Chapter 48 Alarm
Mother Meng's lies were exposed, and she knew she had nowhere to go.

The young master of metaphysics in front of him seemed to have a temperament of hatred and hatred, and he would not give her any room to negotiate conditions.

That being the case, there is no choice but to fight to the death.

A dark light flashed in Meng's mother's eyes, she thought, the other party is so young, they must have limited cultivation, they were defeated because they underestimated the enemy before.

As long as she and her husband do their best, they might not be able to escape from her hands.

Looking at Meng's mother's expression, Alang instantly understood what she meant. The husband and wife have been together for more than 20 years, and they have a perfect understanding. They only need to look at each other to know each other.

In the next second, the two attacked Pei Anzhu at the same time.

Pei Anzhu tilted her head and looked at them, motionless, she looked as if she was frightened, but just when they thought they could hit them with one blow, she made a move——

With the seal of both hands, the curse of exterminating ghosts is completed.

The golden light flashed, and the enemy was defeated with one move.

A Lang, who had devoured countless ghosts, thought he was already a fierce ghost, but he didn't expect that he couldn't get away with a single move in front of this young metaphysician.

In an instant, it was wiped out.

In fact, Pei Anzhu seldom used the skills of killing ghosts.

If she hadn't encountered that kind of evil ghost who was full of evil and refused to obey advice, she would usually choose to suppress ghosts.

Suppressing ghosts is to break up the cultivation of ghosts, restore their sanity, listen to their mental journeys, and then send them to the underworld according to their merits and demerits to be judged.

In this way, even if the ghost has to suffer a little bit, it still has the chance to be reincarnated.

But killing ghosts is different.

As the name suggests, once Exterminator comes out, all ghosts will be destroyed, their souls will be scattered, and they will no longer be reincarnated.

This time, she hit Alan hard.

Because Alan is a villain of the third generation.

Since there are good people in this world for several lifetimes, of course there are also evil people for several lifetimes.

Wicked people will not be able to change their minds just because they are reincarnated.

Some malice is something engraved in the soul, and it can be brought out of the mother's womb every reincarnation.

This is what people say is born with bad embryos.

This is the case with Aaron.

When he was alive, he learned spells from the master of the lower head, and practiced evil ways behind his back, using the flesh and blood of living people to improve his cultivation.

Later, when he met Meng Mu, he rescued her, not out of genuine kindness, but because of Meng Mu's four pillars of pure yin fate.

This kind of fate is easy to see ghosts, and the body is full of strong Yin Qi all the year round. It is also an excellent furnace for evil people to improve their cultivation.

In order to collect yin and replenish yang, Alang got Mengmu's mother.

He originally thought that he had picked up a bargain, but he didn't expect that his cultivation could not reach home, and he died under the guns of armed forces.

Later, he took advantage of Mengmu's four pillars of pure yin physique to become a ghost cultivator.

He cooperates with Meng's mother to kill people, sucking the essence, energy and flesh of living people, waiting for them to die unwillingly after being tortured, turning into ghosts, and devouring the other's soul.

He never felt that there was anything wrong with killing people. In the eyes of such a born bad embryo, others should be grateful to Dade for being a tool for him to improve his cultivation.

Such a person, Pei Anzhu would not let him reincarnate.

Because in the next life, he will continue to do evil.

At the moment when Alang disappeared, the causal bond between Mengmu and Alang was broken, and the backlash from raising ghosts for many years came fiercely.

Blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, her hair turned white for a moment, and her skin became wrinkled and loose.

It looks like he is 20 years old.

At first, she just looked like a woman who has worked hard for many years, because she used her own blood to support Alang all the year round.

Now, she looks like a malnourished septuagenarian abandoned by unfilial children.

She stared at Pei Anzhu with strong hatred in her eyes:
"You killed Aaron!"

"He was already dead, why should I kill him?" Pei Anzhu sneered.

"I'll fight with you!" Mother Meng got up from the ground with all her hatred, with a determined expression on her face, as if she wanted to die with Pei Anzhu.

But before she got close, Pei Anzhu knocked her out.

Next, Pei Anzhu looked at the unconscious mother and daughter, thinking about how to deal with the aftermath——

After much deliberation, she chose to call the police.

In order for Alan to enhance his cultivation, Mother Meng killed many people successively. Even though their flesh and blood were sucked clean and their souls were completely devoured, the ashes of these people were still there.

They sealed the ashes of these people in jars as trophies collected over the years.

And these are excellent evidence.

Pei Anzhu took out Meng Huan's cell phone, unlocked it, changed his voice again, and called the police.

After confirming that the police were on their way, Pei Anzhu put down his phone and punched a truth talisman into Meng's mother.

When I went to the clothes, I learned the name and the name.

The series of events caused by Li Yuanyuan's graduation trip in the dormitory will be completely over here——

Three innocent girls survived.

Meng Huan, the instigator behind the scenes, will be haunted by ghost babies and will experience ninety-nine and 81 days of torment.

Alan's soul was scattered, and he did not enter reincarnation.

Mother Meng was arrested, and under the influence of the truth talisman, she would confess all her crimes, and the ashes of countless victims were found at home. The evidence is solid, and she can only spend the rest of her life in prison.

As for the police.

After their investigation, they will definitely have many questions and discover many things that cannot be explained by science.

But what does that matter?

Anyway, it is an irrefutable fact that Meng Mu killed someone.

After Pei Anzhu left here, he booked a plane ticket and went back to Pingcheng overnight.

The old Taoist is still living in the ICU. Although she doesn't need to take care of her personally, she is a little worried after leaving for several days.

It was eleven o'clock in the middle of the night when we arrived in Pingcheng.

Pei Anzhu walked to the parking lot of the airport, found his car, and drove towards the hospital.

By this time, the hospital had passed visiting hours.

So she decided to stay in a hotel near the hospital for one night. After seeing the old Taoist priest tomorrow morning, she went to the ancient street to make up a batch of cinnabar and talisman paper.

These days her talismans are used very quickly.

I sold some, gave some away, and basically every customer who came to her, she would leave some tokens for them to ensure good after-sales service.

What's more, she plans to use talismans to catch ghosts in the future.

In the last few times of catching ghosts, she relied on her strength to crush them and beat them up violently. Although she was fast, she didn't show any respect at all.

Pei Anzhu remembered that his master taught that although catching ghosts and exorcising evil spirits is my mission, but because of the karma involved, I have to charge money every time I do it.

More money or less depends on the customer's wishes, but the customer's money must be worthwhile and willing to spend.

Therefore, when necessary, even if she can defeat the enemy with one move, she can occasionally do some fancy moves to let the client know that this ghost is not easy to catch.

Especially those clients who like to kill themselves, only by letting them bleed can they be taken seriously.

Pei Anzhu firmly remembered these experiences.

Although the clients she has met recently are all good people, it doesn't mean that she won't meet someone who likes to die in the future. At that time, the battle talisman will come in handy.

(End of this chapter)

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