors and immortal kings, and going up from the immortal kings, there are also the gods.

Therefore, ascending to immortality is just the beginning, not the end.

But no matter what, she is now an immortal, can break the void, and can travel to multiple worlds freely. Except for the limitations of the cultivation world she ascended to, it is still easy for her to go to other worlds.

Therefore, Pei Anzhu planned to go to the modern world to have a look after settling down in the fairy world.

At the same time, on Fengjia Mountain.

The terrifying thunderclouds had dispersed long ago. When I looked up, I saw a clear sky and white sun, and there was no trace of the thunderclouds that covered the sky before.

But echoing the bare sky are the bare mountains.

The leader, Director Guo, Officer Du and Shen Yueran hurriedly hurriedly arrived at Fengjia Mountain before the end of the eighty-one thunder tribulations. They kept approaching Pei Anzhu, and then were stopped at an extreme distance.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of them, blocking their way and preventing them from taking any further steps.

They could only look at the center of the thundercloud, where a slender girl was struck by lightning one after another. From the initial resistance, she closed her eyes and waited for death.

Then, there were eighty-one thunder tribulations.

When the last, thickest and most powerful thunder passed, darkness fell between the sky and the earth. They could not see anything clearly, and they could not see their fingers, as if they had fallen into an abyss without light.

When the thundercloud dispersed and their eyes became brighter, Pei Anzhu had long since disappeared in the center of the thundercloud.

In other words, Pei Anzhu disappeared during the thunder disaster.

Shen Yueran's eyes turned red and she muttered that it was impossible. She rushed over with the little fox in her arms and searched all over the place where Pei Anzhu was struck by lightning. However, she never found any clues. She only saw a broken mobile phone.

She held the phone in her arms and hugged her:
"Sister Xiaozhu..."

Director Guo stepped forward and showed Shen Yueran the recording of Pei Anzhu's last phone call——

"Master Pei, will this lightning disaster be dangerous to you?"

"Yes, throughout the ages, countless people have died under thunder tribulations. How many people have been halfway to the realm of ascension, but their bodies have not survived under thunder tribulations. They can only turn into powder and dissipate between the heaven and the earth."

This is the conversation between the big leader and Pei Anzhu.

Pei Anzhu's answer proved that she had a premonition that she would die in a thunderstorm, so she explained the reason and entrusted the funeral arrangements.

The absence of Pei Anzhu's body on Fengjia Mountain is the best proof.

She had been turned into powder by the thunderstorm, and along with the wind in the mountains, she was scattered all over the world and ceased to exist.

Shen Yueran shed a tear. She was obviously very sad, but she stood up with strength, put away Pei Anzhu's mobile phone, and said:
"I want to fulfill Sister Xiaozhu's last wish."

"Not only you, our Yi Tiao Bureau, but also the country will fulfill her last wish." Guo Bureau said, "Miss Shen, you are Master Pei's apprentice and her appointed successor to Shu Yunguan. Please cheer up. stand up."

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