Chapter 7 A Completely Different Face

The second person who tipped a sea view villa was nicknamed [Love Life Home].

Judging from the name, this should be a person who is full of enthusiasm and hope for life, and is good at capturing all kinds of small and beautiful things in life.

The other party initiated a video invitation, and Pei Anzhu agreed.

[Loving life home] is a middle-aged man about 40 years old.

He was wearing the uncle's favorite POLO shirt, sitting on a leather office chair, behind him was a four-story bookshelf filled with all kinds of books.

From the looks of it, he should be in the office or the study.

Judging from the scene he is in, it is neat and clean, with warm tones, which fits his nickname very well.


Seeing his face for the first time, Pei Anzhu frowned subconsciously.

However, she was wearing a mask, and this slight change in expression was not seen by the audience in the live broadcast room, and everyone urged her to make a fortune quickly.

Without waiting for Pei Anzhu to speak, [Loving Life Family] spoke first:

"Hello anchor, hello everyone in the live broadcast room, it is very presumptuous for me to snatch the opportunity of this fortune-telling, and everyone accepts it."

As soon as he opened his mouth, his deep tone was matched with a just right smile, like a gentle and tolerant elder in life, it was easy to make people like him.

Sure enough, there was no more quarreling and fighting on the bullet screen, but it was full of friendship:

——Hello, uncle!

——Unexpectedly, the uncle's hand speed is quite fast!

——This gentleman looks like a successful person, so why does he need a fortune teller?

——What does uncle want to count?Hurry up and let the anchor count!


[Love Life Home] Seems to have mastered the rhythm of the live broadcast room, and said again;
"Actually, to be honest, I don't believe in this set."

"In my opinion, fortune-telling is nothing more than summing up a set of magic words, coupled with a little micro-expression and psychological knowledge, the accuracy rate can reach more than [-]%."

"But the hexagram that the anchor gave Wang Cheng before broke my cognition."

"However, I later thought that even if the police really came forward, it would not be impossible for those highly educated people and well-known professors to be arrested."

"If the anchor knows some inside information, knows in advance where they will trade, and then invites Wang Cheng to cooperate with him, everything can be explained."

After saying these words, [Loving Life Family] stopped, as if giving netizens time to think, waiting for them to agree with their conclusions.

But Pei Anzhu didn't have such patience, she glanced at the man's face, and directly said:
"You have the head of a zebra, and you are clear and logical! You can babble better than that starling's mouth!"

"You said so much, but you just want to emphasize that the hexagram in Wangcheng was operated in secret by me, and my ability is fake, right?"

"That being the case, why are you rushing to be 'cheated' by me?"

"Are you full?"

[Loving life home] He raised his hands and pressed them down lightly. This is the usual gesture used by superiors to make others quiet when facing people with lower status than themselves.

Obviously, he put Pei Anzhu on a lower level than himself:
"The anchor is still a little girl when she hears her voice. Don't be so irritable when you are young. I will explain the reason why I asked for this hexagram soon."

"It's because I don't believe in it that I'm here."

"I plan to use my own destiny to verify the authenticity of the anchor's ability. If the anchor can accurately calculate my past and future, then I will admit that you have real ability and pay you an additional 10 yuan."

"How about asking the netizens in the live broadcast room to be a witness?"

When Pei Anzhu heard this, he almost laughed angrily. He had never seen such a pretentious person. He was not here to tell a fortune, but to find fault.

However, it came just right!
Pei Anzhu sneered, and said:

"Uncle, you are used to being superior in real life, so you want to come to me to find a sense of existence, right?"

"Don't the anchor dare to take this bet?" the other party asked again.

"I accept this bet, and I don't want your 10 yuan hexagram capital." Pei Anzhu said, "Once the calculation of your hexagram is finished, someone else will give me the money."

[Loving life home] smiled and nodded, he said:

"Okay, I will follow the previous practice of Wangcheng's hexagram, and report my family name. My name is Zhu Yongming. What I want to count most is wealth."

"This is my ID card to prove what I said is true, anchor please."

Pei Anzhu stared straight at the other party, as if throwing a bomb, word by word:
"Your name is fake!"

"Your face is fake too!"

"Your identity is even more fake!"

"You have no fortune, let alone a future, because in another 10 or [-] minutes, you will be caught by the police just like those highly educated people and well-known professors."

[Love Life Home] The originally confident smile froze on his face in an instant.

He wanted to laugh but couldn't. He wanted to change his face, but he didn't want to admit that what Pei Anzhu said was true. The facial muscles changed back and forth in a short period of time, which was very weird.

But soon, he calmed down and scolded:
"What nonsense!"

Pei Anzhu didn't intend to let him go, and while pinching his fingers, he continued:
"From the first time I saw you, I thought your face was very strange."

"Two completely different looks appeared on your face."

"In the upper part, your eyebrows are sparse and messy, which means that you are grumpy, impulsive and irritable, and your kind smile is just your disguise; your eyes are small and narrow, with tapered tails, which are typical 'little eyes'."

"Heaven is not full enough, and the Husband and Wife Palace is injured, which proves that you are destined to have no wife. Even if you have a wife, you will be implicated by you, and you will easily die."

"The Palace of Wealth is dim, which proves that you lack money in your life, and you will have disputes with others because of money, and even cause trouble."

"But the lower part of your face is the complete opposite. The nose is tall, which is easy to gain power; the nose is thick, which is easy to accumulate wealth."

"The whole face is put together, it is both poor and rich, both proud and down."

"It's not uncommon for a person to have such a complicated and opposite face on his face, but it's rare, until you showed me Zhu Yongming's ID card."

"The photo on the ID card is from more than ten years ago. Judging from the photo and date of birth, Zhu Yongming is short-lived. He has a fatal fate and will not live to be 30 years old."

"But you're 46 now."

"The only possibility is that you were somewhat similar to Zhu Yongming, but you killed him, had plastic surgery, and replaced his identity, and have been living to this day."

After Pei Anzhu's words fell, the smile on [Loving Life Family] could no longer hold on.

His eyes were fierce and his face was full of anger. Just when everyone thought he was going to defend something, they saw him hang up the video in the next second.

He ran away.

Netizens: ? ? ?

——Aren’t you going to verify the anchor’s ability?This ran away?
—Are you guilty?The anchor is right?
——So he really killed someone, and lived as someone else for so long, relying on his plastic surgery face, thinking that the anchor can't tell by his face?

——For this operation, you have to shout 666!

--ah?What if he hung up the video and ran away?Can the police catch him?


(End of this chapter)

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