Chapter 81 Give You a Chance to Confess
In the twinkling of an eye, the victory and defeat have been divided.

Zhao Yanshu was tied up and completely lost the room to resist. The more he struggled, the tighter the red threads on his body were tightened, each one seemed to be strangled into his flesh and blood.

Of course, he has no flesh and blood, and the ghost body was burned by the red thread, and black air blew out.

"What's your trick?" Zhao Yanshu stared at Pei Anzhu fiercely, and asked unwillingly.

"Stop the ghost talisman array." Pei Anzhu was not afraid to tell him, "Using the talisman as the array and the merits as the eyes can arrest all ghosts. How about it? Doesn't it taste good?"

"Impossible!" Zhao Yanshu couldn't believe it. "How can there be such a brilliant metaphysician in the Taoist sect today? Those half-baked people can't even tell whether I am a human or a ghost. The talismans they draw have already lost their effect. How is it possible?" Is there anyone else who can use Talismans to form an array?"

In this world, Taoism is on the decline, and there are indeed no powerful metaphysicians. Pei Anzhu is an outsider.

Of course, she would not tell the truth, she only said:

"There are so many hermits and masters in this world. Don't think that if you haven't met them, they don't exist."

"Now, I'll give you a chance to confess and tell me what you've done to Miss Qin. If it's merciful, it's not like I can't forgive you."

"But if you are stubborn..."

Pei Anzhu didn't finish his sentence, but just stretched out his right hand, opened his palm, and then grabbed it fiercely, in a fist-clenching posture.

And the red thread on Zhao Yanshu's body also tightened more and more with her movements.

Severe pain came, as if it was about to invade his internal organs, limbs and bones, and the pain made his seven orifices smoke——

In fact, after becoming the ghost king, he has been walking in the world, and with his great strength, he has never been injured.

Therefore, his ghost body's ability to bear pain has already declined.

He couldn't stand the pain now.

Pei Anzhu told Zhao Yanshu with practical actions that she could make him unable to live or die with just one movement.

This is the crushing and deterrence of strength.

It also let Zhao Yanshu know that even if he didn't say anything, the young metaphysicist in front of him could find out the truth through other methods.

Therefore, it is better to speak out and seek relief.

Zhao Yanshu lowered his head dejectedly, with a hoarse voice, he said:
"Xiaoyu and I used to be lovers, but later we both died due to an accident. I stubbornly refused to be reincarnated. After searching for 300 years in the world, I finally found her reincarnation."

"Right now, I just want to continue my relationship with her, and I ask Immortal Qingzhu to help her."

People's views on love always have a filter.

Many times, as long as it is in the name of love, it is reasonable to do anything, even if people and ghosts are different, even if Yin and Yang are separated.

Zhao Yanshu chose the love story from the past and present as the starting point, just to arouse Pei Anzhu's compassion.

Who knows, before Pei Anzhu had time to react, the audience in the live broadcast room first substituted in:

——Damn it!What a beautiful love!
——I admit that I was too loud to him just now, when will I meet such an infatuated man!

— 300 years!If this is another playful person, the harem will be piled up, right?

——@黑上晓晓雨, young lady, please marry him, he has been waiting for you for 300 years!

——I made up a poignant story in my mind every minute: In the previous life, they loved each other and promised each other for life, but because of their family background and parents' opposition, they had to separate. In order to rebel against their parents, they agreed to go to hell together.Later, she was reincarnated, and he wandered around the world just to seek an unfinished relationship...

——Upstairs, I'll give you the pen, write quickly!
——Green Bamboo Immortal, it took them 300 years to renew their relationship, please don't beat the mandarin ducks, although he is a ghost, ghosts also have feelings!

With just a few words from Zhao Yanshu, the audience in the live broadcast room turned against each other.

However, he didn't know that Pei Anzhu was broadcasting live. Seeing that Pei Anzhu had no expression on his face, he didn't seem to be moved by his waiting and searching, so he stepped up his efforts:

"Xiaoyu and I were childhood sweethearts in our previous life, we grew up together."

"I am the only son of a salt merchant in Chizhou. My family is wealthy and I was raised by my father as his heir. In my previous life, Xiaoyu was the daughter of the owner of the cloth village, and he is also considered a famous merchant."

"Our two families are family friends with similar family backgrounds, so we made a marriage since we were young, and we will marry Xiaoyu when we reach the marriageable age."

"I never thought that the accident would come so unexpectedly."

"A group of horse bandits came from outside the city of Chizhou. They burned, killed, looted and tortured them. They did all sorts of crimes. My father traveled all over the country to do business. He valued road safety very much, so he advocated funding and recruiting warriors to go up the mountain to suppress the bandits."

"But those horse bandits are too cunning. They escaped a group of people and hid themselves, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate. They knew that my father was the main envoy to suppress the bandits, so they put the blame on our family."

"Wait until the day Xiaoyu and I get married."

"Xiaoyu's sedan chair was robbed, and she was kidnapped by the horse bandits. I chased after her immediately, trying to rescue her, but I was no match for my four fists. Not only failed to save her, but also killed myself. I got in, and she and I both died in the hands of the horse bandits."

"I know that I'm sorry for Xiaoyu. It's the hatred caused by our family that made her suffer. My obsession is too deep, so I was not led to the underworld immediately. Instead, I stayed in the world and became a ghost. Those horse bandits took revenge."

"When I finished my revenge and went to the underworld, I found out that Xiaoyu had already been reincarnated."

"I don't want to forget the memories with Xiaoyu, and I don't want to never know her again after reincarnation, so I escaped from the underworld and hid in XZ to find Xiaoyu's reincarnation while practicing."

"After 300 years, I finally found her 20 years ago."

"I know that the world now is different from before. I have nothing, I'm poor and empty, and I can't give Xiaoyu a good life."

"So, I cultivated the entity with the ghost body and worked hard to have an identity in this world. It was only three years ago that I got close to Xiaoyu and continued my relationship with her."

"Immortal Qingzhu, I didn't hide it from her on purpose. I just love her too much. I'm afraid she won't be able to accept the fact that I'm a ghost. I originally planned to finish the wedding and form a contract with heaven and earth. I'll tell her the truth when the time comes."

When Zhao Yanshu said this, his voice choked up for a while.

It can be seen that the memories of the previous life are too tragic, as long as he is reminded of those things, he will fall into despair and pain:

The galloping horse bandits, the waving long knives, the bright red blood, the corpses lying on the ground...

Those scenes reappeared in front of his eyes repeatedly, lingering.

He was tied up, exuding a sense of despondency, despair and helplessness all over his body. His appearance aroused strong distress from the audience in the live broadcast room:

——Holy shit, this is too miserable!
——The horse bandit deserves to die, all the bandits and robbers in the world deserve to die!
—what's wrong with him?He is just so in love! ! !Why does God torture a pair of lovers like this!
——Qing Mei and her childhood sweetheart, but they both died on the day of their marriage. This is even more tragic than the imaginary family status just now!They can obviously be together!

——Thinking about it from another angle, double death counts as HE, right?

【Xiaoxiaoyu on Moshang】Obviously, she was also moved by this story.

Just imagine, a gentle, infatuated, firm, and powerful man, who would not be moved if he did this for a woman?

Especially, this woman is still herself.

For Qin Xiaoyu, what she needs is a husband who loves her deeply. Zhao Yanshu has always been perfect.

If it wasn't for the fact that he always stared at Qin Xiaoyu in the middle of the night and frightened her, she probably wouldn't have the idea of ​​running away.

But now, after listening to Zhao Yanshu's words, those unreasonable actions have all been explained:
He loves her so much.

This love is the gratification of two people when they were young, the promise of two hearts in adulthood, the regret of not completing the wedding in the previous life, and the hope of renewing in this life.

This love spans time, space, and life and death.

It's heavy, heartbreakingly heavy.

Qin Xiaoyu couldn't help but took a few steps forward, looked at Zhao Yanshu with tears in her beautiful eyes and said:
"Sorry, I didn't know you suffered so much for me."

"What happened in the previous life was the fault of the horse bandits. It's not your fault. You have been in prison for 300 years, and you have trapped yourself in this past, but I didn't know it. I still wanted to find a metaphysicist to deal with you. I'm really sorry ..."

At this moment, Qin Xiaoyu even had a thought in her heart:
So what if he is a ghost?
For 300 years, he couldn't erase his love for her, so what more could she ask for?
People from a family like her are destined to have no autonomy in marriage. After enjoying the dividends brought by the family, they must be ready to sacrifice for the family at any time.

Marriage meeting a reasonable partner is already the best result.

But she was even luckier. What she met was an infatuated man who had been waiting for her for 300 years. He just liked to stare at her in the middle of the night. It was not an unforgivable mistake, was it?

Qin Xiaoyu's heart, in this kind of self-persuasion, gradually leaned towards Zhao Yanshu:
"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, I'm sorry, I didn't figure out the truth, so I invited you here hastily, so let's forget about it."

"I watched your previous live broadcast and know that you are a reasonable metaphysician. Yan Shu didn't harm anyone, he just wanted to find me and marry me. As long as I don't pursue it myself, can you not hurt him?"

"Don't worry, I understand your rules, and I will pay you the other price."

As Qin Xiaoyu finished speaking, Zhao Yanshu also looked at Pei Anzhu with a pleading look, waiting for her to nod her head in agreement.

The audience in the live broadcast room has already cheered:
——It’s great, in the past and present life, and then continue the relationship, I believe in love again!
——Ahhh! ! !May I ask in which direction to kowtow, I can meet a man like Zhao Yanshu?

——The mother and fetus have been single so far, can I have a relationship like this before menopause?
——Green Bamboo Immortal Lord, let him go, let them be together!Don't make me kneel down and beg you! ! !

Zhao Yanshu couldn't see what the audience in the live broadcast room said, but he could see that Qin Xiaoyu had been completely captured by him, so he added the last fire:

"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, in order to find Xiaoyu's reincarnation, I have used too many secret and forbidden techniques. A ghost like me has no afterlife."

"Either continue to practice, obtain the Tao with the body of a ghost, and live the same life as the heaven and the earth; or the soul will fly away and disappear between the heaven and the earth."

"I only have this life, you just do me a favor, let me spend this life with Xiaoyu, and after she's a hundred years old, I'm willing to kill myself in front of you."

He is willing to trade the rest of his long life in exchange for this life, to be with Qin Xiaoyu.

(End of this chapter)

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