The real daughter, she became famous all over the world by fortune telling

Chapter 409: Spiritual energy revives, and everyone cultivates immortality

The person flying from the sky was Pei Anzhu.

She is now dressed as an immortal, and her mount is the Snowy Silver Wolf from Burning Thunder Mountain in the past.

Shen Yueran went to find Yinlang once before. At that time, Yinlang thought that Pei Anzhu had died, so he thought of continuing to stay in Fenlei Mountain to guard the Dragon Vein for the Dragon Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, early this morning, Pei Anzhu, like Master Shu Yun back then, fell from the sky, opened its demon realm with a wave of his hand, landed directly in front of it, and said:

"Yinxue, I'm here to pick you up!"

Silver Wolf roared a few times, quickly shrunk his body, and rushed towards Pei Anzhu. He kept rolling in her arms, expressing his excitement:
"They said you were dead, and I was still sad for a long time, wuwuwu——"

"I'm not dead, I just ascended." Pei Anzhu said, "Time flows at different speeds in the sky and on the earth, so I didn't go to the fairy world for a while. I didn't expect that so much time had passed here, so this misunderstanding occurred."

"So, you have become an immortal and will never die again, right?" Silver Wolf asked.

"Theoretically, that's the case." Pei Anzhu nodded.

Immortals enjoy a long lifespan, and their physical fitness is much stronger than that of mortals. They are not affected by birth, old age, illness, and death. Theoretically, as long as she does not meet an immortal who is much higher than her level and has a deadly feud with others, she should not die.

Unless she died in the hands of an immortal who was stronger than her, but with Pei Anzhu's character, she would never let herself fall into such a situation.

"Great!" Silver Wolf spun around happily.

"Are you willing to go to the fairy world with me?" Pei Anzhu asked, "Although you are not cultivated enough to ascend on your own, I can enlighten you and take you to the fairy world. Are you willing?"

"Yes!" Silver Wolf nodded.

It doesn't want to go with Shen Yueran, but it is willing to go with Pei Anzhu, because it can feel that the two are different.

After all, Pei Anzhu is Master Shu Yun's fellow disciple and direct junior sister!

The moment Yinlang agreed, Pei Anzhu stretched out his finger, touched the center of Yinlang's eyebrows, and after enlightenment, the two signed an equality contract. Yinlang volunteered to be Pei Anzhu's mount for a thousand years, while Pei Anzhu helped Yinlang. The wolf transformed into an immortal.

After the two agreed, Pei Anzhu used the power of immortals to once again strengthen the dragon veins of the Dragon Kingdom and hide them with many formations. She calculated that no one would notice the traces of the dragon veins in the next thousand years. .

After finishing everything, Pei Anzhu sat on the silver wolf's back and patted its head:

"Let's go to Shuyunguan."

As a result, the guests who attended the succession ceremony at Shuyunguan all saw the scene of Pei An in bamboo clothes, riding a silver wolf, falling from the sky, which was both shocking and magnificent.

Silver Wolf landed on the ground and stopped in front of Shen Yueran. Pei Anzhu jumped off his back, imitating the way Shen Yueran used to be, and gave her a big hug:

"I've made you worry. I can feel the concern you have for me these days. It's just that the flow of time in the immortal world is different. I just followed the immortal to settle down for a while. When I arrived, a long time had passed. "

"But fortunately I was not late and I was able to attend your succession ceremony in time."

After saying that, Pei Anzhu let go of Shen Yueran, took out a small and exquisite jade token from his storage space, handed it to Shen Yueran, and said:
"This is the token of the leader of Shuyunguan. You take it. Your name is engraved on it and it can only be used by you. Unless one day, you step down as the leader of the temple and hand Shuyunguan into the hands of others. This token It will change as the viewer changes.”

"In other words, only you can use this thing now. How to use it, please go back and study it privately."

"Yes, thank you, Xiao...thank you Qingzhu Immortal Lord." Shen Yueran put the things away.

"Call me master." Pei Anzhu said, "Due to various reasons, I never had the time to formally accept you as my disciple. Now I just take advantage of this opportunity to decide on the status of master and apprentice."

Seeing this, Director Guo on the side quickly asked his subordinates to bring a cup of tea and handed it to Shen Yueran.

Shen Yueran knelt down, picked up the teacup, and gave Pei Anzhu the tea to worship his master. Then he kowtowed to her a few times. Even if the apprenticeship was successful, the master-disciple status was determined.

Pei Anzhu drank the tea, and then with a wave of his hand, the teacup landed steadily on the table from a distance of seven or eight meters.

Then, she helped Shen Yueran up and said:
"Since you have become my master, I should give you some apprenticeship gifts, Little Moon, go on!"

The next second, she waved her hand and sent a jade bracelet to Shen Yueran:
"This is a storage bracelet that I personally refined for my master. It is used in the same way as the previous storage ring. I have placed a ban on it. Only you can use it. If others have evil intentions, they will not be able to use it even if they snatch it. use."

"If someone wants to use it forcefully and break my restriction, the jade bracelet will explode directly, seriously injuring or directly killing the thief with evil intentions."

Shen Yueran put the jade bracelet on her wrist, which was just right, not too big and not too small:
"Thank you, master."

Then, Pei Anzhu waved again, and another thing was delivered to Shen Yueran's hands, but it was a brand new Taoist robe:

"This is the robe prepared by my master for you. It can automatically clean and remove dust. No need to wash it. It also has defensive functions. At least in this world, no one can cross this robe and cause harm to you."

After that, she waved her hand again and sent out a new thing:
"This whisk has a sword hidden inside and can be used as a weapon."

"This is an elixir that can heal injuries."

"This purple bamboo pen is also a magic weapon. Using it to draw talismans will get twice the result with half the effort and has a high success rate."

"These books..."

Pei Anzhu gave away everything, and Shen Yueran received everything. Everything he received was put into the storage bracelet, and all of this was done in full view of the public.

At this moment, not only the audience at the scene was dumbfounded, but the audience in the live broadcast room was even more shocked:

——So, the one who descended from the sky riding a snow wolf is the Qingzhu Immortal Lord?
--grass! I just said something is wrong with this world, and the technological society has suddenly become magical!
——Did you see that cup just now? There was still half a glass of water in it, so she threw it on the table seven or eight meters away. The glass didn't turn over, and the water didn't spill. That's awesome!
——Isn’t it the things she gave you that should be most surprising to you? Each one is like a magic weapon or artifact mentioned in a novel about cultivating immortals. This is so exciting!
——Oh, isn’t it just a few magic weapons and artifacts? hehe.

——It’s over, it’s crazy upstairs.

——Ahhhhhh yes! I'm crazy! ! ! Damn, who can tell me what kind of world this is? My outlook on life and the world has been reshaped several times in a short period of time! ! ! !
——Previously: In a technological society, we don’t believe in superstition. Later: Cao Ni Ma There are really ghosts in this world! Now: a storage bracelet? Magic weapon? It’s just the world of cultivating immortals, so it’s not unacceptable.

——I have to slow down.


Pei Anzhu gave Shen Yueran fifteen things, each of which shocked the world. But such things belong to Shen Yueran alone. Who wouldn't envy them?

After delivering the things, Pei Anzhu smiled at Shen Yueran, and then jumped on Silver Wolf's back again.

Silver Wolf received the signal and slowly rose into the air. At the same time, Pei Anzhu's voice came from mid-air:

"Little Moon, congratulations on finding what you want to do. I don't have much time to stay here as a teacher, so I'll leave first. I wish you everything in the future, everything you want, everything you want, and a smooth journey to immortality."

"Master!!!" Shen Yueran shouted into the air, with tears in his eyes.

But she knew that she couldn't keep Pei Anzhu. Such a talented person was destined not to belong to this world.

Pei Anzhu came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

After all, she is already an immortal. Although she can break the void and travel to different worlds, she cannot stay for too long, especially when she appears in her true form, which can easily have an impact on the current world.

But because this world is the world where she practices, the impact is slightly smaller.

After Pei Anzhu left, Shen Yueran calmed down her emotions. Although her eyes were still a little red, it could be seen that her mood had stabilized. She walked to the host table, spoke into the microphone and said:

"Today, thanks to the succession ceremony, guests from all walks of life are here, and the online live broadcast is attracting much attention, I want to announce a few things."

"First, from today onwards, Shuyun Temple will open its gates and recruit disciples."

"Shuyunguan is a Taoist Taoist temple. Its main business is to learn fortune-telling from mountain doctors, that is, fortune telling, divination, feng shui, including Yang House and Yin House, as well as catching ghosts and monsters, curing diseases and rescuing people, etc."

"Those who want to learn this kind of skill can come to Shuyun Temple and give it a try, but please remember that the Taoist temple must accept disciples with excellent character, tenacity, and bravery. If you want to become a disciple, you don't have to just come here. You must pass many tests before you can officially become a disciple of Shu Yunguan."

"Regarding the origin and history of Shuyunguan, we have created a webpage and published it on the Weibo used by Qingzhu Immortal Lord in the past. You can go to the webpage to see the specific information. There is also a registration form on the webpage. If you are interested in Xuanmen skills If you have any ideas, you can fill out the registration form and submit it.”

After the words fell, everyone at the scene and the audience in front of the screen went to Weibo one after another, found the account of Qingzhu Immortal Lord, and saw the latest news, which was Shu Yunguan's official website.

This Weibo is currently run by Su Xiaoruo, who was also a member of Shen Yueran's former playboy team. She is responsible for publishing various information at the appropriate time today and in accordance with Shen Yueran's requirements.

She fought with Fu Chong and others for a long time for this job.

The official website of Shuyunguan was specially made by Shen Yueran. The page is exquisite and grand. As soon as you open it, a magnificent momentum hits your face. It is simple and solemn, and the three words "Shuyunguan", No matter how you look at it, there is a kind of divine pressure.

Fortunately, Shen Yueran had thought in advance that there would be a lot of people today, so the server was of the highest level. Currently, tens of millions of people were pouring in at the same time, but it did not cause the network to crash or freeze. Everyone bookmarked the webpage, but they didn’t have time to take a closer look, because Shen Yueran was already announcing the second thing:

"Second, some domestic universities have begun to add Taoist courses."

"College students can take the course "Introduction to Metaphysics". If you take this course and are sure that you have talent, you can apply for in-depth study. After graduation, you can go to the Abnormality Bureau to find a job."

As he spoke, Shen Yueran took out the books that he had organized the old professors to compile in the past, presented them in front of the camera, and continued:

"This course involves the reform of national universities, so it will be piloted in batches. The first batch of pilot schools are Pingcheng and Yuncheng. Pingcheng is where Shuyunguan is located, and Yuncheng is where the headquarters of the Irregularity Bureau is located. The principle of proximity is more convenient. "

"This book does not involve the principle of confidentiality. College students who get this book can lend it and circulate it, as long as they want to learn."

"In the future, if the pilot goes well, colleges and universities across the country will add this course, and in the future, major shopping platforms may sell this book, and everyone can buy it and read it for themselves."

After hearing this, the audience immediately understood why a Taoist succession ceremony would have many presidents and old professors from universities attending.

It turned out that it was because metaphysics courses were about to be launched, and there would be in-depth cooperation between the university and Shuyunguan.

From this point of view, if you want to learn Taoist knowledge in the future, there are actually two ways:

First, pass the test of Shu Yunguan, come directly to Shu Yunguan to study, and become a formal disciple of Shu Yunguan. In this case, you may have to stay in the mountains to learn skills, and your connection with the mortal world will gradually decrease. More importantly, No one knows what this test is about, and they are not sure whether they can pass it.

The second is to work hard to get into college and take "Introduction to Metaphysics" as an elective in college to determine whether you have the talent to learn this kind of skill. If you learn well, you can even apply for a job in the professional counterpart department. This is different from civil servants and career editors. It's no different, you must also go through political review, but if you study this way, you may only learn a superficial knowledge, which is not as advanced as studying in Shuyunguan.

But no matter what, the announcement of these two things means that the learning pattern of Long Kingdom has changed.

Everyone wanted to think about it, but their eyes were still fixed on Shen Yueran, wanting to hear what she would say next.

Unexpectedly, the third thing she said immediately stunned everyone:

"Third, the spiritual energy of the Dragon Kingdom has recovered, and perhaps one day in the future, it will enter an era of comprehensive cultivation of immortals."

"As a pioneer in the journey to immortality, Shuyunguan will explore the most reasonable and appropriate path for everyone. Perhaps one day in the future, everyone will be able to realize their dreams, call the wind and rain, move the clouds to see the moon, and control the world. The sword rises into the air!"

"Let us look forward to this day together."

As soon as the words fell, the whole place was in an uproar.

The revival of spiritual energy and the arrival of the age of cultivating immortals means that the pattern of the Dragon Kingdom will undergo earth-shaking changes. If this is the case, then foreign countries will lag behind the Dragon Kingdom step by step, and this gap will never be made up.

Among the guests at the scene, there were three foreigners, Melissa, Anne, and Jinsuke Abe. They didn’t look very good after hearing the news. Melissa asked directly:
"To cultivate immortality, does it mean to cultivate to become someone like Qingzhu Immortal Lord? If everyone in Dragon Country cultivates immortality, and everyone is Qingzhu Immortal Lord, then how can we compete with Dragon Country?"

After hearing this, Anne looked at Abe Rensuke and said:
"So, we must also cultivate immortality."

"The three of us are already the strongest in our respective countries, but in front of the Qingzhu Immortal Lord, we have no room to fight back. If everyone in the Dragon Kingdom cultivates immortality, it will be a huge blow to us."

"So, we can definitely declare our country, conduct international cooperation, and send our people to the Dragon Kingdom as exchange students to learn to cultivate immortality."

This may be the best way to bridge the gap.

At this time, Shen Yueran announced the fourth thing:

"I will uphold my master's ambition and continue to take it as my responsibility to slay demons and protect the common people. I have also decided to continue her live broadcast. From now on, on the first and fifteenth day of every month, I will be on the original Dolphin live broadcast APP Qingzhu Xianjun. Live broadcast in the live broadcast room, tell fortunes, exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts.”

"I may not be as powerful as my master, but I will try my best to continue doing this and try to help more people."

"Finally, thank you all for coming. Today's succession ceremony is over. Shu Yunguan has prepared meals and invited all the guests to take their seats. After lunch, you can stay or go as you like. Those who want to visit Shu Yunguan will be guided by the comrades of the Yi Tiao Bureau , those who want to leave can feel free to leave.”

After saying all this, Shen Yueran withdrew from everyone's sight and returned to her own room.

Yes, she prepared a room for herself in Shuyunguan.

Since she decided to succeed Shu Yunguan, this place became her future home. She did not move Pei Anzhu's previous residence, but kept it as it was. She found another room next to Pei Anzhu's previous room. Decorated into his own room.

After returning to the room, Shen Yueran locked the door and set up an isolation array and a soundproof array.

She learned this habit from Pei Anzhu. Every time she needed a private space, she would set up a formation. Unknowingly, she had transformed herself into Pei Anzhu.

Shen Yueran was in the room, taking out the magical artifacts and treasures that Pei Anzhu gave her one by one. She cherished every item. She put on the robe that Pei Anzhu gave her, which was a brand new Taoist robe. .

With this dress in the future, she will almost never have to buy new clothes. After all, it will be automatically cleaned and dusted every day.

After putting it on, she put the other treasures back into the storage bracelet, and then took out the small jade token representing the leader's token that Pei Anzhu first gave her. Pei Anzhu asked her to study its function.

She took the little jade sign and looked at it, and then realized that the little jade sign looked like a human touch-screen mobile phone.

Put your finger on the small jade card, and the jade card will light up, and then there will be three icons on it——

The first one depicts a house. When I click on it, it says "Inner Group of Xuanji Gate".

The second one has a circular dialog box, which is somewhat similar to WeChat. When you click on it, it says "Cultivation World Right Way Forum".

The third one has a little figure drawn on it. When you click on it, it says "Private chat method of Qingzhu Immortal".

Shen Yueran clicked on the villain, and soon the jade card was dialed like a phone. Pei Anzhu's figure appeared in mid-air, but she knew that this was not the real Pei Anzhu, but the Pei Anzhu in the shadow talisman.

This principle is like a video call on a mobile phone. You can see people, but what appears is not a real person.

"Master!!!" Shen Yueran smiled in surprise, "You came here in a hurry and left in a hurry. I thought I would never see you again!"

Hearing this, Pei Anzhu smiled:

"I am now a person in the immortal world, and my real body has a limited time to come to earth. I can only support you in the shortest time, shock everyone, and let you know that you have the support of an immortal behind you, so that others will not bully you."

"If you want to inherit and revitalize the Xuanmen profession, you have to build a reputation to convince others. But if I let you fight alone, I am afraid that people will be unpredictable and see you alone and turn you into a puppet."

"So, I showed up when you succeeded to give you the greatest support, and also made those young people dare not act rashly."

Shen Yueran's eyes were red and she said:
"I knew the master was the best to me!"

"So Master, whenever I miss you, can I use this jade token to contact you?"

Pei Anzhu nodded:

"Yes, you can contact me with this jade token."

"I made this thing based on the functions of modern mobile phones, and asked the immortal friends of the Refining Sect to make it. It is easier to use than the transmission notes, but the current output is not much, and the functions are not complete. You can make do with it."

"When the immortal friends of the Weapon Refining Sect come up with a new version, I will give it to you."

"Don't treat it as a simple means of contact. You must make good use of these functions. The internal group of Xuanji Sect is composed of disciples of Xuanji Sect in the Cultivation Continent, including my uncles, brothers and sisters. They are orthodox If you don’t understand anything in the process of learning, you can ask them.”

"They know that you are my disciple. After all, you are the youngest disciple of the Xuanji Sect. They all look up to you, so you don't have to be restrained. If you have any questions, just ask."

"Another righteous forum in the world of cultivation, I think you can guess it without me telling you. It is a forum where all righteous sects can chat, including Wanfa Pavilion, Tianjian Sect, Weapon Refining Sect, Dan Sect, Zenyin Temple Buddhist Cultivator, etc. , it’s all in there, if you have any questions, you can ask them for help.”

"The last one is to contact me, but I am not always available. After all, I am now in the fairy world. After entering the fairy world, I have to take a position. It is considered the establishment of the fairy world. I have to fulfill my duties, so I cannot contact you all the time."

"But if you have any questions, you can leave me a message. If I am free, I will reply to you."

"Little Moon, although I accepted you as my disciple, in fact I didn't have time to teach you many things. I can only use this method to make up for the vacancy of me not being around you to teach my skills. I hope you don't mind."

Shen Yueran cried and shook her head:
"Why would I mind? Master, you are so considerate, I can't thank you enough!"

"That's good." Pei Anzhu said, "In the world you live in now, spiritual energy is slowly recovering. Although it is still very thin and it is not yet possible for all people to cultivate immortality, it is enough for you to use yourself. Maybe wait a while. In ten or twenty years, the spiritual energy in your place will become very strong, and you can use it casually by then. Little Moon, immortals have a long lifespan. If you work harder, maybe I will still be in the immortal world when you ascend. Then we’ll meet again!”

"Don't worry, master, I will work hard!" Shen Yueran nodded vigorously.

In view of the idea of ​​"seeing each other in the immortal world in the future", Shen Yueran did not hesitate to eat late at night, sleep late at night, and unswervingly embarked on the path of cultivating immortality, looking forward to the day when she would meet Pei Anzhu again in the future. (End of chapter)

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