Chapter 112 Diary of a Corpse (Part 2)

hey i don't know
But I know that Axia will definitely not be happy when she finds out.

Another day when Axia was not around.

Another day when I miss Axia crazily.
Star Element Tuesday, May 2048, 5, heavy rain

The typhoon has not stopped.

The door was broken by water.

Rain and sea water swarmed into the courtyard.

About to drown the sandbags on the threshold.

But the good news is that some fish and shrimp were also involved.

A few desperate guests went out to catch fish with ropes tied to their bodies against the typhoon.

But soon they jumped back with frightened faces.

Because several white and swollen corpses also floated in with the sea water.
The rain, it seems, will not stop for a while.

How to do?
food is not enough
There was no way to leave because the typhoon was too strong.

Why! ! !
I don't know what happened to Axia's pregnancy test results?

The broadcast and radio signals on the island were gone.

The electricity also stopped.

I also ran out of emergency power.

Suddenly, I felt a little fortunate that Axia was able to leave the island by boat in the rain that day.

As for Axia's pregnancy test results,

Whether it's a boy or a girl, I like it.

After all, it is the crystallization of our love.

However, I still hope that:
If it's a boy, it's more like me. I have a high nose, a tall stature, and I look handsome.

For girls, she is more like her, she is gentle, beautiful, warm and generous.

I decided that after the Golden Week is over, I will have a wedding with her immediately!
After the homestay is operating normally and making money, I must give her a full set of 24k gold!
We also want to organize a luxurious wedding for her that will attract the attention of the whole island!
Make her look good!
So, work hard to make money, little guy!
Of course, I hope the rainstorm will stop soon!

Let the typhoon go too!

Another day when Axia was not around.

Another day when I miss Axia crazily! !

Star Element Wednesday, May 2048, 5, heavy rain

The sea water has already overflowed the second floor.

The rainstorm has no intention of stopping.

The typhoon is getting stronger.

The residents on the second floor were almost wiped out last night.

In the water outside the window, there were many more white and swollen corpses.

The water was poured in through the glass windows. Many people were asleep and had no chance to react.

The remaining guests were all crammed into rooms on the fourth and fifth floors.

Take clothes, trousers, bed sheets and quilt covers, crack the door in various ways, and stuff them full.

The windows were also blocked by the bed.

However, the salty and cold sea water kept pouring into the house.

I'm suddenly so scared,
Would I also be part of that whitish, bloated carrion?
Can I survive tomorrow?

Why!May God bless it!
Star Element May 2048, 5, Thursday, heavy rain

Caixia, I love you!

I will be with you in my next life! ! !
——Huang Afa's last writing 2048.5.9
The diary ends here.

The back is blank.

Bai Yu flicked through her fingers, crying silently.

Just as he closed the diary, a yellowed newspaper clipping fell out of the cover.

She bent down to pick it up, and a line of eye-catching headlines came into view:

【Shock: Global warming!Accidents caused by sea level rise keep happening!Silent Island bears the brunt of the victims! 】

Lu News Agency reported:
Silent Island, a well-known tourist island in the southeast of Blue Star, was submerged by seawater for as long as a month.

Nearly five thousand and more than [-] aborigines and tourists on the island survived!

A month later, the sea water finally receded.

A large number of mutated insects plagued the island.

Lu Moushe once again reminded, within ten years, please do not go to the Silent Island!

Date of publication: January 2058, 1.

(End of this chapter)

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