In the crisis survival game, relying on space to win numbness

Chapter 236 [City of Heartlessness] Eyes of Heartlessness

Chapter 236 [City of Heartlessness] Eyes of Heartlessness

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, but quickly withdrew her thoughts.

She secretly took a deep breath, pretended to be calm and said:

"Speak clearly! Where to sacrifice?! To whom?! How to sacrifice?!"

Xiong Biao rolled his Adam's apple, and continued to whisper:
"Sacrifice to the eyes of Wuxin, and every time you sacrifice one-tenth of your heart, you can recover the missing parts of your body. The eyes of Wuxin are located at the towering windmill. The opening words of the sacrificial ceremony are the park Just read the sentence on the billboard at the exit three times silently."

Bai Yu's breath stagnates.

A towering windmill?
On her way to school, she never saw it.

But the point of the problem is not here.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu continued to question: "Everyone can?"

"No, only with the qualifications of guardians. It can be understood that adults can be responsible for their own sacrifices, and they can also be responsible for their own underage children's sacrifices.

If an adult himself or a child loses an arm or a leg, then the adult can sacrifice one-tenth of his heart to recover his body or the child.However, it is not allowed until the child is a minor. "In order to reflect the comprehensiveness and details of what he said, Xiong Biao made a special list this time.

Bai Yu: "."

"Good Xiaoyu, that's all I know! Can you let me go??" Xiong Biao's tone of cowardice was full of sincerity.

The little girl behind him didn't speak, Xiong Biao thought he was going to get away with it, and was about to start talking.

The cold words behind him made him frown again:
"What's the matter with the rebirth of the dead child? It's also the same logic as the sacrifice of the heart to restore the body?"

Xiong Biao: "."

Why is this still not forgiving!

The key point is that my 1.8-meter-high man is being manipulated to death by a ten-year-old girl!He really wants to find a piece of tofu and kill him immediately!

The cold metal touch stuck to his head again.

Xiong Biao flinched, his forehead was already covered with crystal beads of sweat:

"What will happen after my lord sacrifices his heart ten times?"

"Become the living dead walking in the world. Eternal work for the heartless eye"

White Feather: "!!!!"

She took a deep breath: "What else?!"

"I swear, it's really gone!" Xiong Biao felt that his numb legs were about to shake into three strings.

"you sure?!"

Xiong Biao almost burst into tears:

"I'm really sure, little aunt! I'm not human if I miss a single word!"

sister!Let her dance for a while!
When he finds an opportunity later, he must crush her to pieces!

"A scum like you who can only bully the poor and the weak is not worthy of being a human!" Bai Yu said coldly, and he raised his knife and dropped it.

This kind of stubborn devil bastard, if he keeps his dog's life, he will only have long nights and dreams!

The wide-eyed dog's head was full of fear and astonishment, and "Gululu" rolled aside.

Between the broken neck, a splash of bright red splashed on the wall of the community, and a bright red flower bloomed instantly.

The bright red liquid on the ground slowly seeped down along the cement path.

Before Bai Yu could react, the half body that fell to the ground collapsed quickly like a human balloon, leaving only a thin layer of skin.

Soon, his dog's head and paper-thin body disappeared!
The bloodstains on the ground and the walls also disappeared in an instant.

Bai Yu frowned tightly.

Recalling the strange feeling when she drilled through the door invisibly in the psychological consultation room, she clenched the black horn blade tightly in her hand, and stabbed hard at the smooth concrete floor.

 Babies, I have something to do today, only two more. Good night everyone┗(ω)┛

(End of this chapter)

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