Chapter 74

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, the [Green Bamboo Fairy] live broadcast room opened on time.

A large number of fans and melon-eating viewers rushed in immediately, and this huge number of active people made the popularity of the live broadcast room of [Green Bamboo Immortal] soar.

Soon, it climbed to the recommended position of the daily selection, and also occupied the big image tweet in the middle.

With the expansion of recommendations and the increase in exposure, more viewers are brought in, thus forming a perfect virtuous circle.

——There was a loud noise in the sky, and I made my debut!

——Snacks are ready, sit and wait.

——Old fan report, from the first live broadcast to the present, I look forward to Qingzhu Xianjun bringing us more insights!
——Applause please invite the next person who is destined!


The audience swiped the screen one after another. Pei Anzhu wore a mask of the God of Nuo, interacting with everyone while watching as usual, and occasionally answering some questions from fans:
——Immortal Qingzhu, would like to ask how to improve luck?I have been single for 23 years, and I have almost no relationship with the opposite sex. Faced with family urging marriage, I am almost desperate.

"Wearing peach blossom talismans or peach blossom bracelets is fine, but you need to be careful not to buy them blindly outside, otherwise you may not be attracted by peach blossom luck, but peach blossom robbery."

"If you need it, you can private message me in the background, and then let me see your face and horoscope, and customize one for you. Of course, the cost will be extra."

——Immortal Qingzhu, how can I improve my academic performance?I am a dog in my third year of high school. I wake up earlier than chickens and go to bed later than dogs, but I still can’t learn. What should I do?

"This is your score situation. Do you want to learn but can't learn, the efficiency is low, or is it purely resisting learning from the bottom of your heart and loathing learning?"

"If it's the latter, then I suggest that you start planning your life from now on. Learning is not the only way out. Your talents and abilities may lie in another field."

"But if it is the former, you can enshrine Wenchang Bodhisattva, or place a Wenchang Pagoda on your desk. Wenchang is the master of study and exam luck. The correct offering can make your eyes and ears clear and your mind clear, and your learning efficiency will also be improved accordingly. "

"I provide carving services for Wenchang Pagoda and Wenchang Bodhisattva, and the price will be calculated separately."


After witnessing Pei Anzhu's fortune-telling a few times before, the audience in the live broadcast room trusted her to a very high level.

If you have any questions now, you are willing to ask them on the bullet screen in the live broadcast room and ask for an answer.

Pei Anzhu didn't hesitate to speak, she could simply answer their questions, and she didn't hide it, pointing out the wrong way for others and helping others avoid detours, which can be regarded as accumulating merit.

Just one question and one answer, an hour passed.

At ten o'clock, the familiar special effects of sea view villas appeared on the screen, and the first person with predestined relationship appeared, and the other party directly chose the video link.

Pei Anzhu connected, and the other party's figure soon appeared on the screen:
A young girl.

She looks 25 or [-] years old, wearing a white wedding dress, her hair combed into a princess head, and a diamond crown on her head, she looks very delicate and beautiful.

However, there was no joy of marriage in the eyes of the other party, but a little anxiety.

——I rely on it!bride!
——Sister, are you getting married today?At this point in time, they should be preparing for the ceremony, right?Why did you come to watch the live broadcast?

——I know, the young lady must want to calculate whether her married life will be happy in the future, as long as Immortal Qingzhu gives her a word of affirmation, it will be a reassurance!

——A premarital phobia?

(End of this chapter)

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