house life

Chapter 251

The people in Liu Laoer's room, this time, really didn't let the people in town see his jokes quickly.

The old man of the Liu family settled in Liu Lao Er's house safely. For several days, the spring breeze proudly spread the word about Liu Lao Er's filial piety in the town.

When he met the old man of the Shu family, he said very proudly: "Old man Shu, I said that there are no unfilial sons in my family. Has it been proved now?"

The old man of the Shu family looked at his face with some worry and reminded: "Have you not slept well these days?"

The old man of the Liu family still looked excited and said to him: "I'm happy. My second brother talks to me every night. He still remembers how well his grandparents treated their brothers."

The old man of the Shu family looked at him: "You have finally waited until you want the filial piety of your children and grandchildren, but you also have to mention it to your second son. You are old and he is not young either. If there is any good thing, you can wait. Speak slowly, don’t rush to finish it in these few days.”

"He is anxious. My third child is now anxious to pick me up to stay at his house for a few days. I told the third child that if we take turns, I will stay there."

The old man of the Liu family was full of joy, but the old man of the Shu family thought that he might have been overthinking it.

The second Liu brothers are now grandfathers. Now they are thinking about things and are willing to be filial to the old man of the Liu family and set an example for their children and grandchildren.

When the old man of the Shu family went back, he mentioned to Yang that he had met the old man of the Liu family: "He looked a little ugly, but he was in good spirits. He was in a good mood. He said that after staying at the second brother's house, he would go to the third brother's house. Stay at home.”

"At such an old age, and still going back and forth like this, I really won over Old Man Liu this time."

After hearing what the old man of the Shu family said, Mr. Yang looked at the expression on the old man of the Shu family. There was really no look of envy or admiration in his eyes.

She immediately said with a smile: "Liu Lao'er's family is filial to Old Liu, but they didn't mention the matter of Mrs. Liu?"

After the old man of the Shu family was stunned, he remembered that no one had ever thought about the old lady of the Liu family.

"This is a matter for the Liu family. Let's take a look at it later."

The old man of the Shu family hesitated a little and said that he found it very incredible that Liu Laoer brother would have such a change.

The old lady of the Liu family knew that the old man of the Liu family was living a comfortable life outside, so she said to the old lady Liu: "You don't have to worry now. The second brother and his brothers have grown up now and know how to do some superficial things for the people in the town." look.

Your father-in-law likes this kind of routine. In the past, that woman called him brother twice, which almost made him lose consciousness.

He couldn't see through that woman's hypocrisy, but your grandfathers and grandmothers could see it clearly and told me to look at him more in the future.

This person’s human heart is not there, so what’s the use of watching over him?

Unfortunately, it took me more than half my life to understand this truth.

But your grandparents raised me up, and I gave birth to their brothers, so I am worthy of your trust. "

Mr. Liu nodded repeatedly: "Mom, I understand. When his dad went out, he told me that when something happens and you don't understand, you must ask mom. Mom is the one who knows everything."

The old lady of the Liu family laughed after hearing her words: "You must have your own opinion, don't just listen to the boss's words.

I was just lucky enough to give birth to a filial son like him, and to marry him a solid-minded daughter-in-law like you. "Mother Liu listened to the words of the old lady of the Liu family and laughed: "Mom, my natal sister-in-law said that I am a lucky person to meet a good mother-in-law like you. From the first day I got married, you have been so important to me. I've always been fine. "

Their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law got along very well, and the people in Liu Laoer's family started to make a fuss after the old man of the Liu family left the house.

Liu Lao Er's family looked at the man and asked, "When will the third son pick him up?"

"Why are you so anxious? Let the people in the town see that we are indeed the most filial sons and grandsons of our father."

"Of course I'm anxious. What if he lives comfortably in our house and never leaves?"

Liu Laoer's expression changed. He looked at the woman and asked, "When I get old and have nothing to do, will you also be impatient with me?"

Liu Lao'er's wife suddenly didn't dare to speak, but then she raised her head: "You are old, can I still be young?
Tell me, what other gossip did you hear your father say?Now you actually suspect that I will treat you badly? "

Their eldest grandson's daughter-in-law happened to come over. After stopping to listen to the gossip of their grandparents, they immediately turned around and walked back.

When she insisted on getting married, her parents told her that her grandparents were not kind people and they told her to be more careful in everything she did in the future.

After she got married, she lived a very happy life. She felt that her mother-in-law's family believed too much in the gossip of outsiders. In fact, her grandparents and grandparents were filial people, but they just couldn't get along with them.

When Liu Laosan took the old man of the Liu family to live in his house, Liu Hao's marriage was quickly settled, and the wedding date was also set.

Both families were worried about the long nights and dreams, so they directly sent the wedding notice to the government for registration. There was a high probability that this marriage would not go wrong.

When the old man of the Liu family learned the news, he was immediately furious. He went back to the old lady of the Liu family and yelled at the old lady of the Liu family: "You didn't even inform her parents about such a big thing like Liu Hao. "

The old lady of the Liu family calmly asked the old man of the Liu family to sit down and said to him: "You also know what kind of person I am.

She originally wanted to talk to Hao Hao's parents, but I stopped her. Hao Hao was already in their name as a couple. When it comes to big things, she and I can directly make the decision.

You are so angry today. Did her parents go to you specifically to fan the flames?
Why don't they take into account your poor health now?
Your life is going well now, but you can't get confused by this little thing. "

The old man of the Liu family has not seen such a gentle attitude from the old lady of the Liu family for many years. After hearing what she said, he felt that after all, they were just a couple, and the old lady of the Liu family still hoped for the best for him in her heart.

The old man of the Liu family even went out of the courtyard door, stood outside the door and said to the people in the courtyard: "Their brothers are now filial to take me to stay for a few days, so I will stay for a few days."

They are all my sons, and I also want them to be filial to me for some time.Don't worry, they take good care of me. "

Neighbors heard his voice that was obviously out of breath, and the old man of the Shu family and his wife even came out to take a look at the old man of the Liu family.

The old man of the Liu family looked at the old man of the Shu family somewhat arrogantly and said, "I'm leaving. You can go to my San'er's house to see me."

The old man of the Shu family waved his hand at him: "In this weather, you should rest at home."

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