house life

Chapter 292 No

On a snowy night, in the courtyard with only half of the courtyard wall remaining by the mountain road, the caravan people lit three fires. Everyone gathered around the fires to eat and discuss the arrangements for returning home.

Brother Shu Dati and Boss Liu sat by the fire, took a sip of water from the bamboo cup, and listened to the bragging of the young caravan man.

Boss Liu whispered to Shu Dati, "Can you and Er Tie still travel far next year?"

Shu Datie nodded affirmatively, and Shu Ertie said from the side: "Of course he will come out.

Going with the caravan once a year makes life much easier at home. "

Boss Liu looked at their brothers with some envy: "Your children are up to par. Brother Ming'er can study, so he won't have to do hard labor in the future."

Shu Dati glanced at him: "Your boss is such a good kid, do you need to envy other people's kids?
You see, with the kids following us out, we save a lot of trouble. "

Boss Liu sighed: "When I went out, my father hadn't come home yet.

After I returned home this time, I didn’t know how my father was doing? "

Shu Datie remained silent, while Shu Ertie looked at Boss Liu and shook his head: "Uncle Liu has such a temperament that he can live a good life wherever he goes."

Boss Liu mentioned the affairs of the children at home again and sighed: "We have decided on a good marriage. I wonder if the wedding date has been agreed upon at home."

"Brother Liu, don't think I'm too worried. I think there's something inappropriate about the marriage of a good girl in your family."

Boss Liu looked at Shu Ertie and sighed: "Man, it's not bad. It's just that the ideas of the elders in the family are unacceptable.

But if they live separately, they can also save a lot of trouble.

If that doesn't work, let's go on a long trip together with the good girl's man. "

Shu Datie sighed: "Our family Ling'er's marriage should be settled. If she gets married, it will be really hard to get used to it for a while."

"Brother, we spend most of the year outside. How much impact will Ling Yatou's marriage have on you?

After she gets married, if you really miss her, just ask your third child to summon her to come back and stay for a day or two. "

Shu Ertie looked at Boss Liu: "You don't understand. With so many children in the family, Ling'er is really close to us elders."

"Who's younger generation doesn't get close to their elders?"

"But Ling'er is at home, our house is very lively."

“With so many children in your family, it’s naturally very lively.”

Boss Liu thinks Shu Ling is a lovable child, but the Shu family is too caring about her and treats her too well.

"Your spirit girl often plays with our good girl. After their two families got married, the sound of the two of them shouting in the yard will be missing from now on."

This is the deepest feeling of Boss Liu. After a year or two, he will no longer hear Liu Hao and Shu Ling calling each other across the courtyard wall.

Boss Liu couldn't help but sigh: "We are close to home.

I will be home in a few days, and I feel a little panicked. "

Shu Datie and Shu Ertie stood up quickly. They quickly sat down again and said to Boss Liu, "Are you that kind of panic?"

"It's just an unreasonable panic. I always feel that things won't go smoothly at home."

Brother Shu Dati exchanged glances, and the two of them suddenly felt at ease. They had already walked the most dangerous road, and the further back they went, the less troublesome they would be.

Snowflakes were falling again, and most of the people in the caravan were already sleeping peacefully.

Boss Shu added firewood to the fire and listened to the noise in the distance, only the sound of the mountain wind whistling.Boss Liu stood up and walked around, and soon came back to sit by the fire.

Shu Ertie poured another cup of hot water and held it in his hands. He said to Shu Datie: "After we go home, I want to stay on the edge of the city for a few days."

Shu Datie looked at him: "You'd better rest at home for two more days, and let brother Fang'er go to the city to stay for a few days."

"Brother, what if Xiang'er must travel far away with us next year?"

"Xiang'er's family is not bad-hearted, they will have a second child sooner or later.

No matter what, if she didn't have a second child, I really wouldn't dare take Xiang'er away from home. "

The Shu family could all see Lin Mei's nervousness about their children. Shu Dati didn't want to push people to a dead end, so naturally he would not casually agree to his son's trip.

Shu Ertie said to Shu Datie, "Xie'er, this kid is taking a big exam, and I don't know what the result will be?"

"I heard from the third child that he is not as good at reading as Ming'er, but he is also a person who is willing to study hard.

If it doesn't work this year, come back next year. He has studied for so many years and has a reputation. After he comes out, he can find a job in the government. "

The night was very long, but dawn soon came.

The sky got slightly brighter, and the people in the caravan woke up. After Brother Shu Dati and Boss Liu packed up, they quickly returned to their carriages.

The carriage was driving, and Brother Shu Dati and Boss Liu were already asleep. In their dreams, they were very close to their home.

The snow was heavy, and the caravan was on its way during the day. At night, Brother Shu Datie and Boss Liu kept vigil because the three of them had the best luck. During the vigil, they never ignored the surrounding movements, and they never encountered anything. .

There was heavy snowfall, and on the forked road, Shu Datie and his party separated from the caravan.

Under the old banyan tree in Shuangjing Town, the old man of the Shu family and the old man of the Liu family were walking back and forth talking.

The old man of the Shu family glanced at the road at the entrance of the town from time to time. He estimated that Shu Datie and his party would be going home soon.

The old man of the Liu family and the old man of the Shu family said, "Let me tell you, the second and third children in my family are much more filial than their other brothers."

"Yes." The old man of the Shu family responded casually to the old man of the Liu family. If Liu Lao Er and Liu Lao San wanted to have a good reputation, would they be filial to the old man of the Liu family?

The old man of the Shu family walked away, and the old man of the Liu family chased after him again: "Hey, where am I talking to you?"

"You tell me and I listen."

"You are absent-minded. My little grandson came back and taught me four words. He is very smart.

Uncle Zhu is really quite capable. My grandson said that the lessons he taught were easy to understand. "

"Well, if he wasn't a good master, the mountain chief wouldn't ask him to come back as his master."

The principal of the town's school has always been someone who values ​​people's abilities and moral character.

"The last time I heard someone said that Yun Yatou's father-in-law and mother-in-law were not having a good time, and neither of them ever went back to take a look."

"The older the couple got, the more confused they became. When they separated, they only left a debt for Girl Yun's house. They also didn't give them a yard. They rented the old yard at home and asked the Zhu family to go over and repair it on time every month. Pay rent.

The couple owes so much debt, and it's not the New Year's Eve. It's not like the old people over there are having trouble getting by. Doesn't it cost money to go back? "

The old man of the Liu family often whispered: "The elders did something wrong, but the younger ones can't be unfilial."

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