house life

Chapter 210

When every family has something going on, they like to invite Sister-in-law Zhou Damei to come and sit at home.

Zhou Damei and Gao Xiaorui also understand everyone's feelings, and are willing to go to other people's homes to sit, of course, they have always been bystanders.

The Shu family was originally worried about Shu Yi's marriage. In the past, they were always in trouble of not being able to achieve a high level or a low level, and they could never meet a suitable family.

Now that Shu Xianming has won the exam, Shu Yi's marriage is not difficult. Many people come to inquire about Shu Yi's marriage.

Zhou Damei felt relieved all of a sudden, there were several families she had fancyed before, but she just felt that the conditions of her own family were not good enough, so she didn't dare to think higher.

Now that other families came to inquire about the news, Zhou Damei's mind was moved again. She discussed with Yang and said, "The conditions of their family are much better than ours. Mother, do you think Yi'er deserves to be in such a family?" ?"

"Why don't we deserve it? If we really didn't deserve it, other people wouldn't come to us to tell us the news.

Now let her third uncle spend some time to check the situation in these houses.

Even if Yi'er wants to marry high, she also wants to find a suitable family.

In the future, Ming'er's brothers will still be promising. After Yi'er really gets married, her natal brothers will be promising, and she won't have to bend down to face her husband's family. "

After listening to Yang's words, Zhou Damei thought about it and realized that this was indeed the case. Shu Yi was good at embroidery work, but her natal brothers were not very capable and did not need her husband's family to lend a helping hand at any time.

Shu Yixiang quickly found out what he was looking for. He was the youngest son of a restaurant owner in the city. The matchmaker came over and told him about the situation. The man had studied for several years and was now running business with his father and brother.

Shu Santie didn't want his niece to marry into such a family, but he had seen the young man from a distance and heard that the man was very clean around him, so he no longer objected to his niece's love.

Zhou DaMei wholeheartedly hopes that her daughter can live a life without worries about food and clothing, so she is willing to accompany Shu Yi to the city to see the marriage.

After Shu Yi entered the city, met and listened to someone, she was no longer interested in this marriage.

She said to Zhou Damei: "Mom, he is a good man, but I think he is too good to be suitable for a boring person like me."

Zhou Damei suddenly understood that her daughter did not like this person, so she declined the matchmaker's kindness.

After Shu Ling learned the news, she said to Shu Yi very supportively: "Fourth sister, if you don't like it, you don't like it. My brother said that such a big thing cannot be forced at all."

Shu Yi watched her pursed her lips and laughed. She was envious of Shu Ling's age. In a few years, Shu Xianming would be more promising. Shu Ling had more choices in terms of marriage.

She explained to Shu Ling: "He is actually quite good, but I just can't hear the tone of his voice.

When he looks at people, he is also different from the people in our family. He is not a person of the same way. I don't want to force myself. "

The man's family is willing to marry a woman like Shu Yi into the house, thinking that the marriage is a sure thing.

They soon heard the matchmaker tell the woman's family's opinion, and were a little stunned for a moment. They never thought that the woman's family would refuse, and the reason for the rejection was that the man was too outstanding and the woman felt she was not worthy.

They originally wanted to ask the matchmaker to give them another message, but the matchmaker shook his head. After he arrived, he heard from the young man that Shu Yi's character was too calm.

Looking at the expression of the young man now, he doesn't seem to like Shu Yi very much, so there is no need to work hard on this matter.

Zhu Yun soon heard about Shu Yixiang's visit. She went back to her mother's house and mentioned a relative of Tifu's family with Zhao Yu, thinking that the Shu family could consider the situation of this family.

Zhao Yu looked at the happy expression on Zhu Yun's face, and she rejected it directly. Zhu Yun didn't mind living a hard life with the husband's family, and other people's daughters may not have the same idea as her.

"I understand that you have good intentions. You think that person's life is a bit harder now, but if the family works together, life will be better in the future.

You will live a life of joy while suffering, but Shu Yi may not be used to that kind of life.You should not mention this matter, because if you mention it, you will offend people. "

Zhu Yun thought about Zhao Yu's words, and sighed: "Actually, it's just like what Dad said, as long as you endure the most difficult one or two years, the future will naturally be comfortable."

Zhao Yu sighed, Zhu Yun's life at her husband's house was not so easy when her uncle was studying hard.

When she comes back, she will only report good news but not bad news, but Zhao Yu has heard people mention that Zhu Yun also has to work with his sisters-in-law to do things outside the house, and life is much harder.

After Shu Ling and Liu Hao came down from the mountain, they heard the news that Zhu Yun had returned home. They quickly picked up the wild fruits from the mountain and hurried to Zhu's house.

It's just that when they arrived at Zhu's house, Zhu Yun had already returned to her husband's house.

Zhao Yu declined the gift from Shu Ling and Liu Hao, and said to them with a smile: "Your elder sister Yun's house has a lot of things going on, so this trip is just for a walk around the house.

Next time, when she comes back, I will definitely keep her a little longer so that the three of you can have a good talk. "

Shu Ling and Liu Hao still left some fruits. As they walked home, they both thought that Zhao Yu's attitude towards them was much better.

"Ling'er, what do you think Sister Yun is doing here?"

"It's about the same as what my aunt said, she just went back to her mother's house to have a look."

Zhao Yu was thankful that Zhu Yun had taken a step earlier. She was really worried that Zhu Yun, who was a straight-faced person, would tell Shu Ling and Liu Haotan about the good family she thought was good.

Some people in the town said that the elders of the Zhu family were not good people and would marry a capable person like Zhu Yun to someone else's family to suffer.

Zhao Yu now only hopes that his uncle will be successful soon, so that his family will not become a joke to the people in the town.

Shu Xianming was so promising now, Zhao Yu and Zhu Yun said that when the school was on holiday, they should go home as a couple, which would give their uncle a chance to talk to Shu Xianming.

Zhu Yun also thinks this opportunity is good, but she is worried that the two of them will not meet each other. After all, now that Shu Xianming has won the lottery, he may not come home during the holidays.

Zhao Yu smiled immediately after hearing her words: "You want us to find out when Shu Juren will return home?"

Zhu Yun nodded without blushing: "Mom, if we go home too often, others will criticize us."

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yu said, "Then this matter is not in a hurry, let's take it easy for a while, I will go and see people who have the same idea as our family, and how they arrange it."

Zhu Yun felt relieved, she didn't come here in vain, and she was able to bring back such great news.

Rather than being a matchmaker, Zhu Yun was more concerned about her husband's future.

She now understands better than before that her husband's future is her bright future.

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