house life

Chapter 157 Plan

Shu Santie originally didn't want to tell Gao Xiaorui about this, but he was worried that she wouldn't be able to calm down, so he thought, let her know the truth.

Gao Xiaorui finally looked forward to such good news. The next day, when she talked with Zhou Damei, she was also a little bit happy.

After hearing what Gao Xiaorui said, Zhou Damei was also very happy at the moment, thinking that the one or two year period was actually very fast.

Shu Ling's life gradually changed, but she was happy, or because she was in a good mood, the things she embroidered were favored by the shopkeeper's wife.

Shu Jing looked at the things Shu Ling embroidered, and finally she was able to breathe a sigh of relief. The whole family and sisters are skilled in crafts, and they will not be crooked when they come to Shu Ling.

Sister Shu Yi was also happy, thinking that Shu Ling would always work with them in the shop, she felt even more happy in her heart.

As a result, Shu Jing told them: "She said that there are many things to do in spring, and she has to go up the mountain to do some work."

Sister Shu Yi turned around and said to Zhou Damei: "Ling'er has caught up with her skills now, but she only did what she did a year ago."

Zhou Damei looked at their sisters: "If you are not willing to work in the shop, you can also take the work home if you like."

Shu Yi quickly shook her head. She is getting older now, and she can work in the store for two or three years at most. She cherishes the days of working in the store.

Shu Jing also didn't want to take the work home and do it, she was willing to work in the shop, it was so crowded, and as long as the shopkeeper's business was good, she would always have work to do.

Seeing the reactions of the two daughters, Zhou Damei immediately knew that she was being overwhelmed.

"Ling'er's temperament is different from yours. She is willing to work in the shop this time, but it is also cold, and your sisters are working in the shop again.

In spring, there are a lot of things to do at home, don't look at Ling'er when she goes home, she will not be idle and do things. "

"But the work at hand, if you don't do it for a day, you can't see anything. If you don't do it for a long time, I'm worried that her craftsmanship will go backwards."

Shu Yi is still worried about Shu Ling's embroidery work. The sisters in the shop can get a good marriage because they have a craft that can support their families.

The elders in the family said that they will not marry their sisters into families that need them to support their families in the future, but the marriages of the two older sisters above are all related to their skills.

Zhou Damei looked at her with a smile: "In spring, she doesn't go to work in the shop, and you also help her and take some work back to do."

Shu Yi was relieved a lot, looked at Zhou Damei and said with a smile: "Okay, the shopkeeper aunt likes Ling'er very much, she said that she has a good mouth, and her words are always pleasant to listen to."

"You lady shopkeeper is a fair person, and this child Ling'er told her the truth."

As a child raised by her own family, Zhou Damei still knew the details of Shu Ling, she was born not able to look at people's eyes and work.

Zhou Damei used to think that the Shu Yi sisters were young, so she didn't talk to them about some things.

Now she feels that they are old and should know some things, lest they will fall into the pit dug by others unintentionally because of their pure personality.

Zhou Damei has a heart, and the Shuyi sisters have opened a new chapter in their lives since then. They know that living in a family requires not only the ability to be obedient, but also how to behave and do things.

It was snowing heavily, Zhou Damei stood at the gate of the yard looking into the distance, only to see a piece of whiteness in the distance.

Gao Xiaorui walked to the front yard and saw Zhou Damei standing at the gate of the yard again. She went to stand with Zhou Damei for a while.

Zhou Damei looked at her: "In all these years, I have never felt that the scenery in this town is beautiful.

Now I have the leisure to stand here and look left and right, and I find that the houses in our town are really well repaired, and several yards have been newly repaired in the past two years. "

"Sister-in-law, have you and elder brother planned to renovate the yard at home?"

Zhou Damei nodded: "Your elder brother insists on running a business, just because he wants to build three more yards.

The children grow up day by day, and when they get married and have children, the family will gradually become unable to accommodate them. "

Gao Xiaorui understood what she meant, and she said to Zhou Damei: "Sister-in-law, after elder brother comes back, you can also persuade him, just this time, don't travel far in the future.

The children in the family are growing up day by day, but they will also improve their skills day by day, and they will be able to support the family in the future. "

Zhou Damei smiled and said, "We'll talk about it when your eldest brother comes back, he has always had his own opinions."

In the evening, after Shu Santie came back, he went to talk to the old man and his wife of the Shu family again after hearing that Brother Shu Date hadn't come back.

"I've inquired about the news along the way, and I haven't heard anything bad. Father and mother just need to rest assured. Eldest brother and second elder brother may go home in two days."

The old man of the Shu family was very satisfied with Shu Santie's attitude towards the two elder brothers, and immediately said to him: "I also went to the village chief's house to inquire in the past few days, and he said that he didn't listen to what the officials said."

Yang looked at their father and son: "I think they are coming back soon, I know it in my heart."

After the old master of the Shu family heard what Yang said, he immediately said to Shu Santie: "Go back, as long as your mother says this, I will feel at ease."

After Shu Santie went back, he told Gao Xiaorui what Yang said: "Mother and child are natural, my mother should know it well."

Gao Xiaorui listened to the sound of the wind and snow outside: "With such a big snowstorm, it must be very difficult for people outside."

Brother Shu Datie and the caravan originally planned to come back before the heavy snowfall, but they ended up doing several deals along the way, and on the spur of the moment, they restocked some goods along the way.

This has delayed some days. Now that the distance from home is getting closer and closer, but the wind and snow are getting bigger and bigger, the caravan does not dare to hurry, and can only slow down and wait until the wind and snow are less.

The head of the caravan now likes to talk with Brother Shu Date and Boss Liu, and everyone talks about the time of departure next year.

The head of the caravan said: "This time it was really time to set off, we didn't take care of our heads, we only set off on a hot day.

When he came back, Wei didn't take good care of him, and no matter how hard he rushed, he didn't get home before the heavy snow.

We will set off in the spring next year, and we must go home before the heavy snow. "

Brother Shu Date and Boss Liu earned some money this trip, and they all decided to run a business with the caravan.

Although the current leader of the caravan has not been in this business for a long time, he has a calm temperament and some skills in his hands. When he really encountered something, he never took a step back.

The three of them discussed with the head of the caravan what to do next year, and also talked about what they plan to prepare for next year. With this experience, next year should be smoother than this year.

When the four of them sat together to talk, they became more and more excited as they talked, and felt that a bright future was right in front of them.

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