Chapter 50 The Old Taoist Woke Up

For the next two days, Pei Anzhu lived a peaceful and comfortable life.

In addition to three meals a day, she has a very full schedule——

Get up early in the morning and go to morning exercises, climbing mountains, practicing boxing, moving muscles and bones, and exercising physical skills.

In the morning, meditate and practice in the spirit gathering array, absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and practice internal strength.

In the afternoon, I concentrated on drawing talismans, cut the yellow paper into the size of talisman paper, and drew all the talismans that I felt could be used. I drew four to five hundred pieces in two days.

In the evening, it is reading time, and what I read is the collection of books in Shuyun Temple.

Those classics that were dusted up by the old Taoist priests became the main way and means for Pei Anzhu to understand the world's Taoist system.

Just when she thought she could stay at ease until the third live broadcast, she received a call from the hospital:
"Is it Miss Pei? Pei Zhi, a patient in the ICU ward, is awake."

Pei Zhiqing is an old Taoist priest.

After hearing the news, Pei Anzhu got up suddenly, grabbed the car keys and ran outside:

"I'll be right there."

The old Taoist priest suffered such serious injuries, Pei Anzhu had already prepared that he would be in a coma for two months, but he did not expect to wake up so soon.

This is good news.

Pei Anzhu drove to the hospital, but when she arrived, the old Taoist had fallen asleep again.

The doctor looked at the little girl who came in a hurry, his eyes were soft, and he said:

"Don't worry too much. Mr. Pei is recovering pretty well considering he is in his 60s."

"During the time he was awake, we have done some examinations on him. His injuries are steadily healing, and some of his body functions have approached the state before the accident."

"The reason why I fell asleep so quickly is because the body needs sleep to assist in recovery."

"In fact, after our inspection and discussion, we believe that Mr. Pei no longer needs to live in the ICU. If Ms. Pei agrees, we will transfer him to a second-class intensive care unit."

After saying these words, the doctor looked at her with questioning eyes.

Pei Anzhu knew what the doctor meant, that the old Taoist priest had completely passed the dangerous period, and basically didn't need to continue living in the ICU.

The ward is vacated and can receive more other critically ill patients.

So she nodded:

"It can be transferred, but I want a deluxe single room in the intensive care unit, and I will pay for it."

After discussing it, she signed some documents and paid the fee according to the doctor's request, and transferred the old Taoist priest to the advanced intensive care unit.

Then, she thought about finding two nurses to take care of the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest had been unconscious in the ICU before, so naturally he didn't need a nurse.

But now that he has woken up, it means that he will wake up more and more times in the future, and the time will be longer and longer, and he will need a series of physiological needs such as eating and excreting.

Currently, Pei Anzhu can't stay in the hospital anytime and anywhere to take care of him, so he can only hire a nurse.

As for herself, when she is not live broadcasting or taking private work, she can often visit and accompany the old Taoist priest.

Immediately doing what he said, Pei Anzhu asked the nurse to inquire about it.

In fact, in the hospital, the nurses are the ones who have the most contact with the nurses besides the patients.

In many cases, the children of the patients cannot be taken care of personally, and the medical staff can only tell the nurses to pay attention to them at all times.

Sure enough, the nurse helped to contact several nurses and let Pei Anzhu choose by himself.

Pei Anzhu chose a man and a woman from five people. They were a couple in their 40s. From their looks, they were both honest and honest people.

According to the nurse, these two couples are indeed the best-reputed among the nurses in the hospital. They are calm, meticulous and thoughtful. They have worked in the hospital for four years and have received numerous praises.

"It's them."

Pei Anzhu decided on the candidates and immediately signed a contract with them.

Later, she left the contact information of the two nurses and added WeChat, telling them to notify her immediately if there is any situation:
"My grandfather will leave it to the two of you."

"Miss Pei, don't worry, we will do our best." The husband of the couple, a man named Zhang Ping, said.

After the matter was settled, Pei Anzhu sat with them in the single intensive care unit for half an hour. Seeing that the old Taoist priest showed no sign of waking up again, she left the hospital.

Back at Shuyun Temple, Pei Anzhu took a shower, went to bed early, and recharged his batteries for the upcoming third live broadcast.

Yuncheng, Junlin Tianxia villa area.

In a certain exquisite mansion, there was a faint cry.

In the living room, a middle-aged but still handsome man put his arms around his wife and comforted him in a low voice:

"Alan, don't cry. You are weak. If you continue to cry, it will be bad for your health. What if you fall ill? I will feel bad."

The man who spoke was Pei Jinchang, and the woman in his arms was none other than his wife Zhou Yalan.

Their eldest son Pei Yu sat aside, frowning:

"Mom, Zhuzhu is still lying in the hospital, if you also collapse, what will Dad and I do?"

Zhou Yalan lay on Pei Jinchang's shoulder, sobbing:

"How could this happen? How could Zhuzhu not be my daughter? She is the baby I hold in my hand and have raised for more than 20 years!"

There was a moment of silence in the room.

No one could answer Zhou Yalan's question, because no one thought that this would happen——

Three days ago, Pei Mingzhu, the daughter of the Pei family, finished her world piano tour and returned to China with all her glory.

After drinking for three rounds, the high-spirited dandies made an appointment to go to the suburban racing track to play a few rounds together.

They bet more than one million, lost their minds under the stimulation of alcohol, ignorant and crazy, and drove the racing car to rampage on the winding road.

In the end, someone failed to control the brakes and slammed into the fence next to him, seriously injuring Pei Mingzhu who was watching.

Pei Mingzhu was sent to the hospital for emergency rescue.

When Pei Jinchang and Zhou Yalan heard the news, they rushed to the hospital as soon as possible. They waited outside the operating room for two hours, praying to Mantian Gods and Buddhas that their daughter would not have any accidents.

Pei Mingzhu came out safely, but the inspection report that followed made the Pei family's couple pale - Pei Mingzhu has type AB blood.

But no matter whether it is Pei Jinchang or Zhou Yalan, including Pei Yu, the entire family has type O blood.

Zhou Yalan went to the hospital and said that they had made a mistake in the blood type, but the chemist tested it several times, but there was still no change.

After eliminating a series of possibilities such as wrong sample, instrument error, chemist's operation error, etc., the remaining and most incredible reason has become the only truth:
Pei Mingzhu is not the daughter of the Pei family.

Later, the paternity test came out, confirming this guess.

From the moment Zhou Yalan saw the results of the paternity test, she fell into a strong mood of sadness, shedding tears at home every day, as if she didn't know what to do.

Pei Mingzhu, why isn't she her daughter?
20 years of hard work!

It was she who raised Pei Mingzhu from such a small baby to a world-renowned pianist with infinite glory and a well-known socialite in the wealthy circle. She spent a lot of effort.

But now tell her, isn't that her biological daughter?
(End of this chapter)

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