house life

Chapter 334 Getting Married

When Xu Shaozhang and his party listened to the thoughtful questions asked by the Dabaoer brothers, they all secretly laughed. The little kids were still playing tricks at this time.

Out of good intentions, they pretended to think seriously before carefully answering the questions raised by Brother Dabaoer.

After hearing this, the Dabaoer brothers were very excited. They all got satisfactory answers to the questions they didn't understand before.

After they accepted the red envelope, they happily let Xu Shaozhang and his party enter the courtyard gate.

Tuanzi took over the job of guarding the last door for the first time. He was very excited and shouted outside: "Uncle, will you always be good to my sister-in-law?"

"Yes." Xu Shaozhang replied in a loud voice. Tuanzi screamed in the room: "Sister-in-law, my uncle will always be good to you."

Shu Yu didn't even look at Tuanzi. She said directly to Tuanzi: "Tuanzi, it's getting late. Let me ask two questions."

Brother Dabaoer heard Tuanzi's question outside and shouted loudly: "Tuanzi, ask my uncle if he will bring his sister-in-law back to see us more often in the future."

When Tuanzi was about to speak, Shu Can quickly stopped her: "Duanzi, I'll ask this question later, and you can ask other questions."

Tuanzi looked at the adults in the room and asked, "What question should I ask?"

People outside the door had already stuffed small red envelopes into the room, and Tuanzi moved the bench to pick up the red envelopes.

She raised her head and shouted outside: "Uncle, you and my sister-in-law will have little cousins ​​in the future. My uncle will also be good to my sister-in-law. If you agree, I will open the door."

"Yes, I will." Xu Shaozhang's face turned red, and his companions also shouted loudly.

The door opened and everyone made room in front of Shu Ling. Xu Shaozhang blushed and almost said to Shu Ling, "I'm here to pick you up."

Xiniang brought a red ribbon and gave one end to Xu Shaozhang and the other to Shu Ling. They both reached out and took the red ribbon.

At this time, the matchmakers from the two families also came to the yard, and they all felt that the Xi Niang invited by the Shu family was quite clever.

Xiniang acted according to the rules, Xu Shaozhang pulled the red ribbon, Shu Ling stood up, and they walked out of the room and then out of the courtyard one after another.

In the main hall of the front yard, the two of them paid homage to the elders of the Shu family, and then Shu Ling arranged to sit in a small room on one side of the hall.

The reception lunch at the woman's family was naturally well prepared, but after everyone had eaten, they had to rush into the city to hold the wedding at the Xu family.

Two matchmakers were already standing at the gate of the courtyard, arranging the delivery of the dowry.

It was very lively outside the Shu family's courtyard. Everyone came to see the dowry prepared by the Shu family for Shu Ling.

Naturally, Sister Shu Yu also stood aside and watched, carrying out the dowry one after another. Sister Shu Yu counted them and found that their parents' family treated them equally.

They felt comfortable in their hearts, but they felt a little sorry for Shu Ling. After all, the living conditions of her parents' family were much better now. Even if the elders prepared more dowry for Shu Ling, it was actually appropriate.

When Gao Xiaorui came out to greet the guests, she took a look at Shu Yu's sisters' expressions. After seeing their reactions, she felt comfortable.

Shu Santie and Gao Xiaorui repeatedly confessed that Shu Ling's dowry must not exceed the dowry of her previous sisters.

After lunch, the matchmaker of the groom's family discussed with Brother Shu Dati that they could set off to the city.

The sound of gongs and drums rang again, Shu Xianming entered the room and carried Shu Ling on his back. The brother and sister stepped out of the threshold and heard the sound of splashing water from behind.

Shu Xianming sent Shu Ling to the sedan chair and said to her: "Ling'er, you will always be my dearest sister."

Shu Ling nodded. Xiniang came over at this time, stuffed an apple into Shu Ling's hand, and whispered: "Hold the fruit, stay safe."

Shu Ling had to hold the fruit and the sedan chair was lifted. Shu Ling heard Xu Shaozhang's voice from the window.

"Ling'er, I'm riding in front, and the people carrying the sedan are all very experienced people." Shu Ling responded softly, and Xu Shaozhang rode in front with peace of mind.

On the way, the gongs and drums never stopped, and Shu Ling could only look down at the place under her feet, feeling that the sedan chair was already walking near the old banyan tree.

Xi Niang and Shu Ling mentioned that they would rush to the city at Shen Shi, and three quarters after Shen Shi, they would get married in the groom's courtyard.

The people who were welcoming the bride from the Xu family were already waiting at the city gate. When they saw the bride-to-be from a distance, they quickly arranged for someone to go home to report the news.

When the sedan chair entered the city gate, some officers and soldiers opened the curtain and looked inside. Shu Ling closed her eyes slightly.

The sedan continued to move forward, and the sound of gongs and drums stopped temporarily. Then Shu Ling heard someone outside saying, "Today is a good day. I have seen several queues to pick up the bride."

After the sedan made several turns, it finally stopped at the entrance of a courtyard.

Xu Shaozhang dismounted and walked to the sedan chair with great spirits. He reached out to open the door and window and was about to reach out to help Shu Ling get off the sedan chair.

A woman from the Xu family quickly came forward and said, "Brother Zhang, you need to kick the sedan door."

Xu Shaozhang could only kick the sedan door, and then reached out to help Shu Ling get out of the sedan.

"The bride is here, everyone comes to see the bride."

Among the children's screams and the noise around them, only Xu Shaozhang's hand held Shu Ling's hand firmly.

When Shu Lingmai was setting up the fire, he took advantage of the situation to lift Shu Ling up. When Shu Lingmai was approaching the threshold, he whispered to the side: "The threshold of the front entrance of the house has always been relatively high."

The young people in the Xu family followed them and naturally heard Xu Shaozhang's words. They looked at each other and could feel the importance Xu Shaozhang attached to Shu Ling.

Shu Ling, who was originally nervous, relaxed after hearing Xu Shaozhang's words.

Xiniang brought a red silk ribbon over, Xu Shaozhang let go of Shu Ling's hand, and the two of them took the red silk ribbon.

Xi Niang followed Shu Ling and whispered to her about the next arrangement.

In the main hall of the Xu family, Xu Daoyuan and his wife were already sitting upright, Xu Daoyou and his wife were on the right side, and the Xu family patriarch and his wife were sitting on the left.

Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling entered the main hall, and the Xu family placed two straw mats in front of Xu Daoyuan's seat.

The person in charge had already shouted loudly: "Bow down to heaven and earth."

Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling turned around to face the entrance of the main hall, and they bowed deeply at the same time.

"Second respect to my parents."

Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling turned around and knelt on the straw mat at the same time to worship Xu Daoyuan.

"Three, husband and wife bow to each other."

Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling stood up and saluted each other at the same time.

"Licheng, send it to the bridal chamber."

Xu Shaozhang held the red silk belt and led the way, Shu Ling followed behind him, and Xiniang protected Shu Ling.

The children of the Xu family gathered around them and said congratulatory words.

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