house life

Chapter 276

The latest news in Shuangjing Town is that Uncle Zhu’s family is coming to the town’s school to be his wife, and Zhu Yun’s family is moving back to live in the town’s school.

When Shu Ling and Liu Hao heard the news, they were a little surprised at first, but later they were very happy.

Liu Hao said with a smile on his face: "Sister Yun's family will move here, and life will be easier in the future."

Shu Ling said with a smile: "Fortunately, their family was separated. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient for Sister Yun and the children to follow them."

People in Shuangjing Town also think this is good news.

Most people in Shuangjing Town believe that the old lady of the Liu family made the right decision in Liu Hao's decision to break off the engagement.

A small number of people think that the old lady of the Liu family made this decision too hastily, and that maybe Liu Hao will miss out on a happy marriage.

Liu Hao quickly put her mind at ease. She believed that there would be no smoke without fire, and her grandmother made the best decision for her.

The old man of the Liu family came to the Liu family for this matter, and angrily scolded the old lady of the Liu family: "Much trouble over nothing.

A good marriage was ruined by you like this. "

The old lady of the Liu family looked at the old lady of the Liu family and sneered: "I don't want my granddaughter to marry someone who will obviously have empathy in the future. Is this wrong?"

The old man of the Liu family pointed his finger at the old lady of the Liu family and said, "How do you know that others will empathize in the future?
Can you still see things in this future? "

"Haha, I'm speaking from experience, you know it in your heart."

The old lady of the Liu family was too lazy to pay attention to the old lady of the Liu family, and went directly out of the courtyard door to talk to Yang next door.

"Do you think my decision to break off the engagement was too hasty?"

Yang looked at the old lady of the Liu family and shook her head and said, "I think it's right.

People in our town all heard about it, and someone from their family came to explain it. And as you said, they didn't even think about solving the problem. "

“The two families are neighbors and have always gotten along well.

Haha, the little girl had a crush on her neighbor's brother. At this moment, the man could not change his mind.

But as time goes by, can he be able to remain calm? "

Yang sighed: "I heard people say that the atmosphere in their town is really not good.

It's a good marriage. Now that you've regretted it, don't think too much about it. "

The old lady of the Liu family didn't even mention that the old lady of the Liu family had been here. She quickly became concerned about Shu Ling's affairs.

"The Xu family sent us three engagement dates, and we chose the middle date.

They are both young and there is no rush to set a wedding date for the time being. "

On the day when the exam results were released, Shu Ling and Liu Hao were still busy in the mountains. In the afternoon, they sat under the eaves and blew in the wind, waiting for the good news.

Shu Xianxi was on the boy student examination list, and the Shu family became lively again.

Shu Xianxi came back from the city. After telling Xu Shaozhang's ranking, the Shu family was even more happy.

Shu Xianxi had a worried look on his face. At Xu Shaozhang's current age, he was ranked in the top ten in the Tongsheng Examination. He had a bright future. It was not known whether his marriage to Shu Ling would be settled smoothly.

Shu Ling did not have such a heavy burden. When she heard that Xu Shaozhang was ranked on the list, she sighed: "His step-grandmother has really vicious eyes."

The next day, the Xu family came to report the good news, and then talked about the Xu family's engagement arrangements.Originally, the engagement date sent by the Xu family was two days before the exam at the earliest, after the exam in the middle, and in the hot summer if it was later.

The Shu family followed the general custom and chose the middle days, and met scholars from both families who were on the list. For both families, it was a good thing to add to their happiness.

In the Xu family's old house, Mrs. Xu was so angry that she smashed a tea cup after knowing Xu Shaozhang's ranking on the list.

The old man of the Xu family looked at the broken porcelain pieces on the ground and motioned to the maid standing by to clean them up quickly.

Tears welled up in Yuan's eyes, and she was too strong not to fall down. She looked at the old man of the Xu family and choked with sobs: "Old man, am I not good to their brothers?"

The old man of the Xu family did not even move his eyebrows. In the past, when the Yuan family showed such an appearance in front of him, his heart would always soften five or six points, so naturally he was not happy with his two troubled sons.

But after Xu Daoyou's brothers separated, the old man of the Xu family felt the inconvenience in life, and recalled the happy time of the family when his wife was here.

It's a pity that the children born to the first wife have become increasingly indifferent to him as their father because of the Yuan family.

Except for last year's festival, they didn't come home to visit him.

When the old man of the Xu family lived to this age, he naturally would not do anything to regret, and in his heart, he valued Yuanshi as his stepwife even more.

After all, Yuanshi has always been a strong and good woman. She has suffered many grievances, but in front of him, she still has to stand up and speak good words for his children in front of him.

The old man of the Xu family sighed: "They came to the house, and when you look at them, you feel jealous in your heart.

If they don't come to your home, you will miss these two families more than me, a father.

They are both grandfathers. I am living one day at a time. Let the two of us live well in the remaining days. "

Yuanshi's tears fell and she choked with sobs: "If you leave, I will follow you."

Her eldest daughter-in-law happened to hear her mother-in-law's words outside, and she immediately took two steps back.

If Mrs. Yuan had such a long-lasting love for her man, why didn’t Mrs. Yuan go with her when her father-in-law went?

Instead, she quickly married into the Xu family, then brought her son and daughter over, and directly made her son recognize the old man of the Xu family as his biological father.

The eldest daughter-in-law deliberately stepped a little harder outside to remind the room that someone was coming outside.

When Mrs. Yuan heard the footsteps outside, she quickly wiped the tears on her face and complained to the old man of the Liu family: "This family can't live without me for a moment."

The eldest daughter-in-law stopped outside for a moment. She guessed that the atmosphere in the room was getting tired. She knocked on the door and called: "Father, mother, I want to ask what is for lunch today?"

The maid opened the door and quickly shrank to a corner.

The eldest daughter-in-law came in to greet Mr. and Mrs. Xu, and then listened respectfully to Mrs. Yuan's instructions.

Naturally, Mrs. Yuan ordered two or three dishes that the old man of the Xu family loved to eat, and then said to the eldest daughter-in-law: "Tell your man that Brother Zhang is going to send a gift."

"Yes." The eldest daughter-in-law agreed and quickly withdrew.

When the servant girl closed the door, she also retreated outside the door and waited.

The old man of the Xu family looked at Mr. Yuan: "The second son has a confused temper. He hastily arranged a marriage for Zhang Er, and it is really a waste of your good intentions."

"Oh, don't mention it. It's all because I was too young before, and I was easily jealous of my older sisters, so I couldn't tolerate them in front of you.

I later did a lot of things to make amends, but unfortunately they couldn't understand my intentions. "

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