[Which one has the best mining technology] After hearing this, anger flashed across his face, and then he said in a disappointed tone:

"It's not that no one has tried to call the police, it didn't work at all."

Next, he told the audience in the live broadcast room about the wonderful operations in the village——

This village is called Han Family Village.

In the village, the younger generation basically went out to work, and the children were also taken outside to go to school. Most of those who stayed in the village were farmers.

Either they are uneducated and dare not travel far; or they are too old to travel far.

In short, this place is simply a paradise for many MLM scammers, because the people here have little knowledge, and they basically cheat every time.

Those two magic sticks came a week ago.

They were clever at speaking, and they also had some tricks. They frightened the villagers for a while, and they almost knelt down to pay respects to the old god.

Originally, the deceit of these two masters would soon bear fruit, but who ever thought of an accident.

There is a custom in Hanjia Village that has been passed down from generation to generation:
That is, a certain month of the year is designated as the collective ancestor worship month, and all descendants who go out of the village and can come back must come back to participate.

So, a few days ago, young people who went home to worship their ancestors came back one after another.

The young man had seen the world outside, and his brains were flexible, so he was not easy to deceive. As soon as he saw the two magicians, he knew they were liars, so he called the police on the spot.

But who knew, when the police came, the villagers seemed to be possessed by evil spirits. They were completely brainwashed by those two magic sticks, and they protected them everywhere.

The villagers said that the two Taoist priests were not swindlers or feudal superstitions, but actors specially invited by the village to rehearse for the upcoming ancestor worship.

The so-called people don't raise officials and don't investigate.

In some relatively isolated small places, the villagers did not feel that they were cheated, and the people who called the police did not have any evidence, and the two magicians did not admit it, and there was no way to file a case.

The weirder thing is yet to come.

These villagers seemed determined to believe in the efficacy of the talisman, and they were even more afraid that the young people would call the police, drive away the old gods, and spoil their good deeds, so they organized to monitor the young people.

It's hard to guard against house thieves by day and night. Which household doesn't have an elderly elder?
Whenever these young people intend to call the police, after being discovered, they find a bunch of people, confiscate their mobile phones, take away their car keys, and even restrict their freedom.

[Which mining technology is better] Speaking of this, it is also full of helplessness:

"I just came back at noon today. I planned to go home to offer incense to my ancestors, kowtow and leave. Unexpectedly, during lunch, my mother specifically told me not to call the police like others."

"She said that we are prejudiced against the old god because we don't know much about him. After we listen to the disciples of the old god for a few lectures, we will know that they have real skills."

"She also said that reminding me now is because she can't bear to see me make mistakes, go against the whole village, and then be watched, for fear that I will suffer."

"When I heard this, I felt something was wrong. It was like a cult. I hurriedly asked my mother what was going on, and she told me about those people calling the police a few days ago."

"Now my parents are all going to the square to listen to that magic stick bragging about his yellow talisman. I excused that I had something to do at work, so I stayed at home and secretly came to the live broadcast room for help."

"Immortal Lord Qingzhu, I think, to deal with this group of ignorant old people, calling the police will not work."

"They all have their own set of logic. If they have been successfully brainwashed, they will not be persuaded easily, unless there are more powerful people who become their new beliefs."

"So, I thought of you. You are so powerful, can you come to our village and show them a hand, even if you find a few ghosts at random, to scare those two liars? Use magic to defeat magic, just let them show their true colors. ,OK?"

[Which one has the best mining technology] Hide behind the door and point the phone at the square. Although the distance is a bit far, I can't hear what the two liars are saying.

But judging from the excited expressions of the villagers, it was obvious that they were very excited, just like the above, worshiping the two liars.

There's something wrong with this.

Can the propaganda and brainwashing in language alone have such a big effect?Can the villagers treat their children who have not returned home for a long time as enemies to monitor and control?

This is not just a simple scam.

Pei Anzhu suspected that there was something hidden in it, but in the live broadcast room, separated by a layer of network, the truth could not be seen clearly.

So she agreed:
"Tell me the address of your village, and I will come over as quickly as possible."

"But before I arrive, you have to protect yourself and don't have your contact tools confiscated. In addition, no matter what those two liars ask you to do, you have to find a way to delay the time."

[Which one has the best mining technology] nodded solemnly; "I understand."

Soon, he privately sent the address to Pei Anzhu.

Yucheng, Yanshan District, Batou Town, Hualibao Mountain, Hanjia Village, together with this string of addresses, there is another location.

Pei Anzhu wrote down the address, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room:
"Sorry, I have to travel far away. The mobile live broadcast cannot last for too long, so I quit first. You can watch the news for the follow-up of this incident."

After saying this, she exited the studio.

And the fourth live broadcast, which lasted for two days, is over here, but she still needs to continue to deal with follow-up matters.

Yucheng was visited by Pei Anzhu.

It's just that the last time I went, it was to save the dead souls around [Krypton Gold Changing Fate] and [Lo Niang Shanshan], so I didn't stay for too long.

In the past this time, I will go to a remote village and find out the truth of the matter. I am afraid I will not come back soon.

Thinking of this, she sent a message to Li Guokun, taking the initiative to inform the itinerary:
"I went to Yucheng to do business, and the return date is uncertain. I have retired the room at the Lanting Hotel. I would like to thank Uncle Li for taking care of me these few days, and also thank Mr. Shen for me."

The reason why she chose to contact Li Guokun instead of directly contacting Shen Qinghe is two reasons:

First, Shen Qinghe is a big client and a big boss who manages a lot of things every day. She and Shen Qinghe's personal relationship is not that deep yet.

Second, Li Yuanyuan, Li Guokun's daughter, is her classmate. In this way, she calls Li Guokun Uncle Li, but the relationship is a little closer.

After explaining, Pei Anzhu took his suitcase and backpack to the airport and flew to Yucheng.

Hanjia Village is a village with its own unique customs.

Such a village basically has internal cultural identity, and the people living in the village are almost all relatives.

When outsiders go to such a place, they will soon attract everyone's attention and onlookers.

If Pei Anzhu wanted to enter the village to find out the truth without arousing the vigilance of the villagers or the suspicion of the two liars, then she needed a reasonable reason to enter the village.

[Which mining technology is better] I specially reminded that the villagers seem to be crazy now.

So, she can't be too careful.

The identity Pei Anzhu arranged for herself was a love-minded little girl who didn't want to break up with her boyfriend, so she chased him all the way to his hometown to get back together.

This so-called boyfriend is naturally 【Which one has the best mining technology】.

She has seen his face and knows that he is single and unmarried now, and that the right relationship will not appear until two years later, so she is not afraid to pretend now.

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