Chapter 9 Talking about Signing Matters

The general person in charge of the signing department is named Cui Yun.

He happened to be on a business trip in Pingcheng, and after receiving the task assigned by his superiors, he contacted Pei Anzhu immediately and agreed on a meeting place.

It happened that Pei Anzhu was also going to the hospital to visit the old Taoist priest.

So she set the interview location to a milk tea shop near the hospital.

That afternoon, she met Cui Yun.

He is a middle-aged man in his 40s, slightly bald, with a beer belly, wearing the most common shirt and trousers in the workplace, with a simple and honest smile on his chubby face.

If you think he is honest and easy to fool because of his smile, then you are totally wrong.

In his squinted eyes, which were almost squeezed by the fat on his face, there was a flash of light, full of the sleek sophistication of a veteran in the workplace.

Pei Anzhu sat down directly in front of him, and nodded at him:

"Mr. Cui, hello, I'm Pei Anzhu."

Cui Yun looked at the young and beautiful girl in front of him, and it was hard to imagine that she was the master of metaphysics wearing the mask of the Nuo God in the live broadcast room.

He glanced behind Pei Anzhu and asked:

"You are the only one signing the contract?"

"I'm an adult and can sign a contract." Pei Anzhu said.

"That's not what I mean." Cui Yun waved his hand, then explained:

"It's just that I think that you are a girl, and you are so beautiful, which company should be a newly packaged Internet celebrity?"

"If you want to establish the character design of a master of metaphysics, the team behind it must have put a lot of effort into it?"

"Mainly, it's not that I haven't seen an expert. They all have beards and gray hair, and they look fairy-like. When they speak, they are confused and confused. No one is like you..."

Cui Yun had a weird expression on his face.

But Pei Anzhu understood his unfinished words from his eyes:
No one is like her, so young and good at talking, who can make Heizi doubt life.

For this reason, Cui Yun believes that she has a team behind her, and for such a major event as signing a contract, the team should send a powerful person to negotiate.

After hearing his explanation, Pei Anzhu smiled faintly. She didn't explain much, and said directly:

"Cui Yun, 43 years old."

"According to the normal situation, you should have been born at Chen Shi that day, but because your mother accidentally fell, you were born 23 minutes prematurely, which coincided with the time of distributing wealth that day."

"So in your life, you are destined to have no surplus wealth, no partial wealth, and no wealth to keep."

"When I was seven years old, a highway was going to be built near your village, and the whole village was compensated for land acquisition. Only your family was outside the plan."

"Until now, there is a piece of tea garden in your family next to that highway, which has been abandoned for many years and no one has taken care of it."

"When I was 21, all six of you in the dormitory went to buy lottery tickets together. Everyone else won the lottery, and the least one had 500 yuan, but you had nothing."

"Because of this, you are called the most unlucky person by the whole dormitory. This matter is still laughed at by them."

"When you were 30 years old, seven or eight colleagues from your company went to the mountain hot spring resort together for a team building. It happened to be an earthquake. You went out alone and escaped unharmed."

"But your colleagues were stuck in the same place as the owner of the resort. Because they helped the owner of the resort, they got a red envelope of [-] yuan from the boss afterwards as a thank you."

"You are still regretting it now. It would be nice if you stayed with them at that time."

"At the age of 42, that is, last year, a total of five people in your department went on business trips, and you acted separately from them."

"The plane that the other four people were on had an accident, and they later received a huge amount of insurance compensation, at least 20, but you didn't."

"In addition to the above things, whenever you have savings, you or your family will always do various things, and then spend the money."

"Mr. Cui, I don't know if what I said is right?"

Cui Yun: ...

You have the nerve to ask, right?
Just tell me, is it because you knew that I was the one who came to sign the contract, so you checked out the eighteen generations of my ancestors in advance?

Cui Yun's eyes revealed this meaning, but he knew it was impossible after thinking about it.

After all, he called Pei Anzhu just after ten o'clock in the morning, and they met at two o'clock in the afternoon, and there was only more than three hours in between. Why is it not clear enough for Pei Anzhucha?

Moreover, some things cannot be found.

Like the fact that he was born 23 minutes premature.

Thinking of this, Cui Yun already believed more than half of Pei Anzhu's ability in his heart. He swallowed, and asked cautiously:
"Master Pei, is there a way to solve my situation?"

"To be honest, I'm under a lot of pressure!"

"When people reach middle age, there are old and young, and the whole family counts on me. I also want to save some money, make some windfall, and improve my life."

"But like you said..."

After hearing this, Pei Anzhu smiled and said:

"Your horoscope is fixed at birth and cannot be modified, so your fate is basically fixed."

Cui Yun's face collapsed when he heard this, and he was about to lose heart when he heard Pei Anzhu say:
"You can't change the horoscope, but you can change Feng Shui."

"Although you have no partial wealth luck, and you have passed by windfalls several times, you have a firm heart, and you have not lost your mentality and made any mistakes because of this."

"In these years, you have been living and working seriously, and you have performed your role well, whether it is in family relations or social relations."

"On this point, I am willing to help you."

"I'll go to your house later, and help you set up a Feng Shui bureau for attracting wealth. If you live in it for a long time, you can neutralize your fortune of having no surplus or partial wealth."

"Although it is impossible for you to make a lot of money, as long as you continue to keep your feet on the ground, it is not difficult to get promoted and raise your salary, and your fortune will be greatly improved."

Partial wealth is unexpected wealth; positive wealth is labor income.

Even if Cui Yun can't make a windfall, he can improve his career, and his salary and bonus can also get a certain increase.

What Pei Anzhu said could be said to have touched Cui Yun's heart.

He is such a person.

Although sometimes I am envious of others, have all kinds of windfalls, and sometimes dream of winning 500 million, but I never want to be too high-spirited.

He is conscientious and conscientious, and does things in a down-to-earth manner.

This is why he can be the head of the department.

"Master Pei, my family is in Yuncheng, I'm not here. When you have time to go to Yuncheng, you must go to my house for a light meal." Cui Yun immediately climbed up, "The fortune-telling feng shui in my family is all Counting on you."

Pei Anzhu smiled and nodded:
"So, can we talk now, about the signing?"

Cui Yun immediately waved his hand and made a decision:
"S-rank! Must be S-rank!"

"It's a great honor for us to be able to come to our dolphin live streaming platform for an expert like Master Pei!"

"S-level contract is the highest level contract on our platform. There are no hard and fast rules for the live broadcast time for the host. The sharing ratio is also 8:2, and the host accounts for [-]%. Absolutely high benefits!"

"This is the treatment that can only be given to a top anchor with millions of fans dug from other places!"

Pei Anzhu was very satisfied with the contract, but asked again:

"I'm a newcomer, but you gave me such a high-paying contract, how should I explain it to your company after I go back?"

(End of this chapter)

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