Chapter 98
Pei Anzhu was a little more specific than the place where the two dug the treasure.

The Eastern Tomb Stone was buried in the ground, and it was not very real at first, until Pei Anzhu saw something was wrong with the light shining through the lines after the moonlight sprinkled on the lines:
"No, stop them quickly, don't let them continue digging!"

After the words fell, Pei Anzhu rushed up first.

She didn't want to waste time explaining, she went straight to the young apprentice, kicked the shovel away from his hand, grabbed the back of his neck, and pulled him out of the pit.

Han Peng also came out at this time, standing in front of the old man, preventing him from helping.

When the old man saw the two people who suddenly appeared, his expression changed immediately:
"It's you!"

The young apprentice was thrown on the ground by Pei Anzhu, and fell like a dog eating shit. After rolling around on the ground, he got up and patted the dirt on his body, and walked to his master:
"Master, what should I do?"

The old man looked at the young and strong Han Peng, and then at Pei Anzhu who had just shown his skills. After thinking about it, he knew that he was no match.

In terms of force value, it cannot compare with the other party, so we can only negotiate peacefully:
"The two little friends are also here for the treasures here? Why don't we do it this way, we will dig it out together, and then we will split the money, how about it?"

Pei Anzhu shook his head and said:

"This Aventurine stone cannot be dug."

"Why can't we dig it?" The young apprentice was impatient and said quickly, "Although this thing is buried on Hualibao Mountain, the mountain belongs to the public, and this jade is naturally an ownerless thing. Those who are destined can get it, so what can't be dug up?" of?"

Pei Anzhu pointed to the lines on the Dongling stone, and said to them:
"The surface of normal jade is either smooth and flawless, or there are traces of natural wind erosion, but the lines on this Aventurine stone are round and smooth, which are obviously engraved the day after tomorrow."

"It's not an ordinary pattern, but a formation, engraved on the jade, with the help of the aura of jade, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, and suppressing the ferocious war weapons below."

"If you dig this jade, the formation will be destroyed, and the war weapons below will not be able to suppress it, and it will cause a catastrophe."

"You know, the weapons of war in ancient times were actually those that drank the blood of countless people. The aura of blood and ferocity intertwined. After 300 years of backlog, if they were accidentally released, the entire Han Family Village would probably be wiped out. disaster."

What's more, the existence of Hanjia Village also relies on the way of the five elements.

If the war weapons suppressed here broke through the ground, the golden energy was destroyed, and the five elements opened a gap, then the cursed land of the ancient battlefield would erode and expand, engulfing the Han family village.

The glimmer of life that was finally created will disappear without a trace.

Regardless of whether the Han family village is destroyed or relocated, once it leaves this place, this cursed place lacks vitality to neutralize and mediate, and it will continue to expand until it affects the surrounding area.

At that time, it will be even more out of control.

When the old man heard this, hesitation flashed across his face, but it was the young apprentice, who said disdainfully:
"Hey, what are you bragging about? There must be a limit to making up nonsense!"

"You were an ordinary person who didn't know anything about talismans during the day, but now you speak so mysteriously, who knows if you want to scare us away, and then swallow the treasure yourself?"

"This Aventurine stone is very valuable. If it is as you said, if there are any war weapons, it is also a valuable antique."

"You lied to us to give up, and when the time comes, you will make a lot of money yourself. Do you really think we are fools?"

When the old man heard his apprentice's words, his originally hesitant face became firm:

That's right, money touches people's hearts.

Who knows if this young couple is planning some crooked ideas?
These two people have a very close relationship with the Han family village, maybe they will make up their minds to drive them away tonight, and tomorrow they will call on the whole village to dig treasures, so there will be things about the two of them then?
Thinking so, the old man said:
"If you don't want to split the bill by five or five, four or six is ​​fine, you take the lead. But we have worked so hard to find the treasure, so you can't give us nothing, can you?"

"You guys really don't get in, because you can't understand the words." Pei Anzhu said, "I've said it all, this thing can't be dug!"

The young apprentice has long regarded this large piece of Dongling Stone as his own, now that two Cheng Yaojins have been killed halfway, how can he be reconciled?

"Master, don't listen to them." The young apprentice gritted his teeth, "Don't we have a trick? You deal with them, and I will dig this piece of jade. But now it seems that it is impossible to dig a whole piece of jade. We can get Take as much as you want, this trip is not a loss."

After saying this, the young apprentice ran towards the pit behind him, holding a small mini electric drill in his hand.

It seems that they have all the tools ready for digging treasures.

Pei Anzhu wanted to stop him.

But in the next second, the old man took out another thing from his sleeve, bit his finger, dripped two drops of blood on it, and threw it directly at her and Han Peng.

It was a chain, very thin, probably about the thickness of a little finger.

I don't know what material it is made of, it looks like iron, but it is much lighter than iron.

The moment the chain was thrown out, it absorbed the blood of the old man, as if it came alive, and it writhed flexibly like a snake in the dark night.

In less than three seconds, it wrapped around the waists of Pei Anzhu and Han Peng, locking them tightly together.

Han Peng struggled subconsciously, but couldn't break free no matter what.

Seeing this, the old man grinned grimly and said:

"I advise you not to waste your efforts. If you are locked by this thing, it will take two hours to untie it by yourself. Even I have no way to untie it."

"You guys are here, just wait for two hours."

After saying this, the old man turned around, ready to help his apprentice dig Dongling Stone.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Pei Anzhu made a tactic with both hands, directly erasing the connection between the old man and the chain, and the chain clicked and fell to the ground.

This chain is also a magic weapon, it needs to be activated with human blood——

It is similar to recognizing the master with a drop of blood, and then the magic weapon will act according to the blood master's will.

The principle of this is actually that the user uses blood as a medium to create a spiritual connection with the magic weapon, and what Pei Anzhu did was to cut off this connection.

The old man was startled when he heard the voice.

But Pei Anzhu ignored him, and went straight to the young apprentice in the pit.

But Pei Anzhu was a second slower, a second dragged by chains.

At this time, the miniature electric drill in the hands of the young apprentice had already been placed on the Dongling Stone. In the next second, only a sound of "ang" was heard, and the electric drill drilled into the Dongling Stone.

There were loopholes in the jade face, the runes of the formation were missing, and a powerful energy fluctuation swayed from the Dongling stone formation.

The young apprentice was directly knocked out by that energy, and landed on the ground in a parabola, spitting out a big mouthful of blood, so embarrassed.

Pei Anzhu was a step late, his face was dark and ugly.

Once again, she deeply felt that people's greed can reach such a level that they can't even wait for a second.

"This is..." The old man stared wide-eyed, looking in the direction of the pit, unbelievable.

Everyone followed his gaze, only to see that the Aventurine Stone, which had been damaged by the miniature electric drill, split from that small hole.

The cracks spread outward, and even the soil that hadn't been dug up in time was churned because of these cracks, exposing more Dongling stones underneath.

The formation patterns on the Dongling Stone were also completely destroyed.

Soon, a sharp breath full of murderous intent rushed out from the ground, carrying a strong yin and evil energy, rushing towards the people around.

(End of this chapter)

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