Chapter 59
While driving, Pei Anzhu popularized the knowledge about Bixian with everyone, and warned everyone not to try to die easily——

The pen fairy, whose name is a fairy, is actually a ghost. To put it bluntly, it is a kind of soul-calling game.

The ceremony of asking for a pen fairy was originally evolved from the "Fuji" of Taoism in Taoism. It is a variant of an ancient technique, and it can be regarded as a simplified version of Fuji.

In ancient times, people in the Taoist sect encountered problems that could not be solved, or evil spirits that they could not deal with, and they would use the ritual of "supporting the spirit" to ask the gods for help.

Now Taoism also has a category of "inviting amulets", which can replace the ritual of supporting the spirit.

However, people from the orthodox Taoist sect are all invited by the patriarch of the sect or the disciples of the Sanqing Zhengshen.

Later, this spirit-supporting ritual was spread to the folks, and after evolution and simplification, it became a pure soul-calling game, but all the evil ghosts and gods wandering among the people were attracted.

Evil ghosts and gods have no one to enshrine and have no faith, floating between the heaven and the earth, like a rootless tree.

They have nothing to do with humans.

But once they are summoned by humans, they have established a cause and effect with humans. Under certain rules, they cannot easily harm humans.

But if the rules are broken, they will seize every opportunity, bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, to strengthen themselves.

The so-called rules are taboos.

Before hiring a pen fairy, you must ask information professionals to inquire about all the taboos, and "please" and "send" as required during the process, otherwise you will give the pen fairy a chance to kill.

Zhou Ying's classmates don't believe in ghosts and gods, and they don't have any sense of reverence.

They treat asking for a pen fairy as a child's play, and start the game hastily without any preparation, and let go of the game in the process, which is already a big taboo.

If there is no delay, they will all die when Pei Anzhu arrives.

After listening to Pei Anzhu's suggestion, Zhou Ying quickly turned to a few students and said:

"You all heard what Immortal Qingzhu said, right? Follow her request quickly, she is on her way here."

The third child in the dormitory swallowed nervously, and said tremblingly:
"Pen Xian Bi Xian, I've decided to ask you some questions, please answer me, how to prove Goldbach's conjecture?"

Zhou Ying pointed the camera at several girls at the right time.

However, the pen held by the four girls at the same time was slowly moving under the urging of an unknown force, and began to write mathematical formulas.

At first, Bixian wrote very slowly.

Later, the writing became faster and faster, and it even skipped the bloody handprint in a very "humane" way, for fear that the written formula could not be seen clearly.

After a while, I wrote more than half a page of blank paper.

The four girls' hands were sore, but they didn't dare to let go, so they could only hold tightly.

A piece of blank paper was finished quickly, Zhou Ying was on the side, and handed over the second piece of blank paper in due course, so that Bixian could continue writing.

Pei Anzhu drove the car very fast.

She still calculated for herself the most unobstructed road, and headed all the way to F University.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also very lively:
——I was watching a ghost doing math problems in the supernatural live broadcast room?

——It’s true that you can see any scene after living for a long time!
——The anchor is mighty!Before the pen fairy has finished answering the questions, it can't kill, so ask a question that it can't answer, awesome!

——Didn’t the pen fairy claim to be omniscient and omnipotent in the legend, knowing everything?Maybe it can really answer Goldbach's conjecture?
— Are you dreaming upstairs?The anchor said that the pen fairy was transformed by a ghost, and the ghost was also a human being, and he couldn't prove it when he was a human, but he could prove it when he was a ghost?

——Goldbach's conjecture is a world-class problem. If it is proved by a ghost, how ridiculous would it be?

— But how do you explain that this ghost wrote so many mathematical formulas?
——The only explanation: This ghost was a top student in the mathematics department before his death.


There are different opinions in the live broadcast room.

Everyone chatted to ease the atmosphere while waiting to see the follow-up.

The pen fairy wrote for half an hour, and the formula and proof process filled more than forty pages.

The group of four who committed suicide felt that their wrists were about to break, but their nerves were tense, and they dared not relax in the slightest, for fear of letting go again.

This loosening is life-threatening.

Thus, Zhou Ying became a paper delivery tool without emotion.

When she handed the No.40 nine sheets of paper, the pen fairy stopped, as if it couldn't prove it anymore, it started to scribble on the paper.

The messy scratches showed its irritable mood.

Seeing that the scratches were getting heavier and heavier, and the tip of the pen scratched the white paper, and it seemed that it was about to explode, Pei Anzhu spoke:

"The person who asked the question just now, affirm its answer, praise its achievements, and then change to another person to ask the question, hold on, I will be there in more than 20 minutes."

The third child pursed his lips, resisting his fear, followed Pei Anzhu's suggestion, said a lot of flattery, and then handed over the right to ask questions to the fourth child in the dormitory.

The fourth child was the girl who was so timid that she was the first to let go.

With red eyes, she whispered:

"What do I... want to ask it? Ask another mathematical conjecture? But let it continue like this, our hands will not be able to hold on."

This is also a big problem.

Once she opened her mouth to ask a question, the opportunity for those four questions was used up.

When their wrists reach the limit and they can't hold the pen, the pen fairy will kill them, and will never let them go like before.

Everyone looked at Zhou Ying's phone screen at the same time, and looked at Pei Anzhu expectantly.

So Pei Anzhu spoke again:

"Let it write pi silently."

As we all know, pi is infinite and does not loop, so it is impossible to finish writing.

But if you let the pen fairy write the complete pi silently, it will only write from 3.14159 onwards until it can't come out silently.

And pi is all numbers, which is much simpler than the various formulas conjectured by Goldbach, and it is less burdensome to their wrists.

Everything is going on as Pei Anzhu predicted.

With the fastest speed, it took her 22 minutes to arrive at the west gate of F University, which was the closest door to Zhou Ying's dormitory.

"Which building and dormitory are you in?" Pei Anzhu got out of the car and ran towards the school.

"Room 8, Building 311." Zhou Ying replied.

At this time, Bixian's dictation of pi has also come to an end.

It can't keep silent.

When it drew horizontal lines back and forth on the white paper again, and became more and more irritable, the temperature in the entire dormitory plummeted——

Except for Zhou Ying, everyone else felt a biting cold.

In the next second, a figure hangs upside down from mid-air, and lands in the middle of the four girls, with its head at eye level with them.

The head turned 360 degrees, and then cracked a weird smile.

"Ah—there is a ghost——"

Still the girl with the least courage, she was startled by the sudden head, she threw away the pen in her hand, took a few steps back quickly, climbed onto the bed, and got under the quilt.

The pen let go again.

On the ceiling, the figure hanging upside down gradually laughed rampantly, and rushed towards the third child who was closest to him.

(End of this chapter)

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