Chapter 61 Heading to Yucheng
The pen fairy ghost was subdued, and the whole dormitory returned to normal in an instant.

The temperature has risen and is no longer as cold as before.

The separate domain created by the pen fairy ghost also disappeared, and the youthful laughter of female college students came from the corridor outside, dispelling the fear in dormitory 311.

In an instant, this dormitory returned from a strange world to the human world.

Seeing this, Zhou Ying breathed a sigh of relief:

"Immortal Qingzhu, are you alright now?"

"Yeah." Pei Anzhu nodded, and took out a few talismans from his bag and handed them over, "Let them wear them next to their body, to dispel the grievances on their bodies, and to bask more in the sun."

Zhou Ying took the talisman and distributed it to the four girls in dormitory 311.

Among them, the head of the dormitory of 311, the eldest of the four, bowed deeply to Pei Anzhu with a sincere tone:
"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, thank you for saving us."

"Also, I want to say sorry to you, I shouldn't have suspected you of showing off before."

"It's okay." Pei Anzhu's tone was light, and he was not angry because the other party misunderstood him. He just told him, "Ghosts and gods are mysterious and unpredictable. Don't try it lightly in the future."

The four girls admitted their mistakes one after another, expressing that they would never dare again.

After the matter was settled, Pei Anzhu had time to pay attention to her live broadcast room. She said in a serious tone the consequences of provoking ghosts in private, and then said:
"I know that there are many ghost games in the folk, but if you don't die, you won't die. Please cherish your life."

"Today they summoned the Pen Fairy without incident, one is because [Adventurer Xiaoying] is by her side, she has an amulet that can barely resist; the other is because I am in the same city as them, so I came in time."

"But the rest of you may not be so lucky, please remember my words and encourage each other."

"Okay, this is the end of today's trigrams, see you next time."

After saying this, Pei Anzhu closed the live broadcast room without hesitation and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, the boss in the dormitory said again:

"Immortal Qingzhu, how much are these talismans, we will pass them on to you, it's hard work for you to make this trip, we have watched your live broadcast before, and we all know that there is a different price for your appearance."

The other party asked for money, but Pei Anzhu didn't pretend to be generous, so he said:
"Five hundred amulets, you give them to Zhou Ying and ask her to pass them on to me."

Zhou Ying took the task.

Soon, Pei Anzhu left dormitory 311, she left along the way she came, that is to say, she didn't go through the main entrance, but jumped from the balcony on the third floor.

Under the shocked eyes of several girls, Pei Anzhu's figure was graceful, like a flying swallow.

She leaped lightly and nimbly, just like a martial arts master in a TV series, with excellent lightness skills, she landed lightly, and then drove away.

When I went to the clothes, I learned the name and the name.

"Wow, she's so handsome!" The third child in the dormitory made a gesture of Xizi holding her heart, with an obsessive expression on his face, "If she was a boy, I would definitely chase her after her."

other people:……

The danger is over, and the guy's nympho is at it again.

Pei Anzhu, who was missed, didn't know about it, so she left F University and drove to the hospital.

Anyway, now that she has come out of Shuyunguan, she is too lazy to go back, she might as well go to the hospital to see how the old Taoist is doing, and then go directly to Yucheng to save some ghosts.

[Krypton Gold Changing Fate] and [Lo Niang Shanshan] both live in Yucheng.

There was a golden retriever and a female ghost who died in a car accident, and Pei Anzhu also had a pen fairy ghost that had just been subdued in his hand, so they simply transcended together.

Excessive speed is not difficult for Pei Anzhu, but she can solve it once, and she doesn't want to split it into two.

Pei Anzhu arrived at the hospital and went to the ward of the old Taoist priest.

It was an unfortunate occasion for her to come.

"The old man only woke up once half an hour ago." The nurse said to her, "Woke up for five or six minutes, drank some water, talked to us for a while, and fell asleep again because of lack of energy."

"What did he say?" Pei Anzhu asked.

"It's nothing, the main thing is to ask him about his own situation, and he was hospitalized in a car accident, and we are the nurses taking care of him, so we didn't say anything more," the nurse said.

"He didn't ask about me? Didn't he say he wanted to call me?" Pei Anzhu asked again.

The nurse shook his head; "We wanted to call you, but before we had time, he fell asleep again. We were afraid that your trip would be wasted, so we didn't say anything."

He just thought about letting Pei Anzhu come to visit the old man after he wakes up for a long time in the future.

When Pei Anzhu heard this, he didn't ask any more questions:
"I have to leave Pingcheng in the past two days to go on a business trip, and you will have to work hard here."

"Sure." The nurse agreed in fear.

Pei Anzhu stayed with the old Taoist priest for more than half an hour in the ward, then left the hospital and drove to the airport.

She bought a ticket to Yucheng.

Like the last "business trip", she parked the car in the parking lot of the airport, took the latest plane, and arrived in Yucheng two hours later.

When Pei Anzhu landed, it was already dark.

It was impossible for her to go to those two clients to save the ghosts at night, so she ate dinner nearby and found a hotel to stay.

After washing up, Pei Anzhu sat on the bed, took out his mobile phone, and turned on the background of the dolphin live broadcast.

Checking her income is her routine after each live broadcast.

Although she does not rely on live streaming to make money now, she has not forgotten that it was this platform that allowed her to earn her first pot of gold after coming to this world.

The income from this live broadcast is even higher than the last time, with a total of more than 3 yuan.

It's nothing compared to her fortune-telling and misfortunes for rich and noble families; but compared to most people in this world, she's already a winner in life.

Pei Anzhu withdrew the earnings he earned, then put down his phone and took out the talisman ball from his bag.

Inside the talisman ball of the ghost talisman is the soul of Liu Shijie, the ghost of the pen fairy.

She used the spell to make the ghost arresting talisman spread out and become a cage again, allowing Liu Shijie to stretch out temporarily.

Seeing Pei Anzhu, Liu Shijie showed resentment on his face:
"Meddling woman!"

Pei Anzhu didn't care about his resentment, but focused on another matter:

"I heard from your school girl that you died five years ago. You stayed up late at school doing math problems, so you died of a sudden cardiac arrest."

"It stands to reason that you are a ghost transformed by obsession. Since you choose not to reincarnate in the underworld, you can't leave the school. You can only be an earth-bound spirit in the place where your obsession is the deepest."

"F University doesn't have too many haunted rumors, and there are no weird and bizarre death cases. In other words, theoretically, you shouldn't have the opportunity to grow your strength."

"But in just five years, you have changed from an ordinary earth-bound spirit to a fierce ghost that can form a ghost. Where did your power come from?"

When Liu Shijie heard that Pei Anzhu went straight to the point and asked him his biggest secret, his expression twisted for a moment.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Liu Shijie said stiffly.

"In dormitory 311, the space of ghosts and mythical beings you unfolded isolates it from the outside world. This is an ability that can only be possessed by very powerful ghosts or certain ghost kings." Pei Anzhu said again, "You are a newcomer who has only been dead for five years. Ghost, it stands to reason that this cannot be done.”

(End of this chapter)

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