house life

Chapter 312 Good

Lin Mei still had a tired look on her face, but her eyes were full of smiles as she looked at the child lying beside her.

"Mom, sister-in-law, with him, I don't have to worry about anything." She still spoke her mind to Mother Lin and Sister-in-law Lin.

Lin's mother-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law all understood Lin Mei's thoughts. After Lin Mei gave birth to her son, the Lin family's hearts stabilized.

Shu Ling followed Shu Xian who was holding the chicken soup behind her. At the door of the courtyard, she heard laughter in the room.

She whispered to Shu Xianxiang, "Is this the second sister-in-law laughing?"

Shu Xianxiang shook his head and said, "No, your second sister-in-law has never been one to laugh out loud."

Shu Ling thought about Lin Mei's reserved temperament and said with a smile: "Second brother, Aunt Lin and Sister-in-law Lin are cheerful people. They should be the ones laughing."

In the room, Mother Lin and Sister-in-law Lin looked at each other after seeing Lin Mei laughing loudly.

Sister-in-law Lin smiled and said, "Okay, today is the happiest day."

Shu Xianxiang entered the room with chicken soup. Mother Lin smelled the fragrance and stood up happily to give up her seat in front of the bed.

After Shu Ling said hello to Mother Lin and Sister-in-law Lin, she bent down and looked at Qibao'er, and praised with a smile: "Qibao'er looks so good-looking."

Qibaoer was sleeping soundly, but his eyeliner was very long. Shu Ling felt that this child's eyes must be beautiful.

At this time, Lin Mei thought that someone else was discerning when someone said her child was good. She immediately affirmed: "It was like this when Tuanzi was born. Now Tuanzi looks so good-looking."

"Second sister-in-law, do you want to go to the store to pick up the dumplings now? She must want to see Qibao'er."

Lin Mei was thinking, but Shu Xianxiang shook his head and said, "No, after a while, when I deliver the wedding eggs, I will pick her up and go home early. I will tell her the good news on the way."

Lin Mei looked at Shu Ling and said with a smile: "Ling'er, I will listen to your second brother's arrangement."

Shu Ling looked at her with a smile: "Second sister-in-law, when I came here, my grandmother and aunt asked me to tell you that after finishing the chicken soup, there is still some at home."

Shu Ling quickly exited the room. Mother Lin and Sister-in-law Lin also said goodbye to the couple with Shu Xian on the pretext that they had something to do at home.

Shu Xianxiang came out to see off Mother Lin and Sister-in-law Lin, and persuaded Mother Lin: "You can take care of Mei'er now. We can find our own way."

Shu Xianxiang escorted Lin's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to the door of the courtyard. After seeing them passing by, he turned around and entered the room.

"Mother Tuanzi, I've taken three days off. If you don't want to tell my mother anything, just tell me to do it."

Lin Mei looked at Shu Xianxiang and her eyes suddenly turned red. Shu Xianxiang asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you?"

"Daddy Tuanzi, I'm so happy, we finally have a son.

You see, Qibao'er is growing up well. When I recover, we can have another child. "

Shu Xianxiang wanted to wipe away cold sweat after listening to her words. Lin Mei had just painfully given birth to her son, and she was planning to have another child.

Shu Xianxiang thought about the couple's hard time trying to find a child, but he had no intention of having another child if he could have a child like Qibaoer.

He smiled and said to Lin Mei: "Take good care of your health now, and we will talk about the future."

Lin Cao was so happy that he didn't notice Shu Xianxiang's insincere words.

After she fell asleep, Zhou Damei came over to take a look at the situation, and said to Shu Xianxiang: "You keep watch over their mother and son these two days. In two days, you go to work, and I will take care of their mother and son."

Shu Xianxiang followed Zhou Damei out of the room and whispered to her: "Tuanzi mother said that in a few months, we will have another child." Zhou Damei's eyes were full of joy: "This is a good thing, are you unhappy?"

Zhou Damei said the first half of the sentence, and when he saw Shu Xianxiang's expression was not quite right, he asked him a little unhappily.

"Mom, I'm worried that her body is too exhausted. It's so difficult for her to conceive this child. If it's not easy for the third child, I'm afraid she will feel uncomfortable in her heart."

"Let the child's matter take its course. When you only had Tuanzi, no one in your family ever urged you and your wife.

Now that you have Qibao'er, you and your husband can discuss it among yourselves. If you want to have a baby or not, you have to wait until she has finished her confinement before you talk to her about it. "

"Mom, I know. I want to go on a trip with dad next year."

After Zhou Damei heard what Shu Xianxiang said, she looked at Shu Xianxiang: "You and your wife should discuss this matter first.

She just gave birth to a baby, and now you follow her in everything.There’s no need to worry about next year’s affairs this year. "

Zhou Damei walked away quickly. She was a woman, so she naturally understood what women were thinking.

Shu Xianxiang wanted to go abroad to earn hard-earned money, and Zhou Damei supported it in his heart.

After all, the Shu family will split up one day, and the conditions of the small families in their house cannot differ too much.

Yangshi quietly told Zhou Damei that the old man of the Shu family planned to talk to the Shu Dati brothers about the future separation of the family when they came back.

Zhou Damei naturally didn't want to hear Yang mention the family separation. She got along very well with her two sisters-in-law, and they all helped each other out.

Yang saw the unhappy look on Zhou Damei's face, and she felt very comforted in her heart. She said to Zhou Damei: "When we are alive, we will naturally not be separated."

Zhou Damei looked at Mr. Yang worriedly and said, "Mom, if you and dad are not feeling well, you must tell us. We can ask the doctor to come over and take care of your health."

"Your father and I are in good health. Our ancestors have blessed us. Elderly people always have pains here and there. There is nothing wrong with me and your father."

Zhou Damei knew how her father-in-law and mother-in-law behaved, so she could only quietly go to the town and ask the doctor she knew.

The doctor said to her: "My parents-in-law are good people. If you are really worried, I will find an opportunity to go to your house and sit for a while."

Zhou Damei nodded repeatedly, and told the doctor what time the old man of the Shu family and Mr. Yang were usually at home.

On the day when the doctor came to the house, the old man and his wife of the Shu family sat under the eaves and talked, while Shu Ling sat aside and embroidered.

The doctor said he came in and asked for a glass of water. After Zhou Damei poured hot water for the doctor, he asked the doctor to take a pulse number for Mr. and Mrs. Shu.

The old man of the Shu family and Yang Shi raised their eyes to look at Zhou Damei, and then asked the doctor to check their pulse. Zhou Damei and Shu Ling both looked at the doctor nervously.

When the doctor let go, he said with a smile on his face: "My uncle and my aunt are both in good health. In this weather, as long as they are not cold, frozen or injured, they will definitely live a long life."

When Zhou Damei sent the doctor out, he naturally paid him a hard fee.

She was very worried and asked the doctor: "Are my parents really in good health?"

"That's right. You are filial as sons and daughters-in-law. If the old man lives a comfortable life, he will naturally be in good health."

Zhou Damei returned to the eaves with a smile on her face. The old man of the Shu family looked at her. Yang looked at Zhou Damei and shook his head and said, "I told you, your father and I are in good health."

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