house life

Chapter 26

The old lady of the Zhu family was gone, and the people in Shuangjing Town lived their little days peacefully after reminiscing for some days.

The grief of the Zhu family naturally lasted longer than that of outsiders, but they still wanted to live on.

After the old lady of the Zhu family left, Zhu Yun was sad for a few days, followed the arrangement of the elders, started to do needlework, and then followed into the kitchen to learn how to do things.

People got busy, and the days passed quickly, and it was winter in a blink of an eye.

Winter is here, and the old banyan tree is quiet.

Holding Shu Ling's hand, Yang sighed when passing the old banyan tree: "It's so quiet, it's cold, no one comes out to talk."

Shu Ling looked up at Yang Shi: "Grandma, I'll talk with you."

"You and I are a child, how much can we talk. Let's go."

"Grandma, I have a lot to say to you." Shu Ling said rather unconvinced.

Usually, their grandparents and grandchildren have a very good relationship, and they have a lot to say together.

Of course, Shu Ling talked a lot. She was full of curiosity about the world and had countless unsolvable questions.

For example, why are the leaves green?Why are they not flowers.

And brothers can go to school to study, why can't sisters go to school to study?

For questions such as these, Yang usually gives her a standard answer: "When you grow up, you will naturally understand."

Yang's most afraid of her granddaughter's questioning, as long as she shows signs of asking questions, Yang will directly press down.

One thing about Shu Ling is particularly good, she is not entangled, and she will give up quickly on questions that cannot be answered.

Shu Santie and Gao Xiaorui were a little worried: "Linger's lack of love is really worrying."

Gao Xiaorui glanced at him: "The Shu family has never had an infatuated person, Ling'er is just right."

Mr. Shu also liked his little granddaughter's temperament. Now that his grandchildren are getting older, they don't like to go out to play with him anymore.

He tried to take Shu Ling out twice, but naturally his wish came true. Shu Ling may be a talkative person, but he is not a troublesome person.

The old man of the Shu family only needs to explain to his little granddaughter that what he is going to do needs her to watch quietly from the sidelines. If she has anything to say, she can only wait for the adults to finish their work before she speaks out.

Shu Ling did watch them play chess quietly from the sidelines, and she clapped her hands happily after the game was over.

The old man who provoked him to play chess with the old man of the Shu family asked with a smile: "Girl Ling, do you understand the chess game between me and your grandfather?"

"Understood. Your old man won, and my grandfather lost this time."

The old man laughed loudly, and said to the old man of the Shu family: "You have someone who succeeds you, who is equally open-minded, but it's a pity that it's a girl."

The old man of the Shu family was upset: "There are three generations of good wives in the family. What's wrong with the girl?"

After looking back and forth between the two of them, Shu Ling asked, "Are you guys arguing too?"

"No. Let's discuss the problem." They answered in unison.

Shu Ling smiled and said: "I won't complain to grandma, you two had a fight."

The old man of the Shu family and Shu Ling were walking home. The old man of the Shu family discussed with Shu Ling: "Ling'er, you don't have to tell your grandmother everything about what you are doing outside with your grandfather, do you understand?"

"Understood. Grandpa and grandma asked me, should I answer honestly?"

The old man of the Shu family only thinks that the child is smart, which is not necessarily a good thing.

"Your grandmother asks you, so naturally you have to answer honestly."

He has never done anything bad outside, so naturally he is not worried about Yang's questioning his little granddaughter.

When their grandparents returned home, Yang took the little granddaughter's hand with great concern: "Ling'er, are you blowing cold wind outside?"

"No, we're in the room, warm."

Immediately, Yang felt relieved, and said with a smile, "Do you want to go out with your grandfather next time?"

"Follow." Shu Ling replied very readily.

Yang asked Shu Ling to talk to Gao Xiaorui, Shu Ling happily ran away

The old man of the Shu family waited for a while, but still did not hear Yang Shi's question, so he could only take the initiative to say to Yang Shi: "Where else can I go with Ling'er, naturally I am looking for someone to play chess."

Yang raised her eyes and looked at him: "You can only find chess friends to play chess now, let Linger follow you and learn chess skills, it's also very good."

The old man of the Shu family had a bitter face: "Even if his brothers haven't learned chess, she won't need it, right?"

"You can teach Linger to read and write, why can't you teach her to play chess?"

"To play chess, you must find a good master. Fortunately, you didn't tell me about my teaching Ling'er to read. Others don't know me, and you don't know my details yet.

How many words can I recognize?Fang'er and his brothers are the ones who really taught her how to read. "

Yang looked at the old man of the Shu family and smiled embarrassingly: "You are late in reminding me, I have already told others."

"Okay, I taught Ling'er to recognize a few words, and you are not wrong."

The weather is cold, and the Yang family will not go out of the yard if there is nothing to do. Even if they are at home, they will sit by the fire under the eaves.

When the old lady of the Liu family brought Liu Niuniu over, she saw Yang Shi warming up by the fire under the eaves, her eyes flashed with envy.

"The children in your family are too filial, and even lit a fire under the eaves just for you."

Listening to what the old lady of the Liu family said, Mrs. Yang smiled and said, "If you're bored inside, you can sit outside.

Your children are equally filial, it's just that the two of you are reluctant to part with charcoal money. "

At this moment, Liu Niuniu asked in a small voice, "Grandmother Shu, where is Linger?"

"Her grandfather took her out to play, and she will come home after a while."

The old lady of the Liu family was surprised when she heard Yang's words: "Grandpa Ling'er would take Ling'er out together?"

This time, Yang really smiled: "You can't think of it. He told me that when he took Linger out to play, I was more shocked than your reaction now.

I have lived for so many years, the loess is buried up to my neck, and I finally saw him take the initiative to take care of the child.

He explained to me that Linger is a worry-free child who can bring him tea and water with him. "

It took a while for the old lady of the Liu family to speak: "Sure enough, it's been a long time. People like Linger's grandfather are willing to take their granddaughter out."

It's no surprise that men take their grandchildren out.

As for men taking their granddaughters out, there are also some, but it is really rare.

Yang smiled and said to the old lady of the Liu family: "I thought he saw other people's grandfather taking his granddaughter out, so he became interested.

That is, once or twice, they let their grandparents go.

As a result, whenever he goes out now, he will ask Linger to go with him.

Sometimes Linger is unwilling to follow, and he will coax Linger to go with him. "

The old lady of the Liu family sighed: "Your life is really good, Grandpa Ling'er is considerate of you."

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