Soon Bai Yu noticed something strange.

Along the way, she never saw half an old man
In her cognition, this is actually unreasonable.

On Blue Star, young people in many villages and small towns have gone out to work.

Those who stay at home are mostly children and the elderly.

There are all kinds of young people and children everywhere.

Unfortunately, there are no elderly people.

Even though it is said that wigs can be made at home and sold for money, it is a bit strange not to see an old man.

In addition, those people ran away when they saw themselves. Could it be that the props and cards used just now,
There are some negative buffs that I don't know about?
Bai Yu quickly clicked on the selfie function of the phone.

The moment she raised her phone, she caught a glimpse of her black hands, and she reacted instantly.

Well, she is now an out-and-out black.whitefeather.person.

Although she doesn't want to bother.

But if this continues, before anyone can be found to ask questions, they all run away.

"Little beauty of mixed race, are you lost?" A thick man's voice came from behind.

Bai Yu turned her head, and the words "Li's No. [-] Tobacco and Alcohol Store in Qingsi Town" appeared in front of her eyes.

Bai Yu narrowed her gaze:
"Lee's No. [-]", this name.
A curly-haired man was standing at the cash register, looking at her curiously.

Seeing that she didn't speak, she waved her hand and said:

The girl's complexion is indeed dark beyond the sky, but her facial features are exquisite, young and beautiful.

Bai Yu recalled his words, and guessed that the setting of this NPC should be someone who has seen some "world".

At least not like others, avoiding her whenever she sees her.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Thinking of this, Bai Yu grinned, revealing two rows of small white teeth on his dark face.

Highlight a contrast.

"Ha, you're not a ghost, I'm afraid what you are doing. Besides, there are absolutely no ghosts in our town during the daytime!"

Bai Yu: "." Means there will be at night?

"The sun is a bit hot today, why don't you come in and buy a bottle of water?" The man looked at her with a simple smile and warmly invited her.

"Well, okay, let me take a look." Bai Yu was talking, and walked into the store.

But instead of going to the soda cooler, she stopped at the glass cigarette counter by the door.

It seems that the business of this tobacco shop is not good.

There is a layer of dust on the casings of all kinds of brands.

The point is that he didn't clean it up, he should be an easy-going person.

Seeing her staring at the cigarette display case, the man looked in disbelief:

"Hey, little girl, don't you see that you still smoke?"

"I don't smoke, but I'll buy it, so let's get this one." Bai Yu's eyes stopped on Hua Zi, and he pointed out grandly.

The man was overjoyed: "That's it!"

Earlier, Bai Yu secretly calculated that when he went back later, the invisibility cloak could not be used yet.

How to persuade the doorman to open the door for her is also a problem.

And at that time, her figure will appear on the monitoring screen.

The player came in from the outside when it was strictly forbidden to go out, which would definitely arouse Li Li's suspicion.

The key point is that the gain buff of the fishing card should be gone.

Without the protection of the props, according to the style of the bob-haired lady, the next person to be blown out of her wits might be her.

Besides, the guard is in the monitoring room, so it may not be necessary for him to help in the later stage.

Of course, it's hard to say whether he will help, but at least it's better not to make trouble like Li Li.

Although Huazi is expensive, its importance is self-evident.

If one pack can't handle it, then come two packs.

If it doesn't work, then come one.

Anyway, she is considered a little money now.

In addition, judging from the enthusiastic attitude of the shopkeeper, I should be able to ask something from his mouth.

Bai Yu knows that most of the time, if you want to take something, you must first give it.

This is a very practical rule of thumb both in the game and in reality...

There are treasures voting for recommendations every day, let’s thank you collectively, hahahaha, thank you for your support and company~ la la la la ()

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