The voice of [Xiaoxiaoyu on Moshang] is very nice. When talking about these things, there is a feeling of eloquence, which makes the audience in the live broadcast room feel very substituting.

So, everyone left a message;

--Alas!Sounds creepy!If there is someone next to me who keeps staring at me in the middle of the night without sleeping, I'm afraid I will be scared crazy!
——I think it should be because the young lady's boyfriend loves her too much, right?

——What kind of love can be in this state?This is obviously abnormal!How can you see the other person staring at you every time you wake up?
——One thing to say, anyway, I didn't hear any problems. The young lady is definitely hypocritical. If you meet such a good partner, you will be very popular!
— No brains upstairs?People say that midnight is scary.

——Maybe it was her own delusion?Maybe she's mentally ill?

All in all, the audience who supported [Moshang Xiaoxiaoyu] and the audience who criticized her accounted for half, and everyone expressed their opinions and debated endlessly.

Pei Anzhu ignored the others, and only said:

"Marriage is not a child's play. It is like a person drinking water. He knows whether he is warm or not. If your heart, your intuition, and everything in you are telling you to retreat and resist, it may be that God is giving you a warning."

"I want to know, did you and your fiancé match your horoscope and choose a date? If not, would you mind telling me your birth horoscope?"

"I can help you figure out whether he is your beloved."

【Xiaoxiaoyu on Moshang】It seems that he knows Pei Anzhu's live broadcast room very well. The horoscope of Sheng Geng has been prepared a long time ago, written on a white paper, and held up in front of the camera.

When Pei Anzhu saw these two characters, his face changed suddenly:

One of them is that death is difficult to overcome, and the appearance of stubbornly continuing life, even consumes the merits accumulated in this life, and overdraws the blessings of the next life. If it continues, I am afraid that the third life will not end well.

This is obviously the horoscope of [Moshang Xiaoxiaoyu].

As for the other...

It was the horoscope of a dead person. If Pei Anzhu read it correctly, the owner of this horoscope must have been dead for at least 300 years.

"Your feeling is not wrong. It's not that you are too hypocritical, but that he really has a problem." Pei Anzhu said solemnly, "Where do you hold the wedding? You can't get married, and this matter can't be solved just by regretting the marriage." Yes, tell me your address."

[Moshang Xiaoxiaoyu] There are too many mysteries in her body.

Not only will she change her fate against the sky, she will even marry a dead person.

And Pei Anzhu noticed that she mentioned a time: three years.

The time when her blind date appeared happened to be the time when she survived the catastrophe and was able to continue her life, so there must be a connection between them.

For the present, the only way is to let [Moshang Xiaoxiaoyu] find a way to delay the wedding, and wait until Pei Anzhu arrives to settle the matter.

While speaking, Pei Anzhu had already clicked on the mobile ticket booking software, and waited for [Moshang Xiaoxiaoyu] to say the address, and then immediately bought the ticket.

[Xiaoxiaoyu on Moshang] Hearing Pei Anzhu's words, he was taken aback for a moment, his eyes suddenly burst into joy, and he said anxiously:
"I'm in Yuncheng, holding a wedding at the Lanting Hotel. There are still two hours before the wedding ceremony. I will deliberately damage the wedding dress to delay the time."

"Green Bamboo Immortal, can you make it there?"

After hearing this, Pei Anzhu paused:
"It won't take that long. It's a coincidence. I'm currently in Yuncheng, and I'm staying at the Lanting Hotel. Which floor are you on? I'll come find you."

The Lanting Hotel is a property of the Shen Group, and Li Guokun sent her here last night.

When she checked in, she saw a few staff in the lobby carrying flowers and balloons for the wedding, but she didn't pay much attention.

Unexpectedly, it was [Moshang Xiaoxiaoyu] who held the wedding ceremony.

This is such a coincidence.

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