house life

Chapter 227

The three treasures are all smart children. After hearing the sincere praise from the third aunt, they went back to learn from Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi was also very happy after hearing this. Finally, he had a sibling who was a governor and knew how good his three treasures were.

At dusk, Shu Ling and his party came back from the shop and saw the three Bao'er waiting at the door from a distance. They all thought it was too strange.

Since Si Bao'er was born, the three babies have circled around Si Bao'er, and their spoken language has become: "My fourth brother and so on."

After the three Bao'er said hello to Shu Jing and Shu Jing, they quickly circled around Shu Ling. The three of them expressed their gratitude and said, "Sister-in-law, we didn't play with our fourth brother. We went out and waited for our little aunt to come home."

Shu Ling looked at the expressions on the faces of the three of them and asked with a smile: "Did Si Baoer sleep well now?"

"He slept so well. He didn't even open his eyes when we went out."

Sanbao happily replied to Shu Ling's words. He now knew that children must be able to eat and sleep in order to grow up quickly.

Dabaoer looked at the excitement on Sanbaoer's face, raised his head and said to Shu Ling: "Little aunt, even if Sibaoer is awake, we want to come and take our aunts home."

Shu Jing and Shu Jing exchanged glances. Their nephews had never treated them so attentively. This time, they had taken advantage of Shu Ling.

They then thought about the virtues of the three treasures who liked to take care of their younger siblings, and they felt that such good days would not be many.

Wang Zhi was a little surprised when she saw the three treasures surrounding Shu Ling entering the courtyard gate.

She thought that the three treasures were reluctant to leave Si Baoer's side during the day, but it turned out that they knew how to go to the courtyard gate to wait for their aunts to return home.

Dabaoer saw the expression on Wang Zhi's face, and a shy look flashed across his face. He was a little ignorant before, but now he understands that in fact, his little aunt also needs the company of the three brothers.

Shu Ling reached out and touched the heads of the three treasures, and said with a smile: "The eldest, second, and third aunts will not compete with their nephews or nieces for favor.

I told you that before, it was my little aunt who made fun of you.

Si Baoer is young now and needs the care of his brothers. You should concentrate on accompanying him from now on. "

Dabaoer looked at Shu Ling and sighed: "Little aunt, Erbaoer and Sanbaoer can concentrate on accompanying Sibaoer, but I am older and can't play with my brothers in the future. I have to concentrate on studying."

Shu Ling looked at the expression on Dabao'er's face, thought for a moment, and then reached out to touch his head: "Dabao'er, what you said makes sense. When you officially enter the school next year, my little aunt can't touch him casually. your head."

The family members think that Dabao'er is still young and don't want him to go to school for the time being.

However, Shu Xianming expressed a different opinion, believing that Dabaoer was the eldest son of the next generation, and his status was destined to lead a life of worry in the future.

At this age, he is already a year or two later than other children from wealthy families in the city.

The old man of the Shu family has made the decision to let Dabaoer attend the school in the town next year.

It's just that Dabao'er's official name still needs to be determined after Shu Dati and his son return home.

The old man of the Shu family asked Shu Xianming for his opinion privately, and Shu Xianming said that he respects the opinions of the elders and elder brothers in the family on such a big matter.

If Dabao'er's name is determined, all the children of his generation will be named according to one word in his name.

Shu Santie agreed with Shu Xianming's opinion. The old man of the Shu family and Shu Datie and his son should make the decision on the important matter of naming the next generation. Their third wife did not have to worry about it.After Wang Zhi heard the news, he felt uneasy and took an opportunity to go back to his parents' home to talk to his grandfather.

After listening to her words, Wang Laotongsheng touched his all-white beard with admiration: "The Shu family has a good family tradition, and you are a good and blessed child.

The fourth son of the Shu family has already been elected. He respects his eldest brother in every aspect and does not waste your husband-in-law's hard work outside. "

"Grandpa, he no longer needs support from home to study. He still has money to send home every month."

Wang Zhi reminded in a low voice that his grandfather must not misunderstand that Shu Xianming still wanted to be supported by his family to study.

Wang Laotongsheng became more and more satisfied. He just thought that his granddaughter's marriage was a good one. He called his son and said, "Your uncle is not at home. You and the children can help my uncle's house collect firewood."

"Grandpa, there is no shortage of firewood at home. When the weather was cold, my third uncle had already asked someone to send two carts of firewood, which can be used until the Chinese New Year."

Wang Laotongsheng looked at his son. As a son, he immediately understood what his father was thinking. He smiled and said, "Father, I understand in my heart."

Wang Zhi also realized at this time that his grandfather wanted the two families to move around more.

She didn't object to her parents' actions at the moment, but said with a blushing face: "Don't rush to send things over in a day or two."

Wang Zhi went to talk to the Queen Mother, who whispered to her: "Your grandfather never made any foolish decisions. Your marriage was the only thing he misunderstood.

He has always felt sorry in his heart. It was not until you married into the Shu family and your life is getting better now that he can feel relieved about this matter. "

Wang Zhi was a little surprised and said: "When my parents were discussing the marriage with that family, did they ask my grandfather for his opinion?"

"Your father asked your grandfather's opinion. Your grandfather said that our family has surpassed that family, but that family's ancestors had a good family tradition."

Wang Zhi heard the Queen Mother mention the old things again, as if he was hearing someone else's story. He smiled and said, "I think these days are the best days."

The Queen Mother thought of some of the things she had heard and was grateful for her daughter's good luck.

"You are so lucky."

Wang Zhi felt at ease after returning to her parents' home and told Zhou Damei some things about her parents' home.

Zhou Damei said with a smile: "The three babies are all grown up now. When you are free, take them back to get closer to your uncle's family."

In her heart, Zhou Damei really doesn't mind the closeness between her grandson and her uncle's family. The brothers of the Wang family and Wang Zhi's generation are all honest people. Although they are not very good at studying, they are all people who are willing to live a down-to-earth life.

Yang also feels that only the younger generation can get along as close as brothers if relatives often come and go.

The Wang brothers brought firewood to the Shu family, and the old man of the Shu family happily collected the things.

The Yang family also arranged for Zhou Damei to prepare a return gift, and both families put their efforts into it, so the two families became closer in the eyes of the people in the town.

The old lady of the Liu family asked the Yang family for information: "The Wang family is now close to your family?"

Yang said with a smile: "Originally, we were the uncle's family of the three treasures, and they have always been close to each other."

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