Chapter 53 How It Died
The audience in the live broadcast room were all crying because of the boy's story:

——Damn it!How in the world can there be such parents?terrible!

——This pair of parents are selfish, extremely cold-blooded, they don’t take care of their parents, they don’t care about their children, such people don’t deserve to live in this world!

—Are you full?If it is full, you can move out of the account and live alone, and it will have nothing to do with them in the future. When they are old, you can just give them some maintenance every month.

——Little brother, don’t cry, it’s not worth it.


Everyone comforted me with every word.

Looking at the warm words on the barrage, the young man felt better. He gradually stopped crying and thanked the screen.

Seeing him calm down, Pei Anzhu asked:
"Are you conflicted in your heart now? On the one hand, it's Grandpa's last wish, and on the other hand, it's the estrangement from your parents, so you don't know how to choose, right?"

The young man nodded: "Immortal Lord Qingzhu, they all say that you are very powerful and accurate in everything, can you show me a clear way?"

Pei Anzhu looked at him for a long time before saying:

"From the point of view of metaphysics, you are indeed a face of weak kinship. There are conflicts of tongue between you and your parents, and quarrels and conflicts are prone to occur."

"Even if you force yourself to reconcile with your parents now, you will break up with them because of other things in the future."

Hearing this, the young man breathed a sigh of relief:

"You're right. In the past few years we've lived with them, we haven't spent a single day in quarrels."

"I know what to do. I don't want to reconcile with them. I will never forgive them for treating grandpa like that."

"Have you made up your mind?" Pei Anzhu asked.

"Think it over." The young man's eyes were firm, "Actually, I have also figured it out over the years. Before my grandfather died, the reason why I reconciled with my parents was because I was still underage, needed to go to school, and had no ability to support myself. He was afraid that I would be driven by hatred and turn my back on myself, which would ruin my future."

But now, he has grown up and can take responsibility for his future.

He planned to follow the advice on the barrage and move out his household registration. From then on, he and this family would have nothing to do with each other.

Pei Anzhu is a member of the Taoist sect, he can measure the past and the future, and say what he has.

She doesn't have any principle of "persuading peace and not persuading division". For such a family with weak ties, separation is good for both parties.

If the teenagers are forced to continue to get along with their parents, the conflict between them will only become bigger and bigger.

According to the boy's original destiny trajectory——

When the hatred in his heart has accumulated to a certain level, but he still can't vent it, he will act on impulse and do irreparable things.

For example, killing one's father and one's mother...

But Pei Anzhu didn't say such a tragic future.

She just went to the end, as for how the boy chooses, it depends on him——

And his fate changed at the moment he chose to move out of his household registration and break away from the relationship.

That's fine.

Pei Anzhu showed a gratified smile in his eyes, glanced at the golden retriever in the form of a ghost next to the boy, and said again:
"I'm done talking about the family affairs, let's talk about your golden retriever."

"You spent 1000 yuan to ask me to help you find the dog, so I have to follow through. Do you want to know where its body is and how it died?"

The boy's attention was diverted, and he immediately asked:
"How did you die? Wasn't it an accident?"

"When you said it was dead just now, I always thought it was an accident after it got lost, so..."

Pei Anzhu shook his head: "It's not an accident, I suggest you call the police."

The boy's expression changed immediately.

He's not an idiot, why did he call the police when a dog died?

Unless, the dog died abnormally.

Pei Anzhu's next words also confirmed his guess:
"Your golden retriever was stolen by someone, and then experienced cruel abuse. It stands to reason that the soul of such an abnormal death will become resentful, lose its mind, and aim for revenge."

"But your golden retriever is thinking about you. After death, it turned into a soul. Instead of taking revenge, it chose to come back to you. It is afraid that after taking revenge, it will be contaminated with evil spirits, and it will cause harm to you when it gets close to you. "

"So call the police."

Whether it is animal cruelty or stealing other people's pets, it has reached the standard of sentencing.

Pei Anzhu looked at Jin Mao, with a flash of compassion in his eyes.

The ghost will maintain the appearance before death, but this golden hair, the originally bright hair, is covered with blood, and the body is covered with wounds. It looks like it has suffered a great crime.

Of course, she didn't tell [Krypton Gold Changing Life] too much about the abuse.

This young man just cried a while ago, and his heart is fragile. If he knew that the golden retriever died so badly, he might do something irrational.

It is best to wait for him to call the police and bring the dog thief to justice before knowing the truth.

[Krypton Gold Changing Fate] Upon hearing this, I asked Pei Anzhu:

"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, can you figure out where this dog thief is? If I can find his location and call the police, will the police come sooner?"

"You go out now and follow my instructions." Pei Anzhu kept calculating while talking, "First, after going downstairs, go west for 30 meters."

The young man held the mobile phone, opened the live broadcast room, and followed Pei Anzhu's instructions:

Finally, I came to another community 500 meters away from my own community, an old community with less strict security measures and more tenants than owners.

The environment here is not very good, and almost all the people who live here are migrant workers.

Everyone is running around for their livelihood, exhausted, unfamiliar with the neighbors around them, and indifferent to human relations, which makes it easier for the gangsters to commit crimes.

[Krypton Gold Changed Life] Standing at the door of Unit 7 in Building [-], I dialed the alarm number.

He didn't think Pei Anzhu would be wrong.

Originally, he came to fortune-telling because he believed in the name of [Green Bamboo Immortal Lord]. Since Pei Anzhu said that the dog thief lived here, it must be here.

The police arrived within 10 minutes of receiving the report.

Seeing the police arrived, the boy took the initiative to go over to meet them and said:

"I called the police. There is a sadist on 402 on the fourth floor of this building. He abuses animals, not only stray cats and dogs, but he also steals pet cats and dogs from other people's homes to abuse them."

"He stole my golden retriever and tortured him to death. Please catch him and avenge my golden retriever."

The policeman was very surprised when he heard this, and wondered why he knew it so clearly.

But no matter what, since someone has reported the case, they must go and see it.

So, a group of people went up to the fourth floor and knocked on the door of 402.

As soon as the residents of 402 saw the person in the police uniform, their faces changed suddenly, and they subconsciously closed the door. If there is no ghost in their hearts, how could it be such a reaction?
The police noticed his movement for the first time, and pushed the door open——

A strong smell of blood came to the nostrils.

(End of this chapter)

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