Chapter 88 There are still accounts

Qin Xiaoyu walked through the entire wedding ceremony with the posture of a famous lady.

No one knew how aggrieved she was.

After seeing off all the guests, she couldn't wait to go home, so she directly opened a presidential suite on the top floor of the Lanting Hotel, and brought her parents and Zhao Yanshu there.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing?" Qin Mingxu, the patriarch of the Qin family, was a little puzzled, "The wedding is over, you and Yanshu should go back to your wedding room, what are you doing here?"

Qin Xiaoyu pondered for a while, and said:

"Dad, Mom, I have something important to tell you. This matter will subvert your three views and perceptions, but I'm sure what I'm telling is the truth."

"Everything, after I finish talking, you can decide."

Then she confessed the cause and effect to her parents, from the past life that Zhao Yanshu said, to the fact that he is using marriage as a scam now, without missing a single word.

Zhao Yanshu was listening on the sidelines, he couldn't be restrained, he couldn't interrupt, he couldn't refute.

After the long narration, the room fell into silence.

After a long time, Qin Mingxu opened his mouth and said:

"Where is the master you mentioned? Can you please come up and see her?"

"I'll contact her." Qin Xiaoyu nodded.

Just when Qin Xiaoyu went to call Pei Anzhu, Qin Mingxu and his wife He Junru looked at each other, walked aside and whispered:
"A young girl in her early twenties, live broadcasting online, wearing a mask, all right?"

He Junru nodded affirmatively and said:

"Yes, the Shen family should be looking for her."

"Although the Shen family kept it a secret, during this period of time, the Shen family's business has been going smoothly and skyrocketing, maybe it has something to do with her."

There is no impenetrable wall in this world.

The Qin family can be regarded as the top family in the wealthy circle of Yuncheng, and some news can still be obtained.

It is said that the Shen family had some problems some time ago, and they found a master with strong skills to resolve them. Although I don't know what the master did, the Shen family is indeed much smoother than before.

What's more, when Mrs. Shen appeared in Pei Anzhu's live broadcast room under the name "Meet by chance", she didn't make any cover up.

Ordinary people may not know Mrs. Shen, a wealthy lady, but people in the same circle must know her.

In this way, everyone defaulted that the master the Shen family was looking for was the [Green Bamboo Immortal Lord] who told fortunes on the dolphin live broadcast platform wearing a mask of the God of Nuo.

But Immortal Qingzhu is very mysterious, she never shows her true face in the live broadcast room.

Even if someone went to check, they couldn't find anything——

First, Cui Yun is the only one who knows Pei Anzhu's identity on the dolphin live broadcast platform. Cui Yun signed an agreement with Pei Anzhu and will not disclose her information.

Second, some people tried to send private messages to Pei Anzhu, but in the face of coercion and temptation from all parties, Pei Anzhu never responded humbly and did not give anyone any chance to exploit loopholes.

Third, some people even tried to stay in the live broadcast room, hoping to exchange a chance to contact her by tipping a sea view villa, but for some reason, they never succeeded.

So far, except for those clients that Pei Anzhu met offline, almost no one knows what she looks like.

Someone once tried to start with those customers under Pei Anzhu's line.

They checked [Adventurer Xiaoying], [Lo Niang Shanshan], and [Krypton Gold Changes Fate].

But what is strange is that whenever they ask what [Green Bamboo Immortal] looks like, those who have seen her before can't remember without exception.

In these people's minds, they remembered everything related to 【Green Bamboo Immortal】, but they couldn't remember her appearance clearly, only a vague face, and even her voice was a little distorted.

Only when they saw Pei Anzhu next time could they remember what she looked like.

Checked around and found nothing.

This also makes people more certain that this [Green Bamboo Immortal Lord] is an extraordinary person, and her method of blurring people's memories is really comparable to a fairy.

But the Qin family didn't expect that, in a turn of events, their daughter would become a predestined person in the live broadcast room.

Even because of this wedding, such a capable master was brought in front of them.

Pei Anzhu lives in the Lanting Hotel, which is a few floors lower than Qin's house. After receiving a call from Qin Xiaoyu, she came to the presidential suite with green beads:

"Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin, hello, I'm Pei Anzhu, and I'm also Immortal Qingzhu."

Qin Mingxu immediately extended his hand and greeted with a smile:
"Master Pei, hello, I'm Xiaoyu's father, and you have to worry about this child."

"However, Xiaoyu is not from the Taoist sect, so I can't explain many things clearly. I would like to ask, is the sorcery on her body important? Will it cause any other harm to her?"

When he asked this question, Qin Mingxu's eyes showed a hint of nervousness, and the care and care hidden inside did not seem to be fake.

He is very worried about this daughter.

It's just that maybe he has been in a high position all year round and wears a mask, so that he is too stingy to express, so that his love cannot be conveyed to Qin Xiaoyu.

Therefore, when Qin Xiaoyu saw her father like this, her face was full of astonishment:


Qin Mingxu ignored her, but continued to say to Pei Anzhu:
"Master Pei, don't mind me talking too much, it's just that the way to extend life is called sorcery, and it takes up the word 'evil'. It doesn't sound like a good thing."

"If there is any bad influence on Xiaoyu, you can just tell us, as parents, we will do our best to help our children."

"Do you need merit and blessings? I'll send people to build schools in mountainous areas and medical centers in poor areas right away, in the name of Xiaoyu. Can you accumulate some blessings for her?"

The Qin family also does charity every year.

For large enterprises, doing charity is also a reasonable means of tax avoidance, so the Qin family did it, but didn't spend too much time on it.

Unlike the Shen family, the Qin family regards charity as a social responsibility.

But compared to those rubbish companies that do nothing, evade taxes, accept bribes, and shoddy, the Qin family is already pretty good.

If the Qin family can do charity more sincerely for Qin Xiaoyu in the future, that would be a kind of merit.

This kind of merit will also be counted as Pei Anzhu's share, after all, she is the one who contributed to all this.

"It's useful." Pei Anzhu nodded, "I'll tell you two about Ms. Qin's matter carefully, and I'll also tell you what you can do to help her."

So, Pei Anzhu told these things carefully again.

Finally, she took out the green bead, handed it to Qin Xiaoyu, and told her:
"I've already told you the price of forcing your life to continue. Wearing this amulet with you can protect you for the rest of your life."

"As for Zhao Yanshu, I will take him away. I have already paid back what he owes you, but he has committed many other crimes, and this debt has not yet been settled."

"I will send him to the underworld for trial. For his crimes, he may have to serve more than 500 years in the [-]th floor of hell before he can get a chance to reincarnate."

"So, you don't have to worry about him plotting against you anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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