Early the next morning, Pei Anzhu woke up according to the previous biological clock.

She finished washing as quickly as possible, went downstairs, and saw that the Han family's parents had already prepared breakfast, including buns, steamed buns, soy milk and fried dough sticks, shredded pork noodles, eggs, milk and whole wheat bread.

A table was full.

"Xiaozhu came down?" Mother Han greeted with a smile, "I'm going to wake Pengzi up! He's a slob, he likes to sleep in when he gets home, don't mind."

"I don't mind." Pei Anzhu shook his head.

Mother Han enthusiastically pulled Pei Anzhu to the table and asked her to eat first:

"I don't know what you like to eat. Anyway, if you have something at home, you can make something of everything. Pick what you like. You're welcome."

After finishing speaking, Han's mother took out her mobile phone and called Han Peng up in a series of fatal calls.

Han Peng yawned and went downstairs. After breakfast with his family, he heard the loudspeaker in the village calling for assembly.

"What is this for?" Han Peng was puzzled.

"The old fairy is about to start giving lectures." Mother Han explained, "We have to listen to it every day. Only the three best performers can get the yellow charms given by the old fairy for free. Others want to spend money. Great price to buy!"

Pei Anzhu and Han Peng looked at each other and couldn't help sighing:
That liar really has a way to trick these villagers, one set of tricks.

Since ancient times, it has been that people who perform well get free yellow talismans, which is a kind of stimulation to others, and everyone can't wait to listen to him brainwashing with all their strength.

No wonder these villagers are so fanatical.

I really don't know the truth that "free is the most expensive"!

"If you have nothing to do today, go to class with us." Mother Han said, "You young people have a good memory and strong comprehension, and you must perform the best."

After hearing this, Pei Anzhu refused with a little embarrassment:

"Auntie, I want Han Peng to take me for a stroll in the village today, to see the surrounding scenery, and by the way, we can talk about breaking up."

"I have chased him all this way, at least I have to talk to him clearly, don't I?"

When Mother Han heard it, she felt that it made sense. The elders couldn't get in the way of young people's emotional problems. It's better to let them go out and talk about it.

"Well, Pengzi has been running around on Hualibao Mountain since he was a child. He is familiar with the area around the village. Let him take you there." Mother Han nodded in agreement.

After the meal, Pei Anzhu saw that every household was carrying benches and heading to the square to gather.

Fearing that they won't be able to grab a good seat, the parents of the Han family left in a hurry before they even had time to collect the bowls and chopsticks. It seemed that they were very greedy for the free yellow talisman.

Pei Anzhu and Han Peng also went out, avoided the square, and started wandering around the village.

Talking about wandering is not accurate.

Han Peng mainly looks at the scenery, and occasionally tells some interesting local things to Pei Anzhu:
"Did you see that big dead tree at the east entrance of the village?"

"When I was young, I played hide-and-seek with a group of children in the village. I hid in a pile of haystacks in the neighbor's house. No one found me. Later, I fell asleep lying in the haystack."

"When I woke up, it was already dark. I climbed out to go home by myself. I passed the big dead tree and saw a group of people in black walking into the tree."

"After I got home, I told my parents about it, and they insisted that I was wrong, that I fell asleep in the haystack and had hallucinations."

"I didn't know there were ghosts in this world before, so I felt that I was wrong. But I heard from you earlier that our village has special geomantic omens. So what I saw when I was a child may not be hallucinations, right?"

Hearing this, Pei Anzhu raised his eyebrows and said:

"It's not a hallucination, it should be a ghost left here. Children have pure souls and clear eyes. It's normal to see things that adults can't see occasionally."

"The dead tree you mentioned is a bit interesting."

"What's so interesting?" Han Peng was puzzled.

Pei Anzhu didn't answer him for the time being, but wandered around the whole village, and even spent an hour climbing Hualibao Mountain.

After Pei Anzhu had a clear view of the terrain of the whole Hanjia Village with a radius of hundreds of miles, she said:
"The Feng Shui Bureau in your village has been around for at least 300 years."

"As I said before, this place should have been a battlefield 300 years ago, with a strong bloody aura, a ghostly aura, and a cursed place where there was death but no life."

"But if you look at the entire village, the dead trees in the east are wood, the ancient well in the west is water, the old house in the middle is soil, the south is full of gold, which should be buried war weapons, and the north is piled with firewood, which is easy to gather fire."

"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five elements grow together. It's just a glimmer of life in this dead place, and this village has been created."

Therefore, people living in this village did not feel that Feng Shui was bad.

Han Peng was even more confused after hearing this:

"But why did you build this village? It's not an easy task to create a glimmer of life from a dead place?"

"Now we have to ask those two crooks." Pei Anzhu said, "The reason for the existence of the Han Family Village may be the purpose of their coming here."

"What are we going to do now?" Han Peng asked.

"According to what you said yesterday, go test them." Pei Anzhu said, with a smile on his lips, "It's time for me to perform."

Han Peng: ...There is an ominous premonition.

Pei Anzhu returned to the square. The lecture was coming to an end. The three best performers went forward and received their own yellow talismans, including Han's mother.

Holding the yellow talisman, as if holding a rare treasure, she happily walked back, and when she saw Pei Anzhu, she said excitedly:
"Xiaozhu, do you see what I got?"

"You are really the lucky star of our family. I didn't get the yellow talisman before. I got it as soon as you came. That's great. I have to follow what the old god said, put it under the pillow quickly, and it will definitely bless you." I get what I want."

After saying this, Mother Han couldn't wait to go back.

Pei Anzhu waited until the villagers in the square were almost gone, and then she walked towards the two people in Taoist robes, and showed her acting skills comparable to the actresses in the entertainment industry, begging:

"Old Immortal, can you sell me a yellow talisman?"

"My talisman is not easy to sell. If you want it, you can come to the class every day. As long as you answer my questions correctly, I can give it to you for free."

Pei Anzhu's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly:
"It's not easy to sell, it's not impossible to sell, I offer 10 yuan, can you give me one?"

"I've heard from the folks that your talisman is very useful. Put it under the pillow and you can get what you want. I came after my boyfriend. He wanted to break up with me, but I didn't want to break up. I wanted to be with you. He got back together, so you just sell me one?"

When Pei Anzhu came last night, there was such a commotion that gossip about Han Peng's family had already spread in the village, and the two liars had heard about it.

In their eyes, Pei Anzhu has already been labeled:

A spoiled, unruly, self-willed, desperate for love, and a city lady who has never suffered.

It's just that now there is one more label: being taken advantage of.

They sold the yellow talisman to the villagers for only 1000 yuan a piece, which was the price they set after inquiring about the living standard of Hanjia Village.

It is relatively expensive, but the villagers grit their teeth and can afford it.

But this daughter of a thousand gold is 10 yuan when she makes a move.

One hundred thousand!
How many talismans does this have to sell!

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