Chapter 68 False Respect

Pei Anzhu knew that this matter could not be avoided.

The other party brought such a complete set of proof materials, it was obvious that she came prepared, and besides the fact that she wanted to repay the gift of birth for the original owner, she could only admit it:
"Come in, both of you, and sit down for a while. I'll talk about it after I change my clothes and tidy up."

After finishing speaking, she invited Chen's father and son to enter Shuyun Temple.

The two didn't want to go in.

From their point of view, the Taoist temple located in this remote village doesn't look very good on the outside, and the inside must be even more dilapidated, and there is probably no place to entertain guests.

But they were indeed tired after climbing the steps for so long. It is unclear what kind of attitude this Miss An Zhu has. She can't just stand at the door and wait.

So they condescended to enter the Taoist temple reluctantly, but they were already mentally prepared that the Taoist temple would be broken.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the gate, I saw the exquisite vestibule——

A spacious yard.

On the left is a piece of green forest and green bamboo, evergreen in all seasons, growing very well, lush and lush, occasionally the breeze comes, and the bamboo leaves rustle, like a clear song in this mountain.

On the right is a flower garden, planted with all kinds of seasonal flowers and some plants that can be used as medicine. The flowers are slightly relaxed, the branches and leaves are shaking, and the fragrance blows to the face with the wind, which is refreshing.

In the middle is a cobblestone path, half of which is covered by dense bamboo forests, casting a cool shadow, but half of which is exposed to the sun, which is clear and bright.

The layout of the entire courtyard is exquisite, with flowers, plants and trees scattered in a well-proportioned manner, and it looks like a Chinese garden at the end, which can be called a scene at a step.

Pass through the front yard and you will arrive at the main hall, where the ancestors of the Sanqing are enshrined.

The statues of the three patriarchs Taiqing, Shangqing, and Yuqing sit high in the Ming Hall. They are both immortal and sympathetic to the common people. The majesty and compassion are two very different temperaments, but they are perfectly integrated in the statues of the patriarchs.

The main hall was cleaned, and the merit box, futon, incense burner and other items were neatly placed, so that the whole Taoist temple did not show any sign of decline.

Bypassing the main hall, walking through the verandah under the eaves, you came to the guest room.

A wooden tea table is placed in the middle, which looks simple and exquisite. There are tea sets and tea leaves on the table, and there is a small red clay stove for cooking tea for guests.

"Please sit down, you can take the tea on the table yourself." Pei Anzhu led them to him, spoke, and then left the room to wash and change clothes.

Chen Henian and Chen Sirui didn't speak for a while.

After a long time, Chen Sirui couldn't help but said:

"This Miss Pei Anzhu seems to be different from what I imagined."

Chen Henian nodded.

Yes, it is indeed different from what they thought.

Before entering the Taoist temple, they almost set Pei Anzhu's gender: a poor and rustic girl who grew up in the countryside and has never seen the world.

But after seeing Shu Yun Guan, they realized that the place where Ms. An Zhu lived was not as bad as they thought?

Neither of the father and son moved. Although Pei Anzhu said to take the tea by himself, they were not in the mood to drink tea. They were just thinking about how to complete the task assigned by their husband——

If Miss Pei Anzhu's life is not bad, it means that a little favor may not be enough to bring her back to Pei's house.

Her appetite may be very large, which is not what the husband wants to see.

However, when Pei Anzhu changed his clothes and appeared in front of them again, the father and son were simultaneously relieved.

Without him, the main reason is that Pei Anzhu's clothes are too ordinary.

Clothes and trousers costing dozens of dollars at most hundreds of dollars, with no discernible brand, and not so exquisite workmanship. The whole body, from head to toe, may not be as valuable as a hair rope of Miss Mingzhu.

Chen Henian is a fine individual after all, he guessed the key right away:

After all, Shu Yun Guan is the property left by the predecessors, with a solid foundation, as long as it is well taken care of, it will not be dilapidated.

But Shu Yunguan's background does not represent Pei Anzhu's worth.

To put it bluntly, she is just a low-level poor girl who grew up in the countryside, which coincides with their original idea.

Thinking of this, Chen Henian asked Pei Anzhu:

"I don't know what Miss Pei is thinking about? If it's possible, we'd better leave today. Madam has been thinking about you, and I'm afraid I'm waiting at home."

Pei Anzhu looked at this man, frowning.

If she remembers correctly, it took them no more than half an hour from their appearance to this moment, right?She didn't give her time to think about it at all, so how could she have the face to ask?

What's more, this Chen Henian appeared to be seeking Pei Anzhu's opinion on the surface, but in fact his attitude was tough, and the matter had actually been settled.

It is not so much an inquiry as a notification.

Tsk tsk, false respect.

Pei Anzhu saw everything clearly, but didn't say anything, just said:

"I can't leave for now."

"The grandfather who adopted me, who is also the owner of Shuyun temple, had a car accident some time ago, and he is still seriously injured. I will stay in Pingcheng to take care of him."

"After he is discharged from the hospital, I will go to Yuncheng to look for Mr. Pei and Mrs. Pei."

Find them and repay the karma of the grace of fertility.

She didn't address her parents, but only said Mr. Pei and Mrs. Pei. Obviously, she put herself in the position of an outsider, which was different from what Chen Henian thought at the beginning.

He thought that after Pei Anzhu knew his biological parents, he would be very happy to recognize them.

But he thought about it again, it must be because he didn't explain clearly the origin of the Pei family, which caused Miss Pei Anzhu to misunderstand, so he said:

"That's right, Miss Anzhu, what Mr. and Mrs. Madam mean is that you'd better go back right away."

"Perhaps you don't know the status of the Pei family in Yuncheng."

"As the city with the largest area, the largest population, the most developed economy, and the most concentrated concentration of celebrities in the Dragon Kingdom, Yuncheng is second to none in the entire Dragon Kingdom."

"Among the top wealthy families in Yuncheng, apart from the Feng family at the top of the pyramid, there is a saying of 'three surnames, four families and five households', which refers to the top twelve families in Yuncheng, and of course they are also the top in the country."

"The three surnames refer to Shen, Gu, and Qin; the four families refer to Lu, Fu, Su, and Xu; the five families refer to Ling, Zhou, Cen, Ji, and Pei."

"Among them, the Zhou family is the wife's natal family, and the Pei family is the family where the husband belongs."

"So, Miss An Zhu, for such a family, the blood of the family will not be let out. You'd better do what you want to do."

When Chen Henian said these words, he kept his eyes on Pei Anzhu, trying to see from her face an ordinary person's longing and longing for a wealthy family, his desire and ambition for wealth.

But he failed.

Pei Anzhu's expression was indifferent, and he had no expression from the beginning to the end, as if everything he said had nothing to do with him, but her attitude proved everything:
"so what?"

"The Pei family and the Zhou family are very powerful, I know, so such powerful people, have they never read a book? Don't know how to repay kindness, don't know benevolence and morality?"

"The old Taoist Priest Shu Yun has raised their daughter for more than 20 years, and the second was seriously injured in a car accident. Since they can find out about me, why can't they find out that the old Taoist was injured and was hospitalized?"

"When I want to be filial to the old Taoist priest, do you have to go back immediately?"

(End of this chapter)

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